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Am I the only one...


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who wonders if they are ever going to find that special someone?? Being 25 and single for a while, I often wonder if i am ever going to find someone to spend the rest of my life with. I guess as you get older, you are more sure of what you want and therefore, more picky? I feel like why should I waste my time on something that I dont think is going to go anywhere. Am I the only one who thinks this way??

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no, you're not the only one. i'm so picky, i was single for like 2 years (age 20-22) before i finally found someone 'worthy'. i thought id never see the day.....i dont think you have to be old to be picky, you just want what you want...nothing wrong with that. becuase i waited, im so much happier too, cant waste time with bullshit....

try not to think about it..........the good ones come when you least expect it :D

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Totally agree with you lollib. 25 too and recently starting seeing someone a little younger. Really care about her and don't want to end it, but have to realize that she's in no way ready to settle down. Do I put my life on hold for awhile hoping she's the one or set out to find that someone that's at the same point in life as me?

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Originally posted by evolution08

Totally agree with you lollib. 25 too and recently starting seeing someone a little younger. Really care about her and don't want to end it, but have to realize that she's in no way ready to settle down. Do I put my life on hold for awhile hoping she's the one or set out to find that someone that's at the same point in life as me?

Well, at least you found someone that you care about. I cant even find that. I guess I just think about it too much although sometimes it is hard not to. I say, stay with her for a little bit and take it from there. You never know!!! My friend met her boyfriend when she was 21, he was 25 and they are still together (4 years later) and probably getting engaged soon!

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Originally posted by sum12nv

.....i dont think you have to be old to be picky, you just want what you want...nothing wrong with that. becuase i waited, im so much happier too, cant waste time with bullshit....

try not to think about it..........the good ones come when you least expect it :D

I agree with sum21nv.....I don't think it's so much of being picky, more you know what you want, and there is no point of settling, because it's not going to make you happy. I think you always find the good ones when you are least expecting them:)

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I totally understand you guys. I'm 27 and I hadn't been in a real serious relationship for quite some time. The periods that I would be with someone were getting shorter and shorter (last "relationship" lasted 3 months) as I think the older you get the more you know what it is you are looking for and the more you are unwilling to "waste" time with someone that just doesn't fit. My dad would always complaint that I'm giving up too easily and don't try hard enough to work it out, but I would always argue that I'm better off alone than making a compromise just to be with someone (it just wasn't that important to me and I didn't need a guy's attention to be content and happy with myself). Still, I always wondered if I would ever find that special someone and at points I was actually pretty convinced that it just wouldn't happen to me. Anyway, out of nowhere Mr. Right walked into my apartment (literally) and after only a month of knowing eachother and maybe 2 weeks of being together...we both felt that enormous strong bond between us. It just feels right and we both are pretty certain that we are the "ones" for eachother and that we want to get old with eachother and all that :)

So, everyone out there should never lose hope as at some point the right person will come along and you will know it immediately (it's so funny cause I never believed in that romantic movie/story bs...but it's so true and it can happy to anyone).

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Originally posted by lollib

who wonders if they are ever going to find that special someone?? Being 25 and single for a while, I often wonder if i am ever going to find someone to spend the rest of my life with. I guess as you get older, you are more sure of what you want and therefore, more picky? I feel like why should I waste my time on something that I dont think is going to go anywhere. Am I the only one who thinks this way??

i totally agree with you. I am 22, however im going on 30, and feel exactly the same way.. .why sit in a relationship thats not going anywhere? whats the point? and now a days i guess the reason why im single is that i ve become so picky, which i can now attribute that to me knowing what i want and i wont settle... so i guess you and i are in the same boat. along with most of the people here.

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I agree completely. My dating history has consisted of two long-terms (2 1/2 yrs and 3 1/2 yrs), a couple relationships that lasted 2-3 months, and then a bunch of people I dated maybe two or three times. I know very early on whether I'm going to like someone or not. And if not, why bother? It's not about giving up too easily, or not getting to know someone- you either click or you don't. Even if you're not looking for something serious, there's no point in staying with someone you don't really like!

Settling is not the answer- I'd rather be alone than with someone who doesn't fulfill me.

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Originally posted by tastyt

Settling is not the answer- I'd rather be alone than with someone who doesn't fulfill me.

I totally agree with that. I always say too. I would rather be happy and alone then be with someone just for the sake of being with someone. I will never understand people who say they need to have a boyfriend/girlfriend. If that is the case, they must be a pretty miserable person.

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I think you are making a mistake if you get out of relationships just because you don't think they will lead to marriage or just because you don't think it will really go anywhere. If you are enjoying yourself then that is not wasting time. Relationships need to be judged by how they make you feel irregardless of whether you think they will lead to marriage or not. Once the relationship starts feeling bad that is when you address why and either fix it or end it. Along the road you build with the right one and THEN you get married. But we are all young, you just need to enjoy the time you spend with these special people. Once you are no longer enjoying that time...move on. Or at least, that's my opinion.

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that with age you become more picky....

Think about the people that you dated in highschool, would you date them now???? I sure as hell wouldn't.

Even in college?????

I dated someone for 5 years and we were total opposites, sometimes I wish I would have ended it sooner, cause I think that I wasted my time. But then again who knows....

This is the hardest time of your life 20's cause your figuring out what you want to do with your life, carrer and everything else.

Then you also have to worry about relationships too. Also look at some of the places you may hang. Are people there the kind that would be boyfriend/girlfriend material.??? I doubt it. But like someone said when you least expect it, it'll come to you!!!!!;)

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