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Undercover cops?

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One time when I was at Twilo, I encountered an undrecover cop. He was so damned obvious. He was wearing those police officer sunglasses and looked totally out of place- and he was all alone. He had a 'Police' tee shirt on too.

He asked me if I knew where he could get some pills. I told him that I didn't know anyone who did that sort of thing. Then I told him that even if I did know someone, I wouldn't tell him because he was a cop. So he says, "I'm not a cop. You can tell because I'm wearing a tee shirt that has the word 'police' on it.

I just gave him a look like riiiiiiiight.

Later that night I bumped into a girl who looked just like Bill the Cat. She was looking for pills too. So I got her a hook up.

Just goes to show you that if you look like Bill the Cat, you probably aren't a cop.

The end


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Yes, just ask them if they are one - they are not allowed to say they aren't one, because it is entrapment if they lie - so they have to tell you if they are! Easy solution!

What is a good late night club?

Love you,

Betty Boop

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Originally posted by gd35

Yes, just ask them if they are one - they are not allowed to say they aren't one, because it is entrapment if they lie - so they have to tell you if they are! Easy solution!

really? i never heard about it.

Yeh those bitches are everywhere, here is something funny about it:

"9.UNDERCOVER, On spotting the spotter you must tell everybody in the club, they are very easy to find and should be avoided by all conspicuous people. If you are not sure how to tell one apart, ask a friend...but for now here are a few tips...

a)most have pointed heads

b)they cannot dance

c)they do not have a convincing smile

d)they have no dress-sense

If you are ‘undercover’ say aloud the following phrase: “I’m sorry but my shit DOES stink and you had better worry......governor!” This will convince worried people about your activities. "



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Nah... undercover cops are hard to spot. TRUST ME

some are obvious, some are hard to spot.

A few of my friends have been caught by undercovers, it was like a whole operation condor on them. This was at Exit nightclub before things started to get hot (july 2000) & believe me..... its crazy how they work. He didnt even sell it to them but they were "watching" him.

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Originally posted by gd35

Yes, just ask them if they are one - they are not allowed to say they aren't one, because it is entrapment if they lie - so they have to tell you if they are! Easy solution!

What is a good late night club?

Love you,

Betty Boop

Theoretically, this should be the case. However, you really should have a witness when you ask, because they'll lie and if you fall, you're busted. At court, it's your words against yours when you accuse the cop of lying and the court gives benefit of doubt to the cop rather than a suspect.

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Fuck it they are pretty much everywhere so let them be..

if your selling Dont Be Stupid and sell it to someone you dont know..

and if your smoking mind your Business..i dont pass my blunt around to nobody i dont know..only my friends i come in with..

it crazy to buy and sell in clubs..just looking for touble..

why sell One Pill to a Johnny in a club..

when if their some people who would by 500 pills..

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First of all... no they do not have to tell you they are a cop!! That is such BS... Cops love that myth.

Second.. they will often get some kid they busted to make a couple of buys from people to help his case.

third.. if they are a cop, they very often have an ankle holster. Its easy to spot if you look for it.

fourth.. you are an idiot to sell drugs... especially in a club to someone you don't know.

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Originally posted by msoprano13

yea man they are everywhere....some are easy to see and others just blend right in...personally i think its stupid to sell inside a club casue there you have the least amount of rights are you are pretty much fucked no matter what

4,000 attendance @ a superb party

divide that by say 3, 1 out 3 will do drugs

1,333 clientele's can't go wrong.. -=X

NO not from experience lol

*listening to DJ Tiesto Live @ Club Eau 2 year anniversary , 50:50 BEAUTIFUL ANYBODY KNOW THIS TRACK???*

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