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Drugs, Music, Clubs, & "CLUB FRIENDS" * * * It's all a PHASE!!!

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Originally posted by codica3

That's because you have the mental capacity to be able to open your mind to all angles and see each and every perspective and opinion, and you don't allow your personal biases or beliefs stand in the way of seeing from where someone else is coming from.

That's an absolutely amazing quality.

To bad more than half the world is missing it. :mad3: :mad3: :mad3:

ok well i have to agree with that dident meen to come off as hostile

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I have pretty much been parting since about 93.' I started off with going to house parties, then I started going to raves. I am from California and the rave scene was big during the early 90's. Thats when I started doing acid and stuff. Then when I hit 21 I started going to clubs every weekend, and stopped using drugs. I have continued going to clubs and now that I have moved to NY(1 year now) I am enjoying the scene here. Basically what I am trying to say is that I don't think that the club scene or partying is a phase. it just evolves as you get older and as the scene itself changes. For me now there is no way I would do acid, I had my time with it and of course I had some amazing nights. Things change and people change and if you need drugs to go out and have a good time then you are missing something. Its all about experimentation and having fun and enjoying what you are doing. I don't think I will ever stop clubbing. My clubbing experience will just change as the years go by!!

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I have to agee with Innocence on this one.

I think he's talking about the true clubbers who go out almost every single weekend. I was one of those "true clubbers" that went out from 16 - 22yrs almost every single weekend, doing drugs, making new "club friends" that I would only hang out with in the clubs. (Had no idea who they truely were. They were my "club friends" at least that's what I called them. I think I only liked them because they could hook me up w/ comps, guest list, & drugs) Not saying anything bad..it just wasn't real but no one cared or even noticed because everyone was doing the same thing.

I was all into the music, bought all the CD's, followed all the best DJ's around. It was fun...I'm not going to lie and say I regret anything I did. I loved every second of it and created many memories that I will take to my grave.

But I have to agree that the club scene is just a phase. You will grow up one day and will not care about the club scene. Some take longer than others but it happens to everyone. It becomes second then third, then fourth in your life. I still step onto the club scene once in a while and party but it's once every month or two. Now, all I care about is my well-being (health), my career, my family, and friends...that have always stood by me. Anyway that's just my opinion.......:D

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Getting fucked up and the clubbing scene might or might not be a phase to many people...to me,I have given up alcohol and hardcore drugs to try to find a way to feel good without the use of drugs. The amount of weed I smoke has also substantially decreased,and I haven't gone clubbing in 6 months, my point with all of this is that at some point in everyone's lives they are eventually going to give up all these things and attempt to find happiness and tranquility without having to be drugged up or fucked up on something. Clubbing...hmmm....well, I don't really want to be deaf at the age of 45,so I've pretty much not been into it for a while. It gets too strenuous after a while...and all those damn teenyboppers and idiots collapsing over themselves while they're pissed is not what I really want to see when I'm out to enjoy good music and dance. It gets old after a while...guess I'm growing up. lol


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I started going to weeklys 100% sober and then to raves...:) When I started going to raves I was also sober then I started doing E and then dust. Music always been a big part of my life.I was into the artform of turntablism since I was like 14.I started going to clubs at the same time also.I enjoy myself if I'm fucked up or sober. If u only go because of the drugs you really need to think. Reality is I like clubs more then raves. I'm having a issues with substances these day and I wish I never touched some of the things I did.These days I know 2 many people, for the good & bad.. :( I don't regreat nothing just not doing moderation with substances.........I been in the scene since I was 18, and I'm 22 now........ :)

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