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New York Closed??? is this true???

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I just heard this goofy rumor that As of the the bombing of afghanistan, the bridges going in and out of nyc along with the tunnels and so forth are all closed and noone can get on or off...

now i dont think this is true, but who the fuck knows during times like this anything could be true...


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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Hopefully I can get the day off of work. I need some rest.

& then there are others that are wishing that they could go to work, but they cant cause they died in the tradegy

in my opinion u should really think b4 u make such a heartless and self-centered comment like the one u just made during such an emotional time for thousands of people living in the area

b happy that ur alive and still able to work, and be happy that ur family did not have to deal with the lose of ur life


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Guest jaxl

My brother drove over from Queens to Jersey today and told us the same thing. I didn't quite catch where he heard it from though. I can understand tightening up security, but isn't that going to cause total chaos saying the city is going to be shut down. People will be going crazy trying to get out if that's the case.

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& then there are others that are wishing that they could go to work, but they cant cause they died in the tradegy

Don't take everything so damn seriously........I was making a joke.

Damn some people jump down your thoat for everything. I have lost people too. My cousin and two of my better college friends all are still missing so don't come at me with that shit, OKAY!!!!!

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hey i did not jump down anyone's throat i just think it is completely childish to make jokes about such a tragic situation and the fact that u have lost people in this tradegy makes it even worse that u have, or rather lack of, heart to make what u call a joke about hoping to get off from work due to the recent events...

does anybody else feel the same way i do?

RIP to all that i know that were in the tradegy and may the hearts of those that have been weighed upon finally find peace

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Rudy G said that unless there is word received of any threats, the bridges and tunnels will remained open

btw, I came in to NYC from NJ on Sunday night... flew thru the NJ Turnpike via the Bus & Truck lane (while passing mad traffic in the cars-only line), and then likewise thru the tolls for the Pike and the Lincoln Tunnel with my EZPass

If anyone has a van or limo or truck, it's probably wise to leave it at home, otherwise the cops will be checking them near the bridges and tunnels

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Manhattan is not on lockdown just yet cause i came to SI to see my boyfriend but security is extremly tight. But who knows what is to come by the end of the night

Not on lockdown yet?? Meaning that theres a possibility of shutting bridges and tunnels down?? If you hear that they're shutting down bridges and tunnels, let me know so I could could get the f**k out of here.

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Well, I'm sort of with you when it comes to jokes that are flying around at the moment. Still, I do think we all need to chill a bit and don't jump on anything that comes along. Your statement of

Originally posted by fuclubkidd

that u have, or rather lack of, heart to make what u call a joke

his heart or rather lack of...I think is a bit strong as you shouldn't make such a judgement based on your way of dealing with pain and the recent events all together. Different people deal in different ways with certain situation and we should accept it and don't push our own attititude and approach on them.

Sorry..for my two cents but you shouldn't have asked....


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