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ok there is this new nerd in town...

well not really a nerd, but a ART nerd

i dunno whats the deal with these brains these days, but im very attracted to these types...

heres the problem....

i heard a few things about her and her friends being skeemers..

i dont know if its true, but i dont think she is.. she seems like a very sweet person to be with...

and, damn is there something wrong with me? i been opnly attracted to girls with good personality, her loos is not all that (personally, she dont really got an ass) but she is sweet, and i can talk to her for 6 hours in one sitting... i just got my cellphone like this week, and i already racked up a total of 12 hours on this phone... not including work and home time... i dont know what it is...

i spoke to her friend.. i asked if i was wasting my time, or what.. she wont tell me shit, but all she told me was she enjoys my company, and find me amusing. i dunno if thats good or not....

so what do you think guys??? do i have a chance??????????

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Wait, did you tell her or her friend that you were interested in her? Like someone else said though, if she was interested, she would let you know. I think in most cases, if the guy makes the first move, the girl will act on her feelings.

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Originally posted by airatomic

yea...but u better make ur move soon before she starts thinkin of u just as a really good "friend" and my guess is u wouldnt want that...

Oh Nooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!

Damn :mad: I ended up in the "Friend Zone" :mad:

I hate the friend zone..... but, I always wind up there:(

AtomicA: Just keep it real and find out what shes lookin' for.

If its a deep relationship, Sex, or just a friend... Then let her know what you want, and most of all what is tooo much....

Hope This Helps,

>>>> DOC~B <<<<

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It's such a false cliche that girls care about money. Seriously, if being broke is what's kept you from seeing people for five years.... It doesn't cost anything to have fun with someone. I mean, clubs cost money and going out to dinner and stuff, but none of that should be necessary to getting a girl. Like, I'd soooo much rather chill with my guy in front of the TV and just talk to him and spend the night with him than have him take me out to a phat dinner in some stupid restaurant and play games. And if she is so concerned about your financial status that she won't date you, that's BS.

Money shouldn't matter.

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new info into this problem,

she is mad at me now..

a friend of mine told me hre friends are skeemers and like they say you are what you hang out with.. i told her this, and then i told her, "relax i have my own opinion, if i really saw you as a skeemer, you think i would still call you?"

she kinda excepted it, but she is still mad, the funny thing is.. even thou she is mad, she still calls me...

but alot less...

see the money thing kept me away is cuz

1-does she want me cuz of me?

2-does she want me cuz i have a real job for my age?

making money sometimes take up alot of time, and then too tired for a relationship, i know a real relationship shouldnt be work, but if i dont go out, where am i going to meet new people?

am i supposed to wait till dg bring a girl over my house? (most of his girls are drunks :) )

so far, thanks for the info guys

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start off by not referring to her as bitch,

as for the dating shit... its like riding a bike or for you like plugging in Eisa card, you just dont forget how... you maybe nervous but theres nothing to be afraid of. just be yourself. let your apples hangout... ;) seriously though if youre still a lil apprehensive about this we can do a double date aiight???

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Originally posted by atomicapples

new info into this problem...

making money sometimes take up alot of time, and then too tired for a relationship, i know a real relationship shouldnt be work but if i dont go out, where am i going to meet new people?

am i supposed to wait till dg bring a girl over my house? (most of his girls are drunks :) )

so far, thanks for the info guys

LMAO!!! drunks... ahahahhahahahah:laugh: :laugh:


anyway... you know you and i have the same views on work ethics, and partying...

Work hard now play later, and rest when youre dead...

The relationship part will fall into place trust me bro. the more you look for it the less you waste your time going in the wrong direction. You have to find yourself first and be complacent with who you are then others will find you...

Look at me I kept looking and all i came up with are either older woman who just want to fuck, old girlfriends who want fuck me over, old friends who want to fuck, crackheads who'll just fuck anything... and i hate them all... so i decided with that last incident that recently happend to me, to quick this entire "game" of love,lust, and romance and let them start looking for me...

Time is money... and i dont have enough of either...

Good Luck .Stud.;)

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