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LOVE IS A FALSE HUMAN EMOTION (Mugz wakes up!) What do u think?


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Seams to me that when it starts getting cold everyone tries and settle down with someone. It's like genetic..humans tend to go with some subliminal flow about reproducing around this time of year. So many people hooking up will say to each other while lying in bed, "I think I love you."It's so primal and instinctive, yet it kind of makes you wonder...

Having gotten out of a five year INTENSE relationship that fell flat I have become somewhat pessimistic on the concept of "love". Sure there are certain things one can "fall in love with" about a person..One can love family, love your dog Love an object...but do you really BELIEVE IN "ROMANTIC"LOVE?

Perhaps Love in a relationship is just our petty, needy, greedy human way of coping with solitude. Perhaps it's selfish and leachy and all in all a false emotion. I have come to believe that humans really do not LOVE, but THINK they love. That is to say that we go with an attraction and psychologically blow it up to our interpretation of what "love" truly is. In the end we always look for more..(*if even subconsciously). We fall victim to the wandering eye, the lust for an OTHER and the animal instincts of sex. Perhaps LOVE is our stubborn ideologies that try and separate our true nature as animals with romantic ideas of "what should be". And if you share this view then perhaps the concept of Marriage is also a false prison. How many marriages fall short every year and end in divorce.

No! I proclaim LOVE as a false emotion dreamt up by our need to be needed .

A petty human invention which can only lead to pain.

Love and lost ARE the same side of the coin.

NOTHING lasts for ever..

and when you wake up from that spell which we humans call "LOVE" all you are left with is an empty dream and shattered hopes.

I say LOVE does not exist. WHAT DO YOU THINK?


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Love amongst everything else in life is relative to everything else. I don't think when Einstein said this did people fully grasp what this meant. He said everything in life is relative to everything else.

For example, as a child your biggest problem was getting that last cookie, and that made you soooo upset, you know, like little kids cry over that stuff, now that you are older and i guess a bit wiser, look at what makes you cry now. It just proves that what once makde your life crumble seems so miniscule now.

Just like love, It all depends on who you are with, how it started, what the relationship is based on, and everything else. You could be in what you believe is the best relationship of your life. Then for whatever reason it ends. Then you look at the relationship from an outside point of view, and realize that there were alot of things that weren't right in it, but you chose not to see it becuase you would rather be happy then sad, it's human nature.

So basically, what it comes down to, is that I cannot say I don't believe in love, I think people can fall in love, but it has to be on some level, that is beyond my wildest dreams, Love to me would be like being able to look at my relationship from an outside point of view, and still be happy with it. Which is not easy....

Sorry this is so long...


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Love is not a feeling. Its a state of mind that we enter. Just like Fear. It is caused by an external source. Meaning, it is not something that originates from your heart.

Love consists of many things. It is a combination of thousands of ideas and views. If you have a certain appeal to a something, consciously or subconsciously, for example you for some reason love Orange balls and you dont know why (prolly cause when u were a baby ur parents gave you one to play with and u loved it), then you might for some odd reason LOVE basketball.

Now thats just a rough example so dont go all nuts on it.

In terms of people, its the same way. If for some reason, you love it when girls pop their gum constantly (subconsciously, only because your first loved used to do it), then you might meet this girl who pops her gum, and for that reason alone you might LOVE her.

Alot of times, when the reason you fell in love with someone for disappears so does the love. Like one day ur girl or guy might get a haircut, and thats it, you cant stand him anymore, and u dont even know why.

I bet if you look at every person that your in love with, they have something in common with every other person you loved.

The best reason for falling in love with someone, is something permanent. Not their abs, or their beautiful teeth, something like how they make you laugh, and how respectful they are, or how you have so many things in common.

Thats love.

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Originally posted by scottyskribz57

Love amongst everything else in life is relative to everything else. I don't think when Einstein said this did people fully grasp what this meant. He said everything in life is relative to everything else.

For example, as a child your biggest problem was getting that last cookie, and that made you soooo upset, you know, like little kids cry over that stuff, now that you are older and i guess a bit wiser, look at what makes you cry now. It just proves that what once makde your life crumble seems so miniscule now.

Just like love, It all depends on who you are with, how it started, what the relationship is based on, and everything else. You could be in what you believe is the best relationship of your life. Then for whatever reason it ends. Then you look at the relationship from an outside point of view, and realize that there were alot of things that weren't right in it, but you chose not to see it becuase you would rather be happy then sad, it's human nature.

So basically, what it comes down to, is that I cannot say I don't believe in love, I think people can fall in love, but it has to be on some level, that is beyond my wildest dreams, Love to me would be like being able to look at my relationship from an outside point of view, and still be happy with it. Which is not easy....

Sorry this is so long...


Very well put man!

Shades of Love...

shades of sorrow..

shades of happiness...

But I still think that when one thinks they fell "IN LOVE"

they are actually deluting oneself!

Crude emotion?

Not really..

One may Think it as the best feeling in the world while in the after glow..

The "Houney moon" period.

But is Love an ILLUSION..?


I'll never allow myself to walk down that dead end road EVER AGAIN!

*live and learn

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Love is a real complicated thing.

There is no real "definition" for love, but it has to be THE strongest human emotion in existence.

But love is not simply sexual, nor mental...it is blind.

I mean that it pervades all parts of life. The attack on Sept. 11 was driven by love (even though it was fanatical)

Love is not a term to say loosely. I've been with my girl for a year now, and we made the mature decision not to have sex until we're married. It wasn't easy, but hey, that's something to look forward to in the future.

I do think that pre-marital sex (even casual sex) is what makes all these divorces keep happening. Once someone has had sex, you keep wanting more and more, like a drug. Restraint is something i think a lot of people are missing.

Love is not just attachment, but letting the other "breath"

you gotta give and take, and make the relationship work, keep the significant other wonder "wow, she's going out with her friends, but i'm confident that nothing will happen"

TRUST + Attraction (mentally/physically) + that special invisible "something" = LOVE

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Okay this is what I have to say on the topic....I can def. relate since I myself got out of a 51/2 year relationship about 8 months ago...It did not end pretty.

I feel the same way about love sometimes...and I as well told myself that I would never allow this again...too much to deal with...however no matter what you do you will always have emotions that you can not control...you can call it whatever you want! Some call it Love, some lust, others a crush. Whatever you choose to define it as is your own decision.

When looking at my past relationship from an outside view I realized that nothing about it was good...I questioned my judgement and what I was really feeling or doing...while submerged in it I couldn't see what was happening to me...

I too would love to have a relationship that I can look at from every direction and be completly satisfied....but lets face it...nothing and no one is perfect until you love them...then they become perfect to you....

The keys is to not take for granted what you have....I think if more couples really thought everyday about loosing each other or never knowing what might happen...people would take there time together and cherish it...do for each other...treat each day like your first date and never fall into a pattern.

I also think the most important thing is a friendship....and knowing that the person you are with makes you in someway a better person as a whole. Someone who encourages you to do whatever it is in your heart to do....

I told myself that I would never let someone get in again...that love and caring end up with nothing but hurt and pain..however I have chosen to ignore my warnings and to try and love...I do not want to hold a wall up and pass by an oppurtunity that one day i may regret...so i cared agin..and again I was hurt..but I know that no matter what I will not be jaded and will never let anyone take away from me something that I am diserved...

Just ask yourself if the only reason you feel like this is because your past relationship failed? Or did you always feel like this??

Don't let one wrong person who entered your life turn you away from the many more to come who will show you how really great it is to Love......

We will get it right one day.......sorry it is so long....



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Originally posted by lovesky

Just ask yourself if the only reason you feel like this is because your past relationship failed? Or did you always feel like this??

Don't let one wrong person who entered your life turn you away from the many more to come who will show you how really great it is to Love......

We will get it right one day.......sorry it is so long....



To answer this I think I might need to quote a certain Mr. Andre' Moaurois;

"We owe the Middle Ages the two worst inventions of humanity-

romantic love and gunpowder."

(To answer your question; These days I tend to think GUN POWDER superior...)

But if it takes falling down and breaking your leg to KNOW NOT to walk on the same jagged sidewalk ever again then

falling down is a gift!

It only took ONE to wake me up.

(To welcome "many more" would certainly be my investing in a body cast and a wheel chair)

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Are you and any girl who may find you to be a great person supposed to endlessly never know what it feels to care about you because someone hurt you.

I went through hell and back with my realationship and no where in there do I even think for a moment that the guy I was with ever even cared...However to never let anyone in again will just keep reminding me what he took away from me.....I will not let him win....I will remain strong and battel anything that comes my way...bad or good..that is how we grow.....

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Originally posted by lovesky

Are you and any girl who may find you to be a great person supposed to endlessly never know what it feels to care about you because someone hurt you.

I went through hell and back with my realationship and no where in there do I even think for a moment that the guy I was with ever even cared...However to never let anyone in again will just keep reminding me what he took away from me.....I will not let him win....I will remain strong and battel anything that comes my way...bad or good..that is how we grow.....

Such a romantic..

I wish I thought like you..

I really do!

Unfortunately I subscribe to the idea that we grow through making MISTAKES!

If you enjoy falling on the floor over and over then be it so..

I'm aiming my life and "friendships' elsewhere from now on.

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A romantic I am and I know my heart will be torn because of it...but what are you gonna do....

Hey I have no intentions of trying to tell you what to do or how to feel...I am just opening up my suggestion for other oppurtunities....And by the way I don't think you would want to think like me...I think I am in a fantasy land half the time with what I beleive in!!!

By the way Scotty, I am so bummed I missed you at my house the other night :(.....The one night you come over and I not there. BOO HOO. Another time then...you have my # if you want to talk shoes give me a ring a ding ding! hehehe...J/K

Love ya


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Guest tilly

I think that everyone is going on their last/past to define how they feel about the subject. I can sit here and say that I don't subscribe to this love thing because of situations that I've gone through and am going through currently. The main part about love that hurt me is that I realized that I didn't really love the person. I tricked myself into thinking that I did and in part so did he...based on some things that were mentioned by you guys....I wanted him to be IT..I needed to fullfill something about my life that wasn't being filled, on, and on. My ex has this illusion that if you click, have things in common, feel strongly about a person for a time (like mugz example of an intense emotion in bed) then that is LOVE. That could be a portion of love or lust or whatever you want to call it...but it doesn't have to be the real deal. I think that there is this LOve thing out there, or would like to believe that (Cinderella complex). I've seen it, I've seen people enamored by it...it is out there, but obviously all of us just haven't found it yet.

I think closing yourself off to anything, whether its music (except country and some other kinds but not the point), language and culture, and even love, would be limiting yourself from living.

I am willing to bet that if you met "the one" you would forget you even thought like this for a second. You can't control yourself from succumbing to this love, lust, whatever emotion...it just takes over. You remember that from when you got together with your gf in the first place....

Just give it time. 5 years is A LONG ASS TIME. You'll see through the smoke stacks before you know it.

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Originally posted by tilly

I think closing yourself off to anything, whether its music (except country and some other kinds but not the point), language and culture, and even love, would be limiting yourself from living.

I am willing to bet that if you met "the one" you would forget you even thought like this for a second. You can't control yourself from succumbing to this love, lust, whatever emotion...it just takes over. You remember that from when you got together with your gf in the first place....

Just give it time. 5 years is A LONG ASS TIME. You'll see through the smoke stacks before you know it.

I couldn't agree with you more......

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Originally posted by tilly

I am willing to bet that if you met "the one" you would forget you even thought like this for a second. You can't control yourself from succumbing to this love, lust, whatever emotion...it just takes over. You remember that from when you got together with your gf in the first place....

Just give it time. 5 years is A LONG ASS TIME. You'll see through the smoke stacks before you know it.

Five years has made me wiser..

and what I've learned is NOT to trust people's fancies and

"fairy tale" complexes (as you have noted)



There is only "ME" ..

(or "YOU".... dear readers)

there is no smoke stack..

my vision is finally clear!

I just wanted to share in hopes of sparing you all the same grief!

Cast your fancies on reaL things..


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love's an emotion.

emotions are a fleeting thing, offers no permanence, and are often precariously dictated by mood and temporary influences.

never bet on anything with love (emotions) as collateral.

love actually only appears and can be seen behind a hazy lens with a heart-shaped filter by cupid, who charges you a penny for 10 seconds worth of viewing time; that is to say, love's cheap, temporary, and often times mired by undue influences. when viewed with the average naked eye, it never is as it seems; sometimes ceasing to exist altogether.

love is (and i think scotty said it best):

"nice shoes. wanna fuck?"

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I proclaim LOVE as a false emotion dreamt up by our need to be needed

as found circularly inscribed on the toilet seat in blowflii's apt, as a not-so subtle incessant reminder to his ex: i need you to need me to need you to need me to need you to need me to need you to need me to need you to need me to need you to need me to need you to need me to need you to need me to need you to need me to need you to need me to need you to need me to need you to need me to need you to need me to need you to need me to need you to need me :laugh:

I say LOVE does not exist

it does exist...in language; how else would you have known to put it in writing?

one can "fall in love"

of course. but it's a bitch that love sneaks up from behind you, trips you, and then just watch as you fall thru its hands.

A petty human invention

'love' is the capitalistic brainchild of Hallmark & chocalatiers to make a quick buck on Valentine's day.

I'll never allow myself to walk down that dead end road EVER AGAIN!

probably not, but i'm afraid you're gonna have to walk up that dead end road again, back the other way. how else are you gonna get out of a dead end road?

Crude emotion?

more like crude oil; black and slippery, one spark & it flares up almost instantaneously, but when the flame's out, you're left blind in the dark.

But is Love an ILLUSION..?

more like a DELUSION; one's a flaw in the sense of sight, the other's a flaw in the state of mind.

Love is a real complicated thing.

they say there is beauty in simplicity. what, then, does that say about love? it's butt-fuggling-ugggggggggly?

There is no "definition" for love

have you not just done so by stating what it is not?

love is blind

and dumb, and deaf, and mute. braille anyone?

Cast your fancies on reaL things..

real things don't need to be fancied; they already exist without the pretext of imagination

"THE ONE"? LOL* There is only "ME"

if there is only "YOU", then "YOU" are, by default, "THE ONE"

I think Prozac helps

so does alcohol

break out the porn and sativa

how 'bout breaking out the spell and grammar check?



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