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Ethical question for the board

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Do you think its wrong or hurtful when people who have relationships and friendships with other people on the board post about their personal lives in the abstract (or not so abstract).

Doesn't this just create drama?

Then again, this is an open forum in the most fundamental sense of the word. So, is there even a line to be crossed?

what do you think?

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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if you met the person through the board then you should already be familiar with their posting style before you start dating them or hanging out with them. if you start seeing someone from the board and they continue to post about past relationships in the abstract, then they are assuming that it won't bother you or they know it will bother you and they don't care. boundaries must be established on an individual basis and it just depends on the nature of the relationship. the boundaries that you establish should help each of you manage your expectations of each other's board behavior. discretion and sensitivity to your friend's or significant other's feelings are important whether on the board or in public or private and if they aren't sensitive to your feelings in one area, then most likely they won't be sensitive/respectful in other areas.

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(ie mugz and blowflyii)


I am now and forever will be the Trueman show of CP!

Get with the program people..


And this bloflii character's stealing my gig..

I don't think I like him too much anymore..

But on a more somber note..

I think too many people fall victim of "if the shoe fit's" syndrome.

I've seen people post stuff like..

"Do you think it's fucked up when people do too much K and gets sick.."

then someone else will pop in and be like;

"DUDE..I GOT SICK AT A PARTY you where at..your talking about me!"

Sometimes topics may hit close to home..

but they aren't actually about any one in particular..

Just common topics that MANY of us can relate to!

(Or feel guilty about in some cases!)

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Mugz - where would this board be with out your threads - I for one don't want a mugz free board and comparing you to blowfii is comparing apples and oranges!!

The question I do have is, I thought that lavendermenace is your gf and I was wondering if this thread was a dig to the whole love thread and stuff.

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Originally posted by crobra

Mugz - where would this board be with out your threads - I for one don't want a mugz free board and comparing you to blowfii is comparing apples and oranges!!

The question I do have is, I thought that lavendermenace is your gf and I was wondering if this thread was a dig to the whole love thread and stuff.

Holy fucking foot in the mouth CORBRA!

She's the coolest chick on the board and I love her dearly..


we are just "friends"..

I'll just leave it at that

The love thread was about my EX...

and a personal question to the board in general

on the over all feelings of "love"...

*Don't worry..

I'm not going anywhere bro..

I'm an addict here..lol*!

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Unless they are Lentils..

spilling lentils is a sign of

of something isn't it..?

No ,no wait..

that's spilling salt..

(or is it getting shit on by a bird?)



Originally posted by loch

or served as twice-cooked re-fried beans, with your enchiladas.

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Originally posted by mugwump


I am now and forever will be the Trueman show of CP!

Get with the program people..


And this bloflii character's stealing my gig..

I don't think I like him too much anymore..

But on a more somber note..

I think too many people fall victim of "if the shoe fit's" syndrome.

I've seen people post stuff like..

"Do you think it's fucked up when people do too much K and gets sick.."

then someone else will pop in and be like;

"DUDE..I GOT SICK AT A PARTY you where at..your talking about me!"

Sometimes topics may hit close to home..

but they aren't actually about any one in particular..

Just common topics that MANY of us can relate to!

(Or feel guilty about in some cases!)

i am sorry mugz

i do enjoy your posts and threads, but when you brought your ex on the board and started drama, it just seemed like it was a bit much

dont lynch me everyone!:(

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

i am sorry mugz

i do enjoy your posts and threads, but when you brought your ex on the board and started drama, it just seemed like it was a bit much

dont lynch me everyone!:(

awe come on dude..



Actually I'm living with My ex-(for the mean time)

and we still chuckle about that little stunt..

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

(SBJ is still annoyed though..IF SHE isn't the center of some drama she dosen't like it..much like other people on this board!)

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