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Just Venting...


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Originally posted by dgmodel

Hell Yeah.. now you got me pumped girl...

I hope youre as beautiful as you are brilliant... And more importantly I wish you the best best best best of luck with your dreams and ambitions as well... and maybe possibly lil chulas could play with lil dg's if not have lil ones of our own.. bebe...



Aye, Que Lindo!

Well sweety, And I wouldnt mind letting my lil chula play with your lil dg. ;)

And as for wishing me luck Thankyou sweety. The same to you.

Everything will turn out for the best. Keep smiling kutie!


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Originally posted by dgmodel

Thats it .. Thurs. Im off to SoCal. For a Much Needed Vaction...

Oh yeah, IM going going back back to Cali Cali... Im going going back back to Cali Cali...

Free Tans, and Beach Weather All Over Again.. Yippppeeee...

What part are you going to????

I love San Diego...so pretty and great weather all year round.

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Over by LaHolla, Then I have friends all along the southern coast in Huntington beach, Newport beach, costa mesa, long beach... so i plan on doing some shit out there... however its not definate yet, i have these tix, and i can go anytime, just waiting for my boy to get back to me on staying at his place, hes in the navy and while hes out to sea, Im going to stay there free room and board then after the 26th he leaves for a 6 month cruise so i could have the entire apt to myself... Who knows for how long ill stay there though... but dont any of you worry, he has internet access and Ill still be able to thrown in my .02 cents here... aiight...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

Over by LaHolla, Then I have friends all along the southern coast in Huntington beach, Newport beach, costa mesa, long beach... so i plan on doing some shit out there

Those are all beautiful places!!! When I anm out there, my house is on Mount Helix in Spring Valley...What an awesome view, especially at night!!!!!:D

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Originally posted by dgmodel

Damn.. girl. I have tons of shit on my head right now...

As you may or may not know I was a broker for 3yrs... Made some great money, had some great times, more importantly it all came to a screeching halt around March 2000, roughly give or take a quarter... I stuck through it for one more year which brings me know to the present day...

I have as of august retired from the brokerage industry...

( had enough of the lying, cheating, stealing, greed, most importantly had it up to here with the sales pitches...) {However in the same breathe I still miss it a lot)

Now Im Going to School, To be a LAN ADM. and so forth...

Which brings me to my problem, the more and more I live my life, the less and less i want to ... ??? weird right? I want to wake up one day already be in my career whatever it maybe, have my wife already, and have a game plan that is already working...

I wish, I wish for just 1 minute i could see into the future and know which path to take... it seems like at this point in time everyday is a new life switch ( meaning if i do or dont do this or that it will effect my entire life, and therefore jeopardize MY NIRVANA or MY UTOPIA .)

So basically what Im saying is that I miss my money, and I hate uncertainty, and I wish I could push forward the hands of time already to see if what im doing is right...

BTW> my original post had a lil to do with this, is it a part of the major problem... However, this is the end all be all of whats bothering me... the initial post was about of course who other then the devil.. aka Ex-Girlfriend... fucking bitch seems to always rear her ugly head right when shits going right... fuck... :blown:


I would say regarding your EX ignore her... and I know your gonna be like Dude I cant shes always blah blah blah.. but you can I mean totaly erase her from your journals of exsistance and she will go away. Be the brick wall of zen and unless this bitch is crazy as hell she will not like banging her head against a brick wall if she does... then you need to be evil.. me I would say invite her out somewhere totaly embarass the shit out of her and demean her as much as possible in public... and if she likes that shit dog chain her to your bed for a lil :bounce: before you go to bed... and the rest I would just say try and keep you desires simple live life lavishly and stay in the day.

If you have one leg in the past one leg in the future your pissing all over today..

night !


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Originally posted by dgmodel

Thanks A lot B.. you made some great points... I really appreciate it...

Youre Damn Right...

<one giving you a pound the other tapping you on the back>

well I always lend an ear to people with valid problems dog I love helping people.. for you Im always ready to listen If you need.


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