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Everything posted by rustednutts

  1. The most convincing argument yet:
  2. why don't you take your "culture" and shove it up your ass. a random, isolated one-time attendance of the arts does not make you a cultured individual, you pompous ass. it is the likes of you that gives the performing arts a bad name, with your privileged decadent lifestyle, sipping wine and schmoozing with the high muckity muck superficial social sphere that you call the circuit, having your pretentious chatter about "the state of social reform" (which you know absolutely NOTHING about nor care about, yet at the same time, shake your head in pity and say "what a shame" as if you're at all genuinely concerned) at benefits and gala's and grand openings--just to say you did a good deed by paying $10,000 for a plate that benefits nobody but the same pockets that dished it out in the first place--that's right, your own degenerate wealthy "social sphere". arts and culture my ass.
  3. what's an exotic erotic ball event without a pair of rustednutts? this set of oxidized balls is tempted.
  4. man who let crazy woman fondle his sac is dealing with nutcracker.
  5. man who don't use screwdriver in long time get rusted nuts
  6. can you retake the test and try to get that last 8%?
  7. i'm a big fan of DT and all, but you are saying this in a 'figuratively speaking' manner, right? if you can elaborate, please.
  8. it is tight and intact, buddy. corrections to typos are legit, no?
  9. my name is mojo jojo, and i live in a dojo with a hobo, and sometimes that mofo thinks he's in the know, puts on a show, but me? i'd like to keep it on the down-low, catch my flow? so, needles-a-pulling thread, now you know, joe doe. word, says larry, curly and moe.
  10. the crowd is like, like any other night, or any moment in time for that matter...is like when there are a lot of people in a small space, so they gotta stand close to each other, and it's hard to move, and it gets really hot because everyone's breathing down your back...that's what the crowd's like.
  11. no problem. clarity is good. you never wanna be in the dark confusing an addict with a dick.
  12. can you keep us posted on the outer details too? thanks.
  13. addict, not to be confused with a dick, b/c sometimes people confuse the two and become a dick, and not an addict. and some just let their nuts rust, which is neither an addict nor a dick, although it is an extension of the d*ck, which is fine.
  14. if you are at least 80% raver, female, and of legal age (fake id's permissable), call me at 1-dig-rave-chix. kandyraver chics....yum. (clubbers and glams need not apply)
  15. so i'm moving to the city in less than a couple of weeks, but more than one week, somewhere between one to two weeks i'll be moving, and into the city i'll be moving, and the City is New York City that i'll be moving to, which is also Manhattan, which is where i'll be moving to. now i have an iroq z, and i hear that the city has an awesome underground transport system, but i wanna drive my iroc z around town, but i hear traffic is bad, and there are no parking spaces...so how am i gonna parade my baby iroc z around? and i don't know any tight-shirt wearing or none at all juicehead clubber buddies in the city...so how am i gonna party now? trooping it by subway and clubbing it with elitist-anti-glam kandyraver freaks is just too much.
  16. they're sleazy because women are eazy. (think about it. you are crowned 'sleazy' if you've been with many people of the opposite sex with a reckless disregard for everything as long as you're getting your piece. if women didn't put out so much, these guys wouldn't have an opportunity to be sleazy. supply & demand.)
  17. that pick up line actually works for you? someone please get this psycho crackhead off my nuts, please. <throws crack down the street> go fetch, girl. RN(2)
  18. 1,500 posts or greater earns you the priviledge of giving yourself a bullshit title.
  19. $1 bill = 6 inches long in length $10 million = 60 million inches 60 million inches = 5 million feet 1 roll of toilet paper = 300 sq ft. 5 million ft/300 ft = 16,666.67 rolls of toilet paper don't know about you, but i'm set for life with my bathroom tissues.
  20. and for that reason, the likelihood of yours and mugchump's posts to have any effect at all is akin to trying to piss into the ocean to make it rise.
  21. that was you? sorry. (not as sorry as my nuts tho.)
  22. i have no beef with you, babydoll. (unless YOU want my salami, i mean, beef with me.)
  23. there's just something about that 'my dear' at the end that i find simultaneously condescending, as well as endearing. and i, my dear, was only making a generalization when i say 'ignorance' also comes in the form of not reading beyond the obvious (and from some of the unintelligible responses, it is obvious that the entire discussion was not read, and a 'take offense' rant was quickly snapped up in a dronelike manner after the poster read only the subject line), and the failure to understand the underlying message. there is a difference to expressing an opinion (i.e. i disagree/you're wrong because such and such) vs. expressing an idiotic 'i take offense to your comment' rant (i.e. you must be a loser to post that). to form an opinion, you must first understand what it is you just read. otherwise, it's garbage in, garbage out. to those: i know reading can be a chore, but once you're done with your picture book, it's okay to move on to the pop-up books. if you need any help, i'll be more than glad to demonstrate for you.
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