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I just got fucked out of $200 -- what should I do?

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OK so this asshole I'm promoting for totally dicked me over, knowing he is supposed to pay me $200 more than he has thus far (something he agreed to three weeks ago yet I haven't seen the pay from the last two weeks and he now he tells me he isn't giving it to me). Do I:

1) Approach this diplomatically, be nice about it, and offer to re-negotiate things for the future so that I'm not being told I'm gonna get money I won't (probably involves eating the $200)


2) Go down there and tell this idiot that I'm not having this, and battle it out for my respect and my cash



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hrm, whatever you do be careful because he sounds like a shady character. you should speak with him nicely and demand your cash, if he refuses threaten to take legal action... (for 200$ its not actually worth doing anything). if you dont have anything in writing there isnt much you can do.

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Well although I was fucked numerous times in NY too (not major like this but I knew it happened), this guy is one I worked with in D.C. and is now officially on my list of people who suck bigtime. :mad: And yes, most promoters *are* shady, although there are two I worked with that were really cool (and two out of how many(?) is a pretty small number). argh!

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Make sure the person you are dealing with is reputable and accountable. Ask others...when the payouts seem to high or the deal is to good chances are someone is shaving numbers somewhere..

The best idea is only to work for the very best in the business, someone that has been around for a long time with a good rep... Not someone that is juist looking to make fast cash and get out, they wont care if they pay you or not...

And to those that are rippin people off, think again... It doesnt take all to long for people to get the word out on you nowadays with emails and message board.. Pay what is owed !

If you like you can email us at tinag1225@aol.com and ask us.. we know most anyone in the business and can give you a little advice about who to deal with. Thanks Tina

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Every promoter needs a reputation.... threaten to spread a lot of bad shit, like that he never pays his people...

promoters are scared of this, if noone wwants to work for them, they lose their parties....

gatien used to be a total dick to his people, and so thats why limelight and tunnel went downhill like they did I know promoters and Djs who just refused to work for Gatien.

Anyway, if this doesnt help, just come to his house with a gun and give him an offer he cant refuse...

On second thought, stick to the first idea


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I'm friends with a few promoters and I have learned that they don't pay those who they don't really need. Promoting is a stint I once tried a few years ago when the new Sound Factory first opened with Alex & Leo, Alon Jibli. If they're not a big time promoter and they're not contracted by the club itself, you will most likely never see what you were promised. If they're real promoters, the ones who have the pull, they'll pay you as long as you do your work and they see that you're resourceful and good. The only promoters in the city nowadays that have any sort of reputation are the Morrisseys (Joey and Artie), Clique guys (Richie Romero, Jase, Daryl & Dino), Von Broks (Gordon and Erik), Tanjeloffs, to name a few of the top guys...

Promoting is not a good move for those wanting to make the quick buck.

My two cents...

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I'm a promoter myself, welcome to the business.

It takes forever to get your money, best thing to do is make them sign invoice or contract, make sure you write down your returns. When you ever have a problem with them again then you take them to small claim courts which you can sue them up to $3000.00. I did that before for a couple of parties that were thrown. :) Limey owes me money still. Going to go fight for it soon if there is no positive answer. I've been waiting since June. ACK! :(

-Star (4Elements)

p.s.- who owes you money? which promoter?

don't be a bitch, but be firm & demand it with respect.

(my opinion)

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Grin and bare it, unfortunatly we all get cheated from time to time to from assholes and the like, but sometimes when you really need the money, it doesn't feel so good does it?

Nope, but it will only get worse if you dwell. Keep your chin up and think that hopefully,

1> You have just been cheated and thus made a deposit in the Karma bank.

2> The person who has cheated you has just made a withdraw from the Karma bank and will eventually get what is coming to him.

Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

OK so this asshole I'm promoting for totally dicked me over, knowing he is supposed to pay me $200 more than he has thus far (something he agreed to three weeks ago yet I haven't seen the pay from the last two weeks and he now he tells me he isn't giving it to me). Do I:

1) Approach this diplomatically, be nice about it, and offer to re-negotiate things for the future so that I'm not being told I'm gonna get money I won't (probably involves eating the $200)


2) Go down there and tell this idiot that I'm not having this, and battle it out for my respect and my cash



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