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Originally posted by jarmenio

Sometimes feelings have to be put aside. If you care about the person why lose them totally? It makes no sense. Who Agrees???

i agree.... theres one situation with me though that kinda pisses me off... every now and then a friend of mine <who says hes in love with me> will come out and tell me he wants to be with me bla bla bla... then when i say NO for the 1,000th time and that im very happy with my boyfriend... he says "well then we cant be friends".... i can understand that being around me is hard b/c of how he feels but comon... he tells me he cares about me more than anything else in the world and he IS a good friend of mine, but he cant put his feelings aside, or try to at least and just be my friend?! it pisses me off....
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Originally posted by dgmodel

yeah but who broke up with who??? if you did with him then thats how you should feel, however in most cases if he broke up with you things would be different... not only would you prolly still have feelings for him but you prolly wouldve remembered every moment together... ??? IDK (imo, its a just lil theory i have, its a lil long and hard to explain right now)

see i agree with that.. and i disagree also... i agree b/c if u break up with someone then obviously ur gonna feel like ur memories are hazy and faded cuz why would u go outta ur way tryin to remember bein together when u didnt wanna be together anymore?

but i disagree b/c in my past experiences, i was cheated on and then broken up with... and i was so miserable and devestated... i thought the thought of being with him would never go away b/c i was hurt so much... but now its 2 years later and the fact that i was cheated on so badly hurts b/c of the reasons *why* i was cheated on... but i can honestly look back and not remember what it was like to be with him... and its not cuz my memory is so fucked up lol... it just faded even though i was hurt like never before...

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Whether you choose to dwell on them for long or jump into something new, you walk away with something you didn't have before. Every person who enters your life teaches you something about yourself. Maybe you don't remember who taught you what at every given moment, but you know it's something ypu learned or realized.....

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Originally posted by dgmodel

very good point.. however you maybe over them and time may heal all wounds, Buuuuuuuut it may still leave a scar.

and most scars are forever...

btw im sorry you had to go through that situation of being dumped by someone you were head over heels for... & im sincerely happy youre over it by now... i just hope it didnt take 5 of those 7 or 9 of those 11 yrs for you to be cured...

True, true- feelings fade but there are scars that last forever... grrr... :mad: Nah, seriously though I can say the scars are minimal by now but like Spygirl said I try to keep the lesson each one taught me about myself and about life.

And no fortunately it did not take me quite that long to get over it! It did take about 2 yrs before I could hear his name without cringing... but I guess that's the way it is with first loves.

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Originally posted by tastyt

And no fortunately it did not take me quite that long to get over it! It did take about 2 yrs before I could hear his name without cringing... but I guess that's the way it is with first loves.

congrats... im still going through that phase of cringing gagging spitting and putting the icorno on her...

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