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Crystal Questions


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I've never tried it. Never even seen it.

What form does it come in? How do you do it? What does it feel like? How long does it last? etc etc etc

I've done just about everything else you'd ever wanna do.

I'm not saying that to brag, I'm saying it so you if you compare it to something else, don't worry, I'll know what you're talking about.

Seems like a lot of people are talking about it lately.


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Crystal is a very powerful drug. It comes as powder, it is usually sniffed but can be smoked or injected. A tiny bit goes a long way. I don't think it's really a high, it's more like it makes things "clear" and you're awake- for hours... and hours... Hard to say just how long, it depends on how much you do. Some people stay up for days on it- tweakers! Not a good thing.

Like coke it can make you paranoid, and if you do enough you can hallucinate big time. I saw one girl who'd been on it for days stumbling around and talking to herself; her friends were trying to get her to take a Valium but she wouldn't take it.

If you ever decide to try it I suggest doing it with someone who has experience and knows how much you should take.

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Thanks Tasty,

I'm not planning on trying it. I was just curious. Seemed like a lot of people had been talking about it lately.

Personally, there's nothing I find more aggravating then wanting to fall asleep and not being able to...

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Oh I know- I've only done it a handful of times, and it can definitely come in handy. But I'll never understand the people who do it to stay up for days. I don't get it! What's wrong with these people that they don't like sleep! There's definitely something wrong with that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok hunny, im gonna be candid here. beware of that bitch. i mean it. gay people call it tina, and its much more popular among gay men than the population at large.

she's incredibly complicated, that i can say for sure. i dont even know which parts to describe. if you cant tell, im coming off of a bit of an addiction problem with it. yeah, first off its incredibly addictive. i still lie awake at night thinking about crushing those little crystals and the burn in my nose.

first off, it keeps you awake...for days. this summer i generally started tweaking after work fridays or later that night and didnt go to bed until sunday nights after body and soul. that was when i was good. when it got out of control, id go to limelight or afterparties and go to work cracked the fuck out (thank god for cubicles) or not go at all.

at first everything is awesome. tina enhances everything you love about yourself and your life. you understand the music so much better, can dance fiercely and for hours non-stop (yes, tina has enabled the marathon set, duh!). then you start getting scattered...you cant comprehend what people are saying to you and you start mumbling. youre so enthralled by your own thoughts (this is especially true for intelligent people) that you DO sometimes talk to yourself...it feels natural. on the plus side, you feel totally at ease with yourself and who you are. suddenly everything makes sense, and you can communicate this to the people around you as well as feel very real empathy for them. communication is AMAZING...

as time goes on, you just lose control of yourself. you stay up for longer and longer periods of time. you lose so much weight; your cheeks get sunken in. (unless youre pigging out during non-tweeked times.) your entire grounding in life slips away from you. suddenly you realize youve been a different person every weekend and each time you thought that was the real you. you dont know who you are anymore. listen to the lyrics of the song, keep control...its all about crystal meth addiction: "try to walk back where i ran" references to finding yourself again, sleepless days and nights, etc.

perhaps the worst part, and gay men around the world agree, is the sex part. i shudder just to think about it. as crystal took over, i lost the ability to really hear music at clubs anymore. i got nervous and paranoid about my dancing, something that is VERY NOT ME... then all that was left for me to do was cruise for sex. now, i should note, that tina makes sex really really amazing, so this is slightly appropriate, but unfortunately you only think obsessively about sex (or this was true for me, at least) on like the end of the second or third day, when your ability to communicate like a normal human being has been depleted. so youre reduced to pure ID, in the freudian sense, turned into an animal. but not a normal animal: cuz their concerns are food, sex, shelter, sleep. you dont eat or sleep anymore, so you just want to fuck a lot. preferably indoors, unless your kinky side comes out (which it DOES). oh yeah, and you become a heartless bitch in this sense...youre scrounging for sex with whomever and have no real desire for a relationship or emotional connection (which you do end up having most often with your partners, especially if youre both tweeked).

omg, i could go ON AND ON! there's the LIES... how people start lying without even realizing it. SO COMPLICATED. and yet, even as ive just written this horrible anti-tina tirade, i know i love her. i know i cant wait until that next time i do it. but for now, its nope. ill go dance my ass off to junior sunday on caffeine pills and have a fuckin awesome time.

there is NO DRUG AS COMPLICATED AS CRYSTAL. any tweaker or former tweaker can attest to this fact.

junior vasquez, famously a former tweaker himself (inventor of the marathon set, after all), had this message, which i believe to be about crystal (as its often called miss thang, among other more subtle reasons), in a 1989 track:

"took my love away/baby dont be that way/go on, girl/DONT TRY MISS THANG/ah, temptation!"

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Crazy review.. It's paints a disturbing yet interesting picture.

A few years ago I was doing the club thing every Fri and Sat night and doing more than my share substances while out. There were a couple of times I'd go weekends w/o sleep and I looked/felt horrible. Crazy black rings under my eyes and by the time Sun afternoon came my body was just shot.

Now I go once in a while and go sober. I'll have a few drinks and a yellow jacket or two and thats it.

Every now and again I do get the urge to buckle the chin strap and and really go out and tear it up but 9 times out of 10 don't.

I never tried Crystal, but was always curious. I'm all about trying anything (well just about) once.

I wonder why it's so big amoung gays?

BTW: I can't get Keep Control out of my head now - lol. I've been whistling it all morning........

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Oh boy I can relate to that .....pix >> a good friend of mine was one of the biggest dealers of tina in NYC.. for what I can remember his life became so complicated and full weird tricks that would show up at his apt... he became sloppy and careless that his business went down and so did he.. doing time in federal prison now.. I'm hoping he gain some weight and comes out a different person for his own good.

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yeah miss thang will do that to you, if you dont keep control of it...i didnt mean for that to be a cheesy reference. its just that "control" is one of the major themes of anyone's relationship with her. im at the end of a one-month hiatus and cant wait to do it again this weekend. i just hope that in four weeks from now im not a sketched out wreck again; that seems to be the nature of the beast.

why so popular among gay people? i cant fully answer that, but ill try, and ill definitely give it a lot of thought in coming days/weeks. its an interesting phenomenon. for one, we're kind of free spirits by definition. to come out one must be willing to discard a lot of cultural bullshit and come into one's own as an individual (then you get sucked into the culture, but thats another story). moreover, we love to carry on in general. long before i did tina i knew plenty of people who would stay up for a couple days or more naturally or with just coffee...so doing it on tina isnt such a huge lifestyle leap. next, you have the fact that it makes sex really good...we're all kind of sexually-ruled people to some extent, at least in that we let sexual preferences become a large part of our identities. this isnt true for everyone, of course, but it is more true for club boys. finally, you have the fact that tina makes you face up to issues in your life, which we are a bit more used to doing. not all of us, and there are plenty of str8 people who are better at it, but i think for most, coming out was one of the biggest issues to deal with in life--like HUGE LIFE CHANGING ISSUES--so we often get off on facing the smaller ones.

these are generalizations, of course, and they definitely come out of my personal experience and that of my close friends. i dunno...

other tina themes:

EGO vs. ID (in the freudian sense)

truth, honesty, and lies


"moderation in all things, including moderation" (from the lintel at delphi, temple of both apollo and dionysus--think about THAT one!)

internal vs. external as far as your attitude, vibe, thoughts, etc goes

grounding and detachment

insanity (personal, associative, and cultural)


shadiness, hypersensitivy, over-compensation for such issues, etc etc


these came out of my notebooks, which i kept during the last four weeks i was tweeking about...

anyone have any reacitons, especially other tweekers?

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