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I had a nightmare

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I usually don't have nightmares, but I had a dream that the world trade center was being rebuilt 80 floors and that I was working in the new world trade center which had I-beams around it being developed and when everyone was working my company recieved a postal package and I warned everyone not to open it, but they didn't listen to me. So, I got mad and asked to be excused and they excused me. In my dream as I was taking the stairs down as fast as I can, I can feel the building rumble by the time I got down halfway. I knew the moment right there that the package was a terrorist package. I can feel my heart beating so hard that all I could do was hear the pounding of my frightened heart beat. (It was like the building was empty, and I was the only one able to get out alive from the building) As I finally left the building, it started to collapse and somehow the next scene was me watching the news but it was very graphic where police officers and innocent people were getting filmed by a camera man getting slaughtered by the falling structure cutting and crushing them. As the camera man put the camera up i to the sky, the last thing I woke up to was the camera man being hit and only his hands being filmed on the floor. I woke up breathing so damn hard and I'm actually shaken by this dream. I can't imagine what the people there would of went through. They have all this protection from people and security for airports, but how good is the security for mailrooms where things can be sent postal in little packages that maybe able to explode? Real Scary dream. This whole World Trade Center thing definitely is fuckin with my head. It seemed so damn real. (I miss you Casey)

Thanks for listening,

-Star (4Elements)

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a classic anxiety dream brought on by post traumatic stress. you're not alone in your feelings of fear, loss, frustration, anger & anxiety. maybe you've been suppressing your feelings about this whole thing, so it came out in a dream. it helps to talk about it with friends & family and spend time doing things that are important to you. i hope you feel better!

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Ever since the attacks all I have are violent dreams.

As far as senses, I've smelled, heard and touched in some of the dreams. The colors in some of them were very clear and vivid. In others I felt heat and wet from floating in the ocean.

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me too... ive been having dreams about being in a war... one dream i was laying on the ground with my 3 brothers holding hands saying "if we're gonna go, we have to go together".... it was so sad.. we were being bombed and shit... and i woke up all bugged out... in another dream i had i was on the phone with my bf and i told him i hadda go cuz my street was being bombed and i hadda leave new jersey.... :(

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yea i hear you guys, ever since sept 11, ive been feeling like the entire world has changed, its like i just turned 20, and the walls of my old life are gone, replaced by this cynical new world of hate and destruction. shit, i was even depressed for a few days, feeling better now though, i hope everyone makes it thru ok, dont worry though, we will find and kill every motherfucker behind the attacks.

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i took a sick day tuesday.

i slept until 4pm.

.. and this was after a restful night's sleep.

i just felt run down.

like i couldn't get the motivation

to do my commute from hoboken

to brooklyn that day...

i can claim it was a cold or virus

finally catching up to me and me

sleeping it off...


i'm pretty sure it was depression.

the scary kind.

the kind that just sneaks up on you and paralyzes you without reason or warning.

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