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(But I bet that's what some of you thought I was gonna say..)


Well, to be honest with you I didn't expect much..

Though I use to be a REGULAR at Vinyl's UNITY parties back in the day I'd somehow

coasted far away the from that Dance floor.

I've been on a musical kick that's taken me to another place far away from Trance..

And I've been stubborn about surrendering to the "Majority"..

That is to say I've been a SNOB!







But jumpinjesusonapogostick if Howells didn't prove me wrong last night!


(Trainspotters I expect a full report so I can run out and get some VinYl)

I mean honestly!

After moving my EX into her new apartment (three flights) I wasn't even gonna go out..

I was a beat Mugwump..

and then I forced myself to submit and go with the night..

and my ears and eyes are opened to the beauty once more,

the celebration,

the PARTY and

the LOVE that can only exist when you bring great music and great people together on a dance floor!

It was beautiful seeing many of you (FROM ACROSS ALL BOARDS!) and though I was having one of my "non-mugumpstompin swaying" nights I couldn't help but smile and grind my teeth and think to myself;

"This is why I do this..

This is why I come out..

This is why I post,

This is why I fell in love WITH ALL OF YOU!"

Because the night is US..

It is the polar opposite to the darkness that's come over NY..

It is an example of How our spirits can never be destroyed..

All you need is a great DJ to bring out the best..

(Howells certainly did this)



LOVE you all..






:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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Augh…mugz that’s sweet. I completely share your feeling about being there yesterday when all this ugliness is going on in the world around us. I’m glad that you were able to enjoy yourself to the fullest. I wasn’t sure if you were having a good time at first – I expected a stomping hopping bouncing mugwump!

I woke up today, 3 hours after going to sleep, and felt as if last night had never ended. It is 3 in the afternoon, and I still have the permanent grin! I am sitting here, by crobra’s computer, chewing on a lollipop stick, just realizing that I finished my lollipop like ½ an hour ago. When his friends came to pick him up for soccer today, I was on the front lawn hopping around to a non-existent beat and bonding with the big fat doggie – let me tell you, I got some weird looks…lol.

We definitely have to hang out, the thing that sucks is that I can’t get into those 21+ lounges when you guys go on Thursdays.

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Originally posted by siceone

hey mist whats up Im glad you had fun just one question you still roling from last weekend?


oh man - yea!!!!!! ...but not anymore :( I have a shitload of work - this weeks is midterm week for me and I'm gonna be scewd!

Hey- I wish you were there last night, it would make my night even more beautiful. I hope you can come down to the city one of these weekends!

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i had a really good night last night, even though i didn't dance all that much, the music was good when i was out there, the crowd was real nice. ofcourse i missed the meetups again, but i did meet the kid wearing the ISTANBUL shirt, what up? neways for some reason we ended up leaving for some stupid reason i have no idea why and my friends have no idea why, we ended up going to Exit (THAT PLACE SUX). i was waiting on line with my friends and i had some k left and i put in my sneaker and some bitch pulls me out of line and harrases the shit out of me. she was telling me why im nervous i was like im buggin, so she checks me so so hard i swear to god she touched every part of my body, she made me take my sneakers off everything, they found the k, but there really wasn't that much in it, but still let me in, EXIT fuckin sux, there fuckin crew over there are a bucnc of dicks, everybody looks like an undercover in there i just hate the vibe there. still found k but, there is something about that club that when your fucked up it turns into a mad house everybody is evil. overall good night despite a few complications.


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The night was great, absolutely... I was really tired and didn't exactly interact much with anyone and all, but it was great seeing everyone and meeting new people (even if I didn't talk much...)

But yeah, here I am, just waking up and tired as all hell... Finally felt that rush late at night but everyone was gone by then...

But the night closed great...I think the only two people left at the end were Arcticshdw and jennEfer (staying power....)

Anyways, I'm still incoherent as ever...sigh, what a weekend...Mills, Orbital, and Howells...

See everyone in a bit...**waves**

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Originally posted by mist

oh man - yea!!!!!! ...but not anymore :( I have a shitload of work - this weeks is midterm week for me and I'm gonna be scewd!

Hey- I wish you were there last night, it would make my night even more beautiful. I hope you can come down to the city one of these weekends!

I will be there next weekend WITH BLONDE Hair and leapord spots!!!!


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Originally posted by mugwump

I've been on a musical kick that's taken me to another place far away from Trance..

And I've been stubborn about surrendering to the "Majority"..

That is to say I've been a SNOB!







I think you should take that back because trance is very beautiful and emotional. It takes you on a journey and if you understand it you will like it too. Just because music had a lot of bass it doesnt make it good. Listen to Exit music. Its whack. Trance can also have a lot of bass and be very progressive and energetic so please... don't single out anything. That is really ignorant.

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Originally posted by trancebaby

I think you should take that back because trance is very beautiful and emotional. It takes you on a journey and if you understand it you will like it too. Just because music had a lot of bass it doesnt make it good. Listen to Exit music. Its whack. Trance can also have a lot of bass and be very progressive and energetic so please... don't single out anything. That is really ignorant.

I think last night taught him a lesson...


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Originally posted by trancebaby

I think you should take that back because trance is very beautiful and emotional. It takes you on a journey and if you understand it you will like it too. Just because music had a lot of bass it doesnt make it good. Listen to Exit music. Its whack. Trance can also have a lot of bass and be very progressive and energetic so please... don't single out anything. That is really ignorant.

i thought he did take it back:confused:

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Mugz - it's about time your whiney bitch ass stopped with all the pessimistic bs and came back to dark side (trance) - stop your bitching and I told you that you couldn't miss last night - I think a thank you is in order for me calling your sorry "I hate the world" ass and telling you to come - Bro I am truly happy you had a great time - It was great night - it started off slow, but really picked as the night went on and got better and better - Howells is the man and to all you CP people - you guys and gals made the night great - the vibe in the club was awesome and I was great being around all of you!! Mugz - see how better it is when you use your powers for good - don't resist the trance, embrace it!! lol hehehe and tell SBJ (Kathy) - I said hello. Alby - It is always a pleasure to hang with you, Jammy - You are the nicest most positive person (the sunshine of the club), Quoth - it was great chilling with you, Trippintrance - it was great seeing you chilling - LM - or should I say smiley - lol it was great chilling with you, but stop playing with the hearts of those young CP guys - they almost duel to death over you lol - Trancend & romy - it was great seeing the both of you - NYC 420 - it's always a pleasure - Brooklynkid - dude it was great meeting you - Xpander - your just hardcore - Jeff Mills, Orbital, and the Howells - Anyone else I missed - I'm sorry - can't remember - oh yeah the guy I met twice but forgot your name for the third time - you were sitting on the floor at the end of the night with your girl in the chill room - it was great meeting you!!

Last night was off the hook baby!!!!!!!

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Welcome to the party Mugz...glad you had a good time. On a more personal note, I'd just like to say hello and it was really great to finally meet some of you CP heads last night...or was that this morning?...But anyways, it was good to put some faces to names...and at the same time, I could have done without some of the faces as well I suppose (just kidding). Its great to see the dedicated and know that I too am accepted among the land of the Educated Clubber. Great set Danny...your encore was outstanding, even though I couldnt dance anymore. Thanks for the good times all, see you when I recover. S&D, here we come.

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Haven't a clue where to really begin and shit but that dany howells definitely knows his beats. Had a good time for the most part..just a lil jaded from Mills the night before. But without a doubt, lemme go down my list of people i met up with...

CroBra-shit man, no one i know better than u with their head on straight, u got a great girl, lucky guy i tell ya. Thanks again for the ride to Penn.

Mugwump-bro, great to finally met the legend haha...but another time for the mugwump stomp heh

Mist-damn, DEEP intelligent conversation to the fullest, thanks for the good ear and keep being the person u are cause there is a bright ass future with u and CroBra

Trancend-I kicked yer fuckin ass in the breakdance battle, Prick.

Romy20-u gotta chill with the smiling hehe

Xpander- *yawns* yea i think u can keep Lavender hehe great to see u again

Lavendermenace-*yawns* yea i think u can keep Xpander

JenEfur-well well well great to see yer fucked up calf self once again hehe. see u soon

Arcticshdw-nice to meet u man, u got a wonderful girl which im sure yer aware of...keep her in check OR ELSE!!! haha be good man..peace

Blueskygirl- Damn, all i can say is that, Fran Dresher can fuckin dance haha and also its nice to see what "young at heart" looks like in Human Form


Misskittie- Fuckin Meow haha, well u notcied me and nearly ripped my shirt off my back haha but glad u got a hold of me pleasure to meet u and CHRIST I DIDNT KNOW U WERE A SHORTIE?? hehe....u looked nice, but were rather sweaty :laugh: :laugh:

Trippintrance64-good to see u back to back Mills to Howells

and anyone else i forgot great to see u all and hopefully again real soon....peace....quoth

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Originally posted by quoth

ARE U FUCKIN SERIOUS?????? :jawdrop::eek:


Played over a heavy 4 to the floor but still....

I heard it and I thought:

"hmm, that asshole left already....."

By this time, everyone left already...You , Shannon, Mugz, Crobra and Mist, it was just me and Barvybe that I could remember (not that that's saying much considering how little sleep i got....)

I end up going nuts on the dancefloor AFTER everybody evacuated....sigh


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yo, sounds like i missed a phattie party.

next time, next time.

apple-picking w/ my bro was awesome.

maskar's orchard off 17a (near tuxedo, ny)

has an kickass view from atop a hill.

so many autumn colors.

so many apples *burp* :tongue:

the sun even peeked out from the overcast clouds every

once in a while to cheer our spirits heavy with recent drama.

a mos def. day out.

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Originally posted by thehacker

yo, sounds like i missed a phattie party.

next time, next time.

apple-picking w/ my bro was awesome.

maskar's orchard off 17a (near tuxedo, ny)

has an kickass view from atop a hill.

so many autumn colors.

so many apples *burp* :tongue:

the sun even peeked out from the overcast clouds every

once in a while to cheer our spirits heavy with recent drama.

a mos def. day out.

sounds gorgeous, even though you missed the party you still had an awesome time unlike my self who was stuck in shitty ass troy with people who think music is ja rule and Nysnc.... I just bar hopped till I told every one that they weren't fun and I would rather wack of with a cheese grater and go to sleep..

oh yes I was chipper ..

oh well see you next weekend hopefully


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Originally posted by quoth

Misskittie- Fuckin Meow haha, well u notcied me and nearly ripped my shirt off my back haha but glad u got a hold of me pleasure to meet u and CHRIST I DIDNT KNOW U WERE A SHORTIE?? hehe....u looked nice, but were rather sweaty :laugh: :laugh:

You callin' me short?? Im not short...your just too damn tall!! I actually saw u a few more times but you looked tranced out and I was too busy gettin' mah groove on. It was in-fuckin-credible last night! Loved the intense vibe in the joint.

And sweaty??? Please, you saw nothing...good thing u werent there when I finally left this morning.....EEEEEKS!

See ya soon possibly~ And it was nice to finally meet ya cutie!



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Originally posted by siceone

sounds gorgeous, even though you missed the party you still had an awesome time unlike my self who was stuck in shitty ass troy with people who think music is ja rule and Nysnc.... I just bar hopped till I told every one that they weren't fun and I would rather wack of with a cheese grater and go to sleep..

oh yes I was chipper ..

oh well see you next weekend hopefully


people that I am school with are exactly like that: and I mean that literally. I am actually friends with people that think NSYNC is music, while trance is inferior because it "has no words". What a fucking load of crap - that's like saying that classical music is inferior! It is so much more meaningful when music makes you feel a certain way and takes you higher through music itself, rather than TELLING you how to feel ( in the case of pop music, with most of the words being shallow and cliche). fuck that! Don't get me wrong, I love rock and alternative, that's a whoel different category.

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Sooo good to see everyone the second weekend in a row.....

Mugz --good to see you smile man

Lav---love ya babe ;)

TrippinTrance--thanks for the hug!

Xpander and others whose names I forget nice to meet ya! I was up on the speakers the last few hours of the night

COBRA---dude! I saw you when I was waiting for the bathroom then you disappeared.......lol

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Originally posted by mist

people that I am school with are exactly like that: and I mean that literally. I am actually friends with people that think NSYNC is music, while trance is inferior because it "has no words". What a fucking load of crap - that's like saying that classical music is inferior! It is so much more meaningful when music makes you feel a certain way and takes you higher through music itself, rather than TELLING you how to feel ( in the case of pop music, with most of the words being shallow and cliche). fuck that! Don't get me wrong, I love rock and alternative, that's a whoel different category.

The best part was my friend who is a dj was spinning just practicing and this girl comes in and shes like " do you have the new LFO remix?" I shit you not... then she says"I hate when they put word in trance songs it just ruins it" and then she says "except one song" that song was Alice DeeJay- better off alone :rolleyes:.. so he puts on Delerium silence the DJ tiesto mix.... one of the most gorgeous records ever pressed and when Sarah Mc glaughlin ( if I misspelled im sorry ) starts to sing she goes " Like that the song is ruined now "..,. just a lil tale of the kinda people that are out there .


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