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The biggest mistake

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I was at the San Francisco Polly's yesterday. No, this was not the biggest mistake, in a certain way I enjoyed it very much as usual. But in a way that matters more to me right now I didn't enjoy it.

I was dancing with a girl (oh, there it comes, this time a woman is the source of all my sorrow). She was really nice. You know, when I was in the Polly's yesterday, I had to think of this other thread by regularqueen about what people want when they go to a club. What did I want yesterday? I wanted to have a good time. I wanted to dance. I wanted to forget about work and being alone. I don't think I was looking for casual sex, but I was looking for a person I could talk to, who I could share some thoughts with (you know, sophistication and all that stuff). Okay, this might sound very pityfull, but believe me, it's not that I wanted ANY person to talk to me, there are enough people who talk to me, I wanted to find THE person (okay, and I wanted it to be a girl, I admit) which would establish some sort of connection right away. Starting with the dance, the eye contact, the smiling, creating this aura, feeling the wave length... I think you get the idea.

So I was dancing with this girl, whom I actually just helped to get rid of some annoying guy (to replace it by another annoying guy, i.e. myself?), and there it was: the eye contact. The smile. She sang the lyrics to the song while looking at me, which I liked very much. So everything was fine so far... until the point when she just left me with their girlfriends without saying a word. I know, this is not unusual, dancing with a person is no obligation to spend the rest of the night together, but even the girls who didn't make eye contact when dancing with me said something or said good bye or whatever.

But do you know what I did? I follow her downstairs. Don't get me wrong, I am not the type of guy who runs after a woman in a club, nor am I a stalker personality, but I was interested in how she was doing downstairs and if there were other guys to help her get rid of. Third, I don't like to be left that way. So I went downstairs and it took me a while to find her, but then I saw her dancing on the stage where only girls are allowed to dance, of course some guys in front of her, but I didn't care much about that. But what I cared about was the way she was dancing. She was looking at one guy in front of her, singing the lyrics right into his face. I felt like in one of these teenie love movies, where the guy sees his girl dancing with someone else and gets jealous, turn around and leaves the room just in the very moment when the girls turns her head around to see him leave. But this was no movie. And she didn't turn her head. And I didn't leave. But still, I didn't like that, I felt fooled. Usually I know people when I see them, I know if they mean things or not. And I was so damn sure that this was not just some meaningless eye contact that it make me feel very stupid getting proved otherwise. :knife:

I approached a little bit and really didn't care at all about some other girls who wanted to dance with me. Then she saw me and surprised me by waving with her hand showing that I shall come to her. We danced again, she left again. And I felt like the idiot again. I started not to like this game anymore.

What did I want? Maybe she paid me already more attention than most of the other guys, and I knew she was from New York (we talked to each other when we danced the first time) so I was sure she just wanted to have her fun and wasn't looking for anything or anyone. But so was I. Only that I wanted to talk to her for more than ten seconds. Something about her eyes just didn't let me go.

Okay, so what was next? I walked upstairs again, and I really didn't want to approach her one more time, I didn't want her to think that I stalk her and I didn't want to bother her. But on the other hand I also didn't want to dance with any other girl although I tried to. I don't know if this girl even knew what she was doing to me and I don't know if she earned to think about her this much.

Lather this evening I danced with her again, we were (more or less) incidentally dancing near each other and she didn't seem to mind (neither bother nor care), so turned around to dance with her for a while. Of course she left again, leaving behind a miserable Legend starting to get really pissed. And this is what I mean with the big mistake: I began to take this personal. That's why I didn't want to dance with any other girl, because I had started taking this personal, and I should have known better, a club is not the right place for that.

So, to shorten the story a little bit. There was some more to come. We met again at the very end when there were only few people left on the dancefloor and she was standing at one column having problems again to get of all the man who wanted to 'care' for her. Again I was the one who helped her, again she didn't really appreciate it. Then I did the second mistake, I told her the truth. You know I like to stick to the truth, and sometimes I am just too honest to people. I told her that I just couldn't forget about the way she looked at me the very first time and she just asked, what look whas that? I told her that there is something about her eyes that just fascinated me, because her eyes seemed to say so much (unfortunately her mouth did not). Then she said that she already heard that some time before. I really tried to take it easy and not to get pissed, but all I said was that she possible heard everything already that I could possibly say and that I'd have to invent a new language to make her hear new things she didn't hear before. The she just said that I don't have to invent a new language, and I thought, okay, that's it, that's all I can take for one night, why don't you just say fuck off to me, I'd really appreciate if people would be as honest to me as I am to them and tell me when I bother them.

Incidentally, we left together, because the security started to throw the people out of Polly's. Down at the street there were many bums and other people trying to get some money or what ever. They started to get on the girls immediately, so another time superhero and neverending rescuer Legend helped them out. Her two girlfriends were at least grateful for that. I walked them to their car, gentleman as I am. One of her girlfriends really made me laugh when she asked who I am, then I told her my name, and then she asked if I am coming home with them. She asked it totally natural as if she asked if I want to go shopping or watch a movie. But I said, no I'm not coming home with you (maybe you wonder why I didn't just say yes, but that's not the way I am), I just want you to get to your car safely.

Then I said good bye to her and she asked if I will be fine, because there was one other issue, all my friends were gone and I didn't know why they left me without telling, for I was supposed to drive home together with them, or at least with the friend with whom I came to the Polly's. But he wasn't their anymore, either. No one was there and I didn't know whether they left the car there for me or if they just drove home. I said to the girl that I'll walk to the place where we parked our car and look if it is still there. The place was one mile away, though, and for the girls didn't want me to go through these streets at this time, they took me to the place with their car.

Can you imagine how I felt? I felt so damn sorry, because the last thing I wanted is cause any inconvenience for them. I know what it means if three girls take a guy they absolutely don't know with them. Fortunately my friend was waiting for me at the car, and he was really surprised when I got there in a car with three girls in it :)

So, this is for you, girl from New York (I know her name, but I don't want to tell here, sorry) who made me think about you the whole night! I hope you are doing fine and didn't forget me as fast as I am sure you actually did. You won't read this anyways, so what am I doing here at all?

I didn't ask her for her phone number or give her mine, because I thought this would be really stupid at this point. And despite all I was thinking, I am not stupid enough to think that she might even give me a call or anything. I know I think too much about things and she might not even remember me in the very moment when I am writing this and remember her very well.

What is this whole story supposed to tell you (other than that I have too much time writing you all this)? Don't take things too personal on the dancefloor. It's all just fun. It SHOULD be fun. Don't do what I did and let yourself get sad because one person doesn't respond to what you do the way you'd like him/her to.

This will affect my future weekends at Polly's for sure. I think I will see the girls with different eyes now. And I will try to distinguish even more and maybe I'll finally meet a person who shows me that there are people who do care who they look at and who they talk with. I mean, maybe you'll tell me that this is the wrong place to look for something like that, but I don't think so. I am there, and I don't feel like being in the wrong place, I just want to combine my pleasure in dancing and listening to good music with having a nice and sophisticated conversation with a girl. That doesn't sound as if I demand too much. We'll see.

I'll definitely post more of my experiences soon, but now it's time for you to tell me what you think. Don't be lazy, don't just read and click away, press the reply button and say a few words. Write what you think! Come on, there must be people who have made their own experiences and who have similar or even totally different thoughts.


enough said for today.

The Legend

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Well I really hope you never see this girl at the club again. I have noticed through experience that never ever get personal with someone you meet at the club. I have made a few good friends, but almost everyone you meet will be fake. So next time smile laugh, but never get personal. If you ever see her again please find a distraction. She might want to play games and well its not worth it. Hey we all think we want to be hunted, but in all reality we want what we can't have. Just a thought!!! RQ

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I don't think she was fake. Actually this is not even about this girl in particular, so I don't mind if I see her again or not. It's just that she inflicted a feeling on me of which I thought was special, and it was a pitty to find out that it was not. And I felt a little bit stupid because I am almost always right with my feeling, and I am not a person who gets fooled easily. You know what they say, the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and I've done very well so far to look into this mirror when I get to know other people.

But that is life. It would be too easy if I was always right with what I think, I am also only human and I am allowed to make mistakes. And it took me only a few minutes to hours to see, analyze and overcome my mistake. So I think this is pretty good, maybe I should pay myself $100 for this psychological study.

So if you want to lay down on the couch of psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Dr. Legend, feel free to tell me your darkest thoughts, your most hidden secrets (yeah, post them out to the world which doesn't answer to anything!) :)

Did you notice the poll? And did you notice it has been viewed by now about 20 times, but only three votes were made? It is only ONE MOUSECLICK, how can people be so uninvolved that it's already too much to vote in a one-click poll?

Okay, nevermind. Thank you regularqueen for answering, at least you didn't leave me in the lurch.


Dr. Legend

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks that you liked the story... go ahead and read some of my other novels around here :)

I've been there again since then and it was better... I don't know, maybe I just had a bad day that time...

But tell me (if you want to), what lessons have you learned at Polly's, what happened to you? I'd be really interested in hearing what you experienced... so if you have time, just drop a few lines and be sure I'll respond!

Have a good night everybody,

the Legend

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allright...you talked me into it. The lessons I've learned at Pollys more than once:

I live in Texas (am from California, though) and I'm in the military. Now, don't get the automatic vision in your head of a butch, gung-ho kind of he-she. I'm not like that AT ALL. So, anyway, it seems that every single time I've gone to Pollys, I hook up with someone I shouldn't. I've only lived here for about a year, and I've been there just a few times. The Pollys in San Antonio is a big-time pilot hangout. (So if anyone wants a pilot-man, come on down here). I can tell these boys a mile away. I, being enlisted, am forbidden to associate with these guys, but they are just sooo irresistible, I just can't help myself. What it always ends up as is a big fiasco with them falling all over themselves ("Can I get your number?? I'm going to die if I can't call you!!") and me getting my hopes up, and then--inevitably, reality hits them in the head and they realize that, hmmm, if they DO hook up with me, they'll get their asses kicked out of the service. So it's a question of ~~hmm, girl I thought was pretty hot, or my career? Let's think about that. I guess I'm just attracted to the things I can't have. What a drag.;)

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" but I was looking for a person I could talk to, who I could share some thoughts with (you know, sophistication and all that stuff). Okay, this might sound very pityfull..."

Some advice. You are not going to meet 'the One" in a bar/club. This place is somewhere to have fun and have a good time but go there looking for the One and surely you are asking for heartbreak. Bars/clubs are the WORST place to meet someone with any substance. Go and have fun and if you find the One elsewhere, then maybe take here to the club to have fun with her! But when you find I'll bet money you have no desire to structure your social life around any bar/club....



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Maybe you got lost in my big posting, but I thought I was telling you that I am NOT looking for The One, but I am also NOT looking for some stupid bitch who just wants me to pay her drinks and the cab, and to fuck her brains (or the rest of it) out. No thanks, Sir.

But on the other hand, I might be The One for some person and I am also at the club. That was the only reason that I am still thinking that there might be other people who think like me, who just go there to have fun (by the way, that's what I am doing primarily, I AM having fun!) and maybe get an interesting person to know. That's all.

I will for sure not reorganize my social life around a bar or club, just because I like to spend my weekends there :)


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Hey, this is exactly what I was talking about in my thread. Legend is right though. I also go to clubs have fun and think one day I might be the one for someone else. I don't believe in love at the momnet because it been a rough year, but you never know what will happen. Fate is in control!!!! No not GOD, but Fate the stars eveything that we can't explain in life. So stop questioning it and have a good time. I will never fall in love with a man that not worthy, notice I didn't say I will never fall in love with a club guy. Real quick. I am tha girl that never takes a drink when offered. I'm independent and love it. I'm sorry so many others are so pathetic. RQ

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  • 3 weeks later...


I really respect you for posting that whole story. You actually remind me alot of myself. What happened to you I could totally see happening to me. It seems to be we are alot alike, heh we should talk sometime.

Why is it we are so taken with one person, and not the next? I have put too much into a girl I met at a club on more than one occation, but I never learn. Someone may give me a look or a smile and I just read way too much into it. I know that's not the best thing to do, and I am learning. :)

Legendary mentioned something that I often think about. I've heard time after time that a club is not a meaningful place to meet someone for say a relationship. But why can't it be? To be honest when I go I am kind of hoping to meet someone... maybe someone special. I am not really counting on it, but I wonder if it could maybe happen. If I go there looking for that, doesn't it stand to reason that at least SOME girl there might be there for the same reason? True I may never pick that girl, but she must exist.

We all goto the club for fun... some of us must go for more. I do. Like I said I'm not really counting on it, but if it happens that's great.

Anyway I commend you Legendary for posting that story. That was an interesting experiece to be sure and I think you handled it well.

If you ever want to talk you can PM or IM me. I probably wouldn't be much help, but we can always exchange experiences. :)

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Zeon, thank you for your appreciation, I am glad to finally get some response to what I write here. I was sure that other people must have made similar experiences, they just didn't want to answer. You did now, thanks!

Actually all this talk about whether a club is the right place to find someone special has a simple solution. I thought about it again and now I know why I think you could meet someone special there (except from the reason I already mentioned that I consider myself someone special and I also go to the club, so other people must be doing the same): I was thinking about how I got the girlfriends to know I had in my life (I was surprised how long the list actually had become) and I must admit, it was totally different everytime, in most cases by some incident, some random event nobody could forsee. That again made me think that there is no place on earth where you can't meet someone special. The world is full of special people, most of them just don't know it.

When I was at SF Polly's last weekend, I took some time off standing at the dancefloor watching the people, watching stupid guys talk to girls who then have to find a way to get rid of them. The funniest thing was a sexy girl who had a fat and ugly girlfriend with her, because she always tried to hook the guys up with the fat girl to get rid of them ;)

But as I was standing there, totally confident with myself, a little smile on my face, every few minutes girls came to me (who actually rejected other guys) and asked me why I was standing there. Then I told them that I didn't like the song (which was true in some cases, because the DJ really was totally fucked up last weekend), then they even begged me to dance with them (because they don't like having the guys they can get), and in most cases I did.

So, what do I want to tell you? Love yourself and you'll be loved by others. Don't be too unattainable. Girls want to feel that you are a match, not a toy or slave.

Do you want to know what the REAL Biggest Mistake is? To think that it is your responsibility to get to know somebody. If you stop searching, it will find you by itself.

Your fortunate moralist,

Prof. Dr. Legend

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Hey all and legendary,

God I'm lazy. I meant to reply to these posts 3 days ago! Well I think it is finally time.

Legend, I am happy to reply to your posts. You take the time to write them, least I can do is write a little too, especially if it is something I can relate to. Believe me I can write long messages too. I use to write what emails I called "Novels" to my friends. I still do to people I have that much to say to. But nothing burns me up more to write something long and get a short reply. Grrr what the fuck? Can you say more than that? I think.

Man you sure are someone I can relate too. I know exactly what you mean about how you met your girlfriends. Just about every girl I had in my life I also met in some unique way, no one of them did I mean in any normal sense. My list of girlfriend's probably isn't as long as yours sadly. :-) But I was in a relationship that lasted over 4 years. In fact... I was married. Bet that shocks you huh? I'm too shy to talk to girls but I managed to marry one. LOL figure that one out! Why aren't we together anymore? I'm sure you are wondering. The short end is we just drifted apart, married too young. You know the typical reasons.

I've heard that stop searching and you will find her thing... but I am so damn impatient!

-Zeon Star

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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn. And Damn again.

That is all I can say about what happened to me last night. Believe me when I tell you I can easily add in my version of The Biggest Mistake to this thread.

Legend I don't know if I feel like posting this for all to see but I could really use someone to talk to, if you are ok with that, drop me a PM. This one hit me very hard.

It amazes me how a night can go from SO good to bad so quickly...

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The following story happened Friday and it’s now late Monday night and I still can’t stop thinking about it. I am hoping getting it all down may help. Comments are welcome just please go easy on me. This all hit me very hard and I don’t think I will be able to fully convey why. Many I’m sure will think I am over reacting… but this is just how I am.

Legend I hope you are reading this. This truly belongs in this thread.

I’m sure some of you have read my post about lacking confidence to talk to a girl and all that. Well when I went this past weekend I wasn’t dwelling on that. I just went after work to relax, dance a bit, and just see what happens. I didn’t plan to talk to anyone or even trying. I just went. Got there at my usual time of midnight, did a few rounds saying hi to the workers I know and then ended up at the bar in the 80’s section to say hi to the sweet bartender I know and get my usual boring cherry coke. She was busy on the far side of the bar so I just listened to the music and waited.

Out of nowhere this girl and her friend pop into the free spot to my left. The girl immediately beams me a smile and says hello. Being the dolt I am I at first quickly say hi, smile, and turn away. But then I turn back and realize that this girl is so very cute. She is saying something about getting on the bar to dance because the bartender (I different one, not my friend) wont give her a drink till she gets up there. The girl says she has never did something like that, and points to all the skimpy girls saying something like “Look at them, that is not like me.†But the bartender shows her a step and she gets up on the bar and dances right over me. She calls it whoring herself but she is definatly having fun. I feel awkward for awhile but I keep looking up at her and she smiles at me every chance she gets. Some guys come and go looking at her but most of her attention is on me. Meanwhile her friend is down next to me talking to her and me some and I catch that the girl I’m looking at is named Kelly.

Kelly talks to me while she is up there, saying she has never did this before and to look how she was dressed. She was indeed not dressed like a clubber. She has on a long sweater and pants. I could barely see her neck! Hehheh…. But still I found her soooo pretty. She kind of danced seductively at me and I of course was loving it, any awkwardness was dissolving more and more every minute. She would bend down so I would touch her butt which I did of course. I ask her if she is going to come down and dance with me on the floor sometime and she assures me she will.

Soon she gets down to rest and I get her some water. She holds me and hugs me like we have been a couple for 5 years or something… and it feels totally right. In other words, we cliqued right away. She was clearly into me and it felt wonderful. I tell her I know the DJ and I can get a song requested for her. She wanted to hear Hungry Like The Wolf so I go get it requested. I don’t recall if it was that song or another song, but we eventually got out on the floor dancing where things just got better.

Most of the time me and her danced and a few times her friend got behind me but I was kind of oblivious to her, I was just paying attention to Kelly. I don’t know if this has ever happened to anyone, but when I was with her the world kind of dissolved around me. It was just me, her, and the world ended there. Seriously her friend could have been rubbing my crotch and hardly would of noticed. Kelly would look into my eyes, touch my face and come close to kissing me but tease me. It was torture kissing. But it felt so good. I can honestly say I can’t think of another time someone was so into me.

I want to add now that yes she was drinking but I do not believe that is what made her like me. I’m pretty sure she knew exactly what she was doing and feeling. Especially with how the night ended as you will see, she had her head on straight.

She asked me how old I was while we were dancing and I tell her 24. She goes on to ask me if I like older women and she reveals she is 29. It stuns me because she does not look it at all and it also doesn’t bother me one bit. I find out her friend is her room mate and best friend. Just little small talk things.

Anyway it felt wonderful to dance with her and I have no idea how long we danced. I think it was about an hour but I pretty much last all concept of time.

The following is where everything goes to shit so I need to try and explain why I felt the way I did and still do. First off Kelly herself was just so warm and sweet. She made me very comfortable and made it very clear she liked me a lot. I’ve been pretty into girls, I honestly will take to one easily… maybe too easily but I feel it was more with her and this one of the key reason they ending to the night slammed me so hard. I imagine we all have an ideal person we would like. I like the skimpy sexy girls as much as the next guy, but I adored how Kelly looked. She was a brunette, shoulder length straight hair, and dressed as I said above. She was wholesome yet had a sexy side and I just find that so appealing. If I could map out the girl I would really like to end up with… that is pretty damn close.

Okay now. The place is closing and Kelly says something that I can’t remember right now. I think it was something about heading outside. So I tell her I need to grab my jacket from the DJ booth and I casually, almost as an afterthought say that I need to get her number. I’m leading her by the hand to the DJ booth and it takes me a moment to realize she has just said something like “I’m sorry I can’t.†It doesn’t fully register and I keep walking to the DJ booth and get my jacket. Then I stand next to her and I ask her again. I frankly don’t understand what she meant so it’s going to be hard to explain it here.

She says something about not separating her life here and her regular life. That she just can’t do it. I think she mentioned something about being 29. Not our age difference, just that she was going to a club for a good time. I’m already in a daze, still not fully registering what is happening. I mutter something like “They say don’t meet people at a club it’s a bad place... I guess they were right†and she agrees or something. She does make it clear that it is NOT me and that she likes me very much. She also says she would love to see me again… see me THERE again. After a moment of futile explanation we head outside to meet her friend. By the front door there is a little alcove to go into to stick your face in so you can get your picture with inside that Brady Bunch square thing and she says she has had her picture taken in here before. I say something random like this would be a good place to kiss and she really fully kisses me for the first time. The bouncers see us and heard us outside and we head to their car.

Kelly says she needs to go to the bathroom bad (and by the way she was hopping up and down I believe her) so she tells me to meet them at a nearby Denny’s. I say something like I don’t want the night to be over yet and she says it’s not or something and gets in her car.

I head over to my car and drive to The Denny’s. Little did I know it’s a popular after Polly’s place and it’s packed.

But Kelly and her friend are not there. I waited 20 minutes, spending most of the time talking to my brother (on the phone, he had called me for something) trying to hold back everything from sinking in. Maybe it was too busy and they went somewhere else. Maybe she didn’t want to see me anymore. I just don’t know. But oh my god it hurt me.

That is pretty much the end of the story. Besides how I am still feeling. I’ve told a few friends about it. A few think she is married. I guess that is possible, but I just doubt it. I do not think that was the issue. Just for some reason she would not let herself know me outside of the club. I wonder if she knows how much she affected me, or that I can stop thinking about her. I wonder if she liked me a bit more, would she of made an exception and wanted to see me away from that place?

I don't know. I don't know why she affected me so much. How the night ended came out of NOWHERE. If someone offered me a million dollars I couldn't honestly say I would not have forseen the night ending like this. When I was with her, getting her number and seeing her again was such an afterthought. I didn't have even an inkling that it wouldn't happen.

I realize now this is still bothering me pretty deeply. I went back to Polly's Saturday even. Can you say idiot? I went kind of to just get away, I didn't want to sit home and dwell but I admit I a large part of me was hoping I would see her again.

I ended up having a very interesting saturday night. I wont post about that now... but I probably will later. It was quite a night. Not bad, and not great but it was interesting and it got my mind off Friday for a few hours.

Does Kelly have any clue what she did to me? I can't believe she did this on purpose... no one is that cruel. But oh man it stings. How am I going to get over this? I dwell, I know. A large part of me wants to see her again so bad. Hoping something will develop. Can an attraction like that really be for nothing? I don't know...

Sorry for the novel,

Zeon. (Adam)

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Oh man,

listen to me carefully so that you don't miss a word: You have to stop it, right NOW! Stop thinking about that Kelly girl immediately.

I just came back from Las Vegas, so let me put this in some sort of gambling words: To get this 'thing' which can so easily be built up in a club between you and a girl outside the club is like THE JACKPOT, and believe me, both of them happen very rarely.

If you are into Startrek, you'll probably know the Holodeck, a room in which everything can become reality, but as soon as you leave the room, you are back to normal life. There can be persons in this room, things you can touch and feel, and everything seems so damn reason, but if you tried to take something with you, it will just vanish as soon as you pass the door. I'm sure you see my point. It's the same with the club.

Last time we were talking about how you get a girl to dance with you and have fun, but what you are talking about right now is phase two, you want to keep the girl outside the club! That's a damn different business.

And you had it right in front of you, she apparently waved all signal flags that she had, trying to tell you that a 'club-relationship' is not a basis for a real-life relation-ship.

Believe me, I'm sure what she said is true, that it wasn't you, it's just that girls who go there to have fun (and also kiss and cuddle up with someone once in a while) just don't want a sudden commitment to someone. They want to be able to come back again without feeling bad if it doesn't work out with you. They want to keep everything inside the club worlds, so their fun weekend won't affect their normal lives.

If you one day will be able to talk to a girl again outside the club, remember that you have to start all over again. And I mean ALL OVER AGAIN. Don't expect any kisses anymore, no holding hands, no cuddling up, from now on you are strangers, you have to get to know each other from scratch. Maybe the name she told you inside isn't even her real name (in Kelly's case it might be true because you overheard her name from her friend), maybe she lives and works elsewhere, has another age, everything she told you inside can be (and in most cases will be) a lie. Because girls don't want to go dancing and then have a BORDERLINE STALKER with them the next day.

There are many crazy men out there, and I think it is very understandable that a girl wants to protect herself and won't give out her number or any personal detail that could be used to track down the place where she lives.

So, my friend, forget about her, at least until next weekend. I think she won't come again, because she knows that you'll expect her to pay attention to you again. She will go someplace else for the next few weeks until she thinks it is okay to come back, that you are over it. She doesn't do that because she is cruel or wants to hurt you, she does that because she doesn't want to deal with that. She only wants to have fun, not these annoying little quarrels, trouble, hurt feelings and stuff.

There is a little chance that she might decide by herself to see you again, but then SHE will come up to YOU. She knows that you know the DJ, so she will figure out that you are there quite often. Then she'll know where to find you. That's the way they like it, as long as they feel that they have control about it, they are fine with it.

Forget about it for now.

You didn't do anything wrong, neither did she. It's just the way it works. If there is more to come, she'll definitely let you know.


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So sorry to hear about that - things happen sometimes and there seem to be lots of people here to cheer you up-

The last time I was at Poly's I ended up helping my friends fight off obnoxious drunk guys- We were fairly sober and there to have a good time- but I swear anything that resembles eye contact brings trouble - so you have to look at the floor ceiling or your friends--Anyways after some sweaty salsa liberachi wanna be licked my friends neck and tried to freak on her- luckily- some cute guy intervened and we were able to get away- which is hard when its crowded - its a good thing that happened cos I was damn near ready to throw a punch--never underestimate us little chicks!!!!--the cool thing was that the cute guy showed up later on and danced with us but didn't act like a jerk -- moral of the story-- It takes all kinds

so I just found poly's recently and then this site-- the threads are entertaining cos its all stuff we encountered at one time or another on the dance floor--

just hope all y'all keep it real


duct tape

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Damn it! I wrote a long posting (AGAIN!) and it got lost (AGAIN!!!), now I am really starting to hate it. Do I have to write my postings in a text editor first and then copy them into this windows to be sure they don't get lost by some stupid server error?

What I was saying (and now I am really going to keep this short) is that I feel that me and some other nice guys out there have to pay the price because all the stupid and jerky guys scare the women away.

I completely understand that you are carefull and picky about whom you look at or into his eyes or that you don't want anyone to think you could be interested or feel comfortable dancing with him, because he could turn out to be one of these never-let-go stalker all-over-you guys one minute later.

Uh, I'm sorry, I wrote so much more before, but I really can't repeat all that now. I just want to say: Don't lose hope, there are also nice guys like me out there who will always help you to get rid of some unwanted drunk company.

Maybe I'll come back later and finish the posting...

But it has to be enough for now.


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I've lost a a few posts myself after writing them. Grr it drives me nuts. When it happens I DO restart them in Word. No way I am going to write something a third time.

Usually what happens to me though is not a server error, it's Sygate cutting out and my Laptop loses the net connection. Very annoying. But I always end up rewriting my stories. :)

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