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How was Danny in NYC????


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sat night was awesome, but not quite as banging as labor day, which counts as 1 of my top 3 nights of 2001 (along w/ satoshi tomiie and the twilo fire night). long long buildup from 12:30am to maybe 4 or so, then some hard tribal beats, long long drawn out techy intros and teasers, back to the banging beats i love so much, and then finished up the last couple hours with some lighter housier sounds. as always, great vibe and crowd - it's always such a reunion for me, seeing a ton of my clubbing buds. and post-partying and such.

damn, i came THIS CLOSE to getting to talk 1-on-1 to DH - met some DH agent/mgr/publicist guy who was psyched that i went for DH fri and sat and got me in the booth for a little bit. but no chance to talk to the man - boo. he was the cutest thing, though. :):):)

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I'm glad to hear he wasn't as banging as his Labor Day set since I didn't make it on Saturday. The night of the fire had been my best night, but I think Labor Day edges it out just slightly. Glad you guys had a good time.

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