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Bad Social Pattern


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I've realized something kinda shitty. Whenever I find a hot girl I really like, I always end up becoming close friends with her. This has happened 3 or 4 times and tonight it happened again, confirmed as the girl told me how happy she was to find out this guy at school wants her. I have no trouble gettin the relatively sluttier type of girl. Its just that whenever a girl who i truly like comes along, I end up in the friend zone. I've fucked it up while tryin to make it sexual and I dont know what to do now. I'm tryin to save this most recent case, I don't wanna go on as her "good platonic friend" and hearing about the guys she wants. Anyone ever go through something like this? :confused:

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i'm good friends with a lot of girls. at times it was really frustrating because you want to take it to the next level. eventually, i came to the realization that if they didn't want to be with me, their was no point in forcing the issue.

i would suggest two things-

if you want to get in a sexual relationhship you need to do it earlier on, often it is no more than the mystique around this new individual. the downside to this is that usually no relationship comes out of it.

stay friends with them, as you get older the things that you offer become more valuable, assets so to speak, being a good guy, friendly someone they can turn to and trust are all worthwhile characteristics. worse case scenario they'll be setting you up with their friends, or even better trying to set themselves up with you. you'll also learn a lot about women that will prove valuable when you do get into the right relationship.

though things may not seem great now they will be. good luck.

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