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Centro-Fly's Promoter Sucks!!!

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I have to say Centro-Fly's promoter sucks!!!

Here are the two examples:

1. For the TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 25TH FDNYPD BENEFIT PARTY. When I first heard about this party. The suggested donation was $40.00. I am a student and I don't have a job. I wasn't going to go because it's too expensive for me. But later on I got another e-mail saying the minimum donation was $20.00. I was glad because I can go just to show my support. But when I arrive Centro-Fly, the security guard or the door man said it's $40.00. And the flyer on the website was a mistake. WTF.

2. Saturday night I went to Centro-Fly for Derrick Carter and DJ Dan, the same thing happened again. The website says $20.00, but when I get to the door the guard said it's $25.00.

(see the following website, it shows $20.00)http://www.naughtybooth.com/board/calendar.php?s=&action=getinfo&eventid=299

What is going on? Why do they always post false information to fool people?

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the truth about centro is that a lot more than the pormoters suck now a days.

now that they are getting to be two years old, it is no longer a cool place known for their warm hospitality. All of the original staff (and patrons) have left by now, it has become to way to commercialized, and they pull desprite shit like that to get people in the door. Ive said it before and i'll say it again, its a real shame to see a place go from being so good to being so bad.

I cant beleive that centro was actually 25 bucks. there was a day when they claimed it would never be over 10.

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Please don't generalize that all Centro-fly promoters suck cause you had problem with one.

First of all, most promoters (sub-promoters) promote for a party, not for the actual club itself, so the promoters change for every day of the week depending on the party. Each party is different. And unless your the head promoter of the party, you are pretty much powerless to whatever the club decides to do.

1) I'm not sure what happened on the benefit party on the 25th, but if you think about how little $20 really is for a good cause that had a line-up that usually would be $50 minmum for at a concert level, it still was a good deal at $40.

2) That really does suck, I've never heard of Centro-fly being $25 for a regular admission, usually $20 is tops unless it is a special party. What time did you get there? Either the promoter that posted that info was wrong, the club raised the price, or the door people made a mistake. Dunno.

I have to admit, the Centro-fly crowd defintely has changed. I think its mainly due to the club being 'blown-up' by Citysearch and Time Out New York as voted best club. Once that happens, it becomes the 'cool spot' to go to and hence the crowd changes. Every place I used to love that then became the cool place to go started to go downhill, like Twilo (the last 2 years of Twilo defintely were not what it used to be in its earlier years)

I hope you have a better experience next time. Note, I do not promote for the parties you talked about, I do promote for the GBH parties on Centro-fly Friday nites, so if you then have a problem for one of those parties, feel free to send me bashing email or post. :)

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Originally posted by bluespring

I have to say Centro-Fly's promoter sucks!!!

Here are the two examples:

1. For the TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 25TH FDNYPD BENEFIT PARTY. When I first heard about this party. The suggested donation was $40.00. I am a student and I don't have a job. I wasn't going to go because it's too expensive for me. But later on I got another e-mail saying the minimum donation was $20.00. I was glad because I can go just to show my support. But when I arrive Centro-Fly, the security guard or the door man said it's $40.00. And the flyer on the website was a mistake. WTF.

2. Saturday night I went to Centro-Fly for Derrick Carter and DJ Dan, the same thing happened again. The website says $20.00, but when I get to the door the guard said it's $25.00.

(see the following website, it shows $20.00)http://www.naughtybooth.com/board/calendar.php?s=&action=getinfo&eventid=299

What is going on? Why do they always post false information to fool people?

Cool thread! Probably for the first time this is something that has to do with the club moreso than the promoters. I didnt work on the benefit party, but i heard from a lot of people about the $20 donation, but then forcing peeps to pay $40 at the door. That's real f'ed up, but thats the way their management acts at times. Obviously, if you've been there you know that the club operates more as a business than one thats concerned about its patrons. Its fucked up but true.

As far as saturday goes, this was a party i was working on so i'll tak responsibility for that one. Originally, the party was $20/$10 as most of our parties are on sats...then i find out that they bumped it up to $25, closed the guest list early and all kind of foolishness...believe you me, i'm about as pissed off about this as anyone, as this is also my word and good will on the line you know. One of my friends almost wasn't able to get in which has never been the case, and the door girl was pretty pissed about it too, she was like its not me, you need to talk to the damn managers. That's when shit sucks when you have people who are working for you, or helping you out being pissed about the party. I'm supposed to find out what's going on with that place this week as i heard there were a number of changes that have been made on things like this. I'll definitely keep you post on anything that i find out.

One thing you may want to try doing is to email the club about things like this. If enough people complain, about things like this then hopefully they'll start pulling their act together!

It really sucks too that the club brings in such great djs, barstaff, bouncers, and everyone else, but treats the patrons like this. I'm definitely sorry for anyone that was inconvienced, and if i can do anything to help you out, just let me know.


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Originally posted by gqraver

Please don't generalize that all Centro-fly promoters suck cause you had problem with one.

First of all, most promoters (sub-promoters) promote for a party, not for the actual club itself, so the promoters change for every day of the week depending on the party. Each party is different. And unless your the head promoter of the party, you are pretty much powerless to whatever the club decides to do.

1) I'm not sure what happened on the benefit party on the 25th, but if you think about how little $20 really is for a good cause that had a line-up that usually would be $50 minmum for at a concert level, it still was a good deal at $40.

2) That really does suck, I've never heard of Centro-fly being $25 for a regular admission, usually $20 is tops unless it is a special party. What time did you get there? Either the promoter that posted that info was wrong, the club raised the price, or the door people made a mistake. Dunno.

I have to admit, the Centro-fly crowd defintely has changed. I think its mainly due to the club being 'blown-up' by Citysearch and Time Out New York as voted best club. Once that happens, it becomes the 'cool spot' to go to and hence the crowd changes. Every place I used to love that then became the cool place to go started to go downhill, like Twilo (the last 2 years of Twilo defintely were not what it used to be in its earlier years)

I hope you have a better experience next time. Note, I do not promote for the parties you talked about, I do promote for the GBH parties on Centro-fly Friday nites, so if you then have a problem for one of those parties, feel free to send me bashing email or post. :)

1. I know how little $20.00 is, but I was there just to show my support as a student. If they posted on the website the suggested donation $40.00 and minimum donation of $20.00. They shouldn't force people to pay $40.00 at the door. And I decided to go because I believe the information they send me thru e-mail.

2. I was at Centroo-Fly around 11:00pm on Saturday. They are charging $25.00 since the door open I believe.

I have been to GBH's party. I have no problem with the guest list or anything so far.

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sorry i didnt get to finish that....so i was gonna go to centro the saturday of the 27th of this month for my b-day, but all this bad mouthing has made me not want to go......maybe i will just go to SACI, i used to go there alot and the party was good on saturdays, does anybody have any info if the party on saturdays @ SACI is still good?

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