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How many people know what DJ they're hearing at a club?


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I just remembered, around 3 AM or so this kid dancing by Scratchapella turns to her and asks, "Do you know who this DJ is?" She answered "Danny Howells" but started laughing between the "Danny" and the "Howells". I was laughing as soon as he asked. It made me wonder how many people there or at any club know or care who the DJ is? Are we a minority when it comes to that? I know that people at Vinyl on a Friday know damn well who they're going to hear and that in general techno-heads and anyone going out on a weekday when they have to go to work the next day know their DJs, but other than that?

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Who's Danny Howells?? Is it also another DJ who plays that repetitive "techno"...*boom* *boom* *boom*....

I wish they would play more Brittney Spears and N-Sync at clubs...now that is REAL music!! And whats up with the DJ not making drink special announcements - bad bad DJ!


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Most of the time I know who is DJ'ing. Of course most of the time I'm sober, but seriously, I at least know who the main DJ is on most ocassions I hit a club, especially when the main DJ is well known.

Somebody asked me if I knew who the DJ before Danny Howells was, which I didn't, so I asked somebody else....granted I was still sober then, but I didnt know who Omid 16B was, but now I know. See, we learn something new everyday....

:) :)

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At least the kid who asked who Danny Howells was asked because he was enjoying him. I guess for most people it's just clubbing or partying that they enjoy so the music isn't as important as long as someone's playing something. If I don't like the music I can still have fun, I guess, it just becomes much harder. And it's understandable no knowing every single DJ who comes around. Like 16B. I know of him cuz of his production and remix work, but if you don't know producers (which most people don't even if they know DJs) you may never have heard of him and wouldn't pay attention to his name on the flier that reads "DANNY HOWELLS" in big letters.

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My guess would be 4 out of 10 at Buzz on any given night know. At other clubs, that number probably goes down.

Other than the diehards, most clubgoers in the US in general probably don't even realize someone is spinning live vinyl.


Which reminds me, I just e-mailed a friend from Tampa that Sasha, Digweed and Jimmy Van M. are going to be there in November, and that she has to go see them, no excuses about it, to which she responds, "what songs do they play?"

This coming from someone who CLAIMS to like techno, trance and house....

But I still think Quad City DJ's should be booked by Buzz...

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Originally posted by Kuro

At least the kid who asked who Danny Howells was asked because he was enjoying him. I guess for most people it's just clubbing or partying that they enjoy so the music isn't as important as long as someone's playing something. If I don't like the music I can still have fun, I guess, it just becomes much harder. And it's understandable no knowing every single DJ who comes around. Like 16B. I know of him cuz of his production and remix work, but if you don't know producers (which most people don't even if they know DJs) you may never have heard of him and wouldn't pay attention to his name on the flier that reads "DANNY HOWELLS" in big letters.

Werd. The only reason why those kids don't know who Danny Howells is because they're not into the club scene. The only way they're gonna get into the club scene is if you don't laugh at 'em cause they don't know who Danny Howells is. So it's everyone's civic duty as a partier to help educate the unknowing. Especially those people who think Oakie is good. Cause he's not. He sucks. :D

But what I said doesn't apply to me. Cause I laugh at everybody. And Kuro, either, cause he knows who 16B is. But Vicman, you didn't, so I'm laughing at you. And raver_mania, I'm not laughing cause I love Britney Spears and N'Sync. :laugh::D

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heh...this isnt an unusual problem with ppl not being educated on music and especially this kind of music..take a trip down to miami..you will see it bad there...they spend all kinds of money on fliers down there for what when ppl still freaking cant tell u whos spinning when u are tryin to find a good party..i get good responses at the annual WMC but thats becuz the ppl that are tellin me who is spinning isnt even from miami there from nyc or dc..soo no big surprise..its sad if u asked me..id wanna know who im spending my money on..psssht amatuers :rolleyes:

my two cents



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I had a friend who posts on this board occasional who asked "Do they still MAKE records?" :laugh:

We all have to start somewhere! As long as they aren't grabbing my ass or too f*cked up to know where they are, I won't beat them down with my hair extensions when they ask about the DJ!

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Originally posted by malanee

We all have to start somewhere! As long as they aren't grabbing my ass or too f*cked up to know where they are, I won't beat them down with my hair extensions when they ask about the DJ!

Grabbing ass. Right. Beating with hair extensions. Right. Oh, is my selective memory getting the better of me again? :rolleyes:

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dood! I was going to write about that guy! I was cracking up when he asked me who was spinning. but you're right, he looked like he was having a good time and that's why he wanted to know. . .but man all those danny fans up there, disrupting his flow, asking for autographs, shaking his hands. . .i don't know. . .sometimes I wish people would just shut the fuck up and DANCE kekeke, had to throw that in there. . .

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I wasn't laughing at the kid mockingly. It just struck me as really funny (and at the time almost everything was funny to me). And the Danny fans were up there getting autographs and shaking his hand cuz he's such a nice guy and is all too willing to do it. Obviously if Danny wanted people to just shut up and dance he would have dropped more straight up techno, right, Scratch?

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Originally posted by chynado11

heh...this isnt an unusual problem with ppl not being educated on music and especially this kind of music..take a trip down to miami..you will see it bad there...they spend all kinds of money on fliers down there for what when ppl still freaking cant tell u whos spinning when u are tryin to find a good party..i get good responses at the annual WMC but thats becuz the ppl that are tellin me who is spinning isnt even from miami there from nyc or dc..soo no big surprise..its sad if u asked me..id wanna know who im spending my money on..psssht amatuers :rolleyes:

my two cents


cd [/QUOT

How about post this in Miami forum?

I dont think nobody from DC can give you a right answer.

:) peace

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Originally posted by vicman

look at the global underground web site, they will have an "official" kick off party here in DC before the 20th (if I recall well) but they wont play here until nov.

They might play at Yoshitoshi to celebrate the release like they did for Yoshiesque 2.

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Originally posted by chynado11

heh...this isnt an unusual problem with ppl not being educated on music and especially this kind of music..take a trip down to miami..you will see it bad there...they spend all kinds of money on fliers down there for what when ppl still freaking cant tell u whos spinning when u are tryin to find a good party..i get good responses at the annual WMC but thats becuz the ppl that are tellin me who is spinning isnt even from miami there from nyc or dc..soo no big surprise..its sad if u asked me..id wanna know who im spending my money on..psssht amatuers :rolleyes:

my two cents



Do you really think that's something that's more prevalent in Miami? In every city there are night clubs that exist for people to go and drink and look for people to hook up with or to be seen or any of that other bullshit. Music in those places only exists because a night club is supposed to have music. Miami has a trendy/glamorous reputation, so maybe there are more of thosetypes of places down there. Of course, the only two I know of are Space and Crobar because those are the places that get the big name DJ talent. Maybe those two clubs get lumped in with the rest as just another trendy place to go, but that isn't unique to Miami.

When Carl Cox was at Buzz in Febuary (I tell this story a lot), some jackass who cut in line behind me was talking to some girls who had never been to Buzz about how he's there every week and the reason that the line was so long was because "Courtney Cox" was there that night. In the later days of Twilo I heard a lot of complaints from regulars about a new crowd coming in because they heard Twilo was a hot spot. I've heard people who have been going to Vinyl for years complaining about a new crowd there who wouldn't know the difference if Tenaglia was out of town that Friday who are just there because word has gotten out about Vinyl.

Now I'm just wondering if, even in the places like Twilo and Buzz, whether those of us who are geared towards the music are the minority. Maybe us being the monority is part of that phenomenon discussed in that "Buzz has changed" thread, but isn't limited to just Buzz or DC.

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I think that places like Buzz and Vinyl (and the good days of Twilo) are going to become more rare and it has to do with $$$. As DJ's charge more the owners will have to hike up prices, as they do, they will have to advertise more and as a result the less "underground" the club becomes and the crowd with the big $$ comes in.

In social research its called gentrification when that happens to neighborhoods or areas in the cities. Look at Harlem now, look at it how it was 10 years ago, and look at it how it will be 10 years from now.

A good thing is that real good places in DC arent as expensive as NY, MIA or LA, 'cause hell, if they were I sure would not be able to pay $50 to 80 in cover charge just to get in to a couple a clubs every week, plus what I spend on drinks.

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I hear ya, Kuro. But on the other hand, the fact that people who don't know shit are going to the clubs isn't a completely bad thing. Let's face it, no matter how much we talk about underground this or non-commercial that. The fact of the matter is, it's a business. And businesses need to make money. In order to make money, the clubs need people. And if some of the people are there just because it's cool or trendy, then that's fine. Maybe if they keep going, then they'll see the light.

Maybe we are in the minority. But the fact is, us heads that love the music need as many people to fill those clubs as possible, otherwise the promoters will lose money and will stop throwing the party. Case in point - 5. Music was good, but the crowd died out. There weren't enough music loving heads to fill the place, and the promoter quit. Stellar Sessions is another example. Great lineup last month, but I'm sure Ty lost a ton of money on it. I just hope he keeps at it cause it was a killer party. But if he doesn't I'd completely understand. He'd go bankrupt if he kept trying with a pathetic crowd like that.

So the moral of the story is. I don't know. Of course we'd all love some sort of utopian club experience where everyone is nice, everyone knows the DJ, and nobody tries to grab my ass. Oh wait, in my utopia, everyone tries to grab my ass. :D But let's face it. There are assholes everywhere. There are trendy types everywhere. But it's good for the club scene as a whole for them to come out and see why we love it so much. And maybe a few of them will stop being assholes and will stop trying to grab Malanee's ass. ;)

My personal viewpoint is I don't care if we're the minority or not. The fact that Buzz is packed is good for the party. It means Scott Henry and John Tab can get bigger and bigger talent. And then that means it's good for us heads.

And you know, people complain about Vinyl. And they used to compain about Twilo. But they forget the four letters this whole scene is based on: PLUR. It should apply to everyone, not just the people who know who Danny Tenaglia is. It's supposed to be all inclusive. The dude in the business suit that came by for a beer and gets caught up in the music and is dancing his ass off by the end of the night with a bunch of ravers in baggy pants and visors. THAT's what it's all about. Although, PLUR doesn't apply to Oakie. Cause he sucks. :D :D :D

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