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Ok, so I got a bit of time on my hands, but I am using it wisely. I checked out:


and retreived the following info on DJ's that are coming to the DC area (acording to the web site):

11/22: Dave Seaman (it says @ 'Dream', what is 'Dream'?)

12/26: Sean Cusick @ 1223

12/21: Hybrid (doesnt say where)

12/28: Chris Fortier (doesnt say where)

and I just saw on the Buzz message board that it is mentioned that S&D will be in DC either on 11/21 or 11/22 but on 11/21 they are scheduled for Tampa, FL.

I dunno all of this is giving me a headache!


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S&D on 11/22. Dave Seaman on 11/22. Hmm. Isn't that Turkey day? So, get stuffed on turkey. Go see Dave Seaman. Then go see S&D. Crack out. Puke. Interesting.

I have no idea why I can't talk in complete sentences today. -Sigh-. I feel real intelligent today. I didn't even party this weekend. Maybe I'm going through withdrawal. :(

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Originally posted by vicman

and I just saw on the Buzz message board that it is mentioned that S&D will be in DC either on 11/21 or 11/22 but on 11/21 they are scheduled for Tampa, FL.

I dunno all of this is giving me a headache!


Shadowchaser on the Ezdreamer board said he heard from the Buzz folks that S&D would be in DC the 21st and that the announcement would come soon (possibly today). I'm still waiting to see cuz I'm going to buy a bunch of tickets the second they go on sale if it's true and make sure that everyone goes.

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so then that weekend could look like this:

11.21 S&D

11.22 Dave Seaman

11.23 Deep Dish

11.24 PvD

I think that I will have to start preparing myself mentally, physically, financially and emotionaly starting now for that weekend.....

:):D:laugh::woah: :worry2: :gas::cry::hump:

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Originally posted by vicman

so then that weekend could look like this:

11.21 S&D

11.22 Dave Seaman

11.23 Deep Dish

11.24 PvD

I think that I will have to start preparing myself mentally, physically, financially and emotionaly starting now for that weekend.....

:):D:laugh::woah: :worry2: :gas::cry::hump:

I'm scared. All these years of partying have been leading up to this potential Thanksgiving weekend. But I don't think I'm ready for it. I need more practice. :worry:

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

I'm scared. All these years of partying have been leading up to this potential Thanksgiving weekend. But I don't think I'm ready for it. I need more practice. :worry:

Damn it, Shady, stop being a pussy! Be a man! Even this weekend would only be practice for something bigger.

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Originally posted by Kuro

Damn it, Shady, stop being a pussy! Be a man! Even this weekend would only be practice for something bigger.

Ooh, something bigger? A Michael Jackson World Tour? A Vanilla Ice comeback concert? Which is it? Huh? Huh?

And I'm not a pussy. Just a realist. :tongue: I'm gonna be a trainwreck after that weekend. I'm checking online right now for a cheap one-way ticket to the looney farm after that weekend. So you're on your own for the Vanilla Ice show, Kuro. :D :D

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Originally posted by vicman

I think the closest I have ever come to losing it is when I sat through the entire 48hr Space Goast Marathon on Cartoon Ntwk a few years back.....


I went to buy a newspaper and a pack of smokes from a 'newsstand', which turned out to be a street sign in front of my friend's house in Arlington. And of course, as every sane person knows, there are no newstands in Arlington. Period. Oh, yeah, and what the fuck did I need a newspaper for anyways? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Ooh, something bigger? A Michael Jackson World Tour? A Vanilla Ice comeback concert? Which is it? Huh? Huh?

And I'm not a pussy. Just a realist. :tongue: I'm gonna be a trainwreck after that weekend. I'm checking online right now for a cheap one-way ticket to the looney farm after that weekend. So you're on your own for the Vanilla Ice show, Kuro. :D :D

I knew you weren't a hardcore partier. Word to your mother. It looks like no S&D for us on the 23rd anyway. Who would have thought that Balance Promotion would actually be right about where the DJs they're promoting are playing? I'm still hoping that the listing for Cusick at Buzz on the 3rd of December is Cusick + some special limey friends. I guess it's for the best. Thanksgiving with your family following a night of hardcore candyflipping probably isn't much fun. Not that I'm into that sort of thing, I just mean for those people out there who are...

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Oh no! The rumors aren't true? Dammit!! I was looking forward to that weekend! :D;)

I know. Ain't that some bullshit? What kind of world do we live in where rumors turn out to be false and information from reliable sources is acurate? Do we really want to live in that kind of a world?

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Originally posted by Kuro

I know. Ain't that some bullshit? What kind of world do we live in where rumors turn out to be false and information from reliable sources is acurate? Do we really want to live in that kind of a world?

Ah, the selective short term memories of krakheads like you and I, Kuro. :D

I'm actually very excited to get to see Dave Seaman and Deep Dish back to back. Don't get me wrong, S&D would've been the money bomb that weekend, but Seaman and Deep Dish back to back - and you know it's gonna be ZERO crowd - is gonna be sweet. I've really started to hate crowds ever since that debachle last month at the foam party. :(

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Ah, the selective short term memories of krakheads like you and I, Kuro. :D

I'm actually very excited to get to see Dave Seaman and Deep Dish back to back. Don't get me wrong, S&D would've been the money bomb that weekend, but Seaman and Deep Dish back to back - and you know it's gonna be ZERO crowd - is gonna be sweet. I've really started to hate crowds ever since that debachle last month at the foam party. :(

Dave Seaman was great the one time I saw him at Buzz in May. You would have loved it (assuming you weren't there). It was around the end of the semester time so I assume all the college/grad students were studying for exams and working on final papers and projects and shit. Nation was the emptiest I've ever seen it. I was at the foam party at the end of August and it was nuts, but the crowd thinned out considerably by 2:30. I like crowds as long as it's they're not ridiculous and filled with assholes. I'm not sure about this "Dream" place, though. And since it's actually on Thanksgiving I might not make that. Deep Dish looks like it'll be the plan for that Friday since making it to NYC for S&D may not be in the cards. Those fuckers need to bring their asses to Buzz already.

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Originally posted by Kuro

Dave Seaman was great the one time I saw him at Buzz in May. You would have loved it (assuming you weren't there).

Oh, yeah. I was there for Seaman in May. He dropped some of the most unbelievably bangin', deep, techy, progressive sound I've ever heard. To this day, I still can't find that kind of sound anywhere. I don't think it exists for public consumption. :(

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