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Help me! I'm from New York..


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I am new to this board but it looks like you guys know what you're talking about soooo...

I am from New York but I just moved here to go to school. I am 18, and all the clubs I have been to are really wak, I mean they wouldn't even be considered clubs if they were in NY. Anyways, I was just wondering if there are ANY good clubs here, or any comparable to the ones at home..I like any music, techno, hip hop whatever...as long as its a hot club.



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What clubs in NYC do you like? Down here there isn't much. There's Buzz on Friday and if you don't like that then I don't know what to tell you cuz that's pretty much my thing here. I know a bunch of New Yorkers who like to come down to Buzz to catch their favorite DJs cuz they like the club (and cuz Twilo closed and because they were getting kicked out of or hassled at Vinyl). Where do you like to go in New York?

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well, in NY my fave club is the Limelight but I used to go to Factory alot (yes I know its wak haha but it was fun!) I went to Exit when it first opened but I was young and stupid..haha actually I heard that not that it is Earth is pretty phat, but I'll see when I go back home.

Has anyone been to DC Live? I am suppoosed to go there with my friend this weekend..she is coming in from NY and I have to show her a good time..hah I am embarassed to say that I have been here 2 months already and the only "clubs" I have been to are the ones that are promoted in my dorm...pretty sad....

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I've never been to DC Live. I haven't been to most clubs around here because in general I hate clubs. But I love Buzz and I loved Twilo. Anyway, if she's down here on Friday you might want to check out Buzz. This Friday Tarentella and Redanka and Sandra Collins will be there. Tarentella and Redanka should be good and I hear that Sandra Collins is pretty and drunk, but that may not be the type of thing to entice you...

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Awwww yay Limelight! I was a dancer there this year :) Miss it!

Anyway, if you are looking for someplace to go I'd suggest passing on DC Live. Not only is the music generally bad, but it attracts a lot of ghetto types and the scene is extremely cheesy. If you are looking for a Friday spot, check out Buzz (I'm sure everyone else here can give you details on that), and for Saturday, Glow. In particular this saturday is SuperGlow3, the 2 year anniversary party, featuring Acosta and Talla, plus an open bar and buffet pre-party from 8 to 10. PM me about list, etc. if you want to check it out.

p.s.- what school are you at?

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I am at George Washington and yes..I am a freshman... but anyway, my friend is kind of ghetto, so that might be a good thing..I don't know..

you are tellin me that this buzz place is not cheesy? because everything here is pretty cheesy, but everyone keeps telling me to go there so maybe I will try it. is it true they have punk shows at nation also? I heard the Bouncing Souls were supposed to play there next month?

it is very important that the clubs are not cheezy because then I end up making fun of people all night and I am trying to be nice.

thats phat that you danced at limelight, I love it there. Over the school year last year it was eh but I went back for a week and went on two fridays..actually one friday one sat, and it was maaaad good. better than any club I've been to ina long time..


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Originally posted by amanderwak

I am at George Washington and yes..I am a freshman... but anyway, my friend is kind of ghetto, so that might be a good thing..I don't know..

you are tellin me that this buzz place is not cheesy? because everything here is pretty cheesy, but everyone keeps telling me to go there so maybe I will try it. is it true they have punk shows at nation also? I heard the Bouncing Souls were supposed to play there next month?

it is very important that the clubs are not cheezy because then I end up making fun of people all night and I am trying to be nice.

thats phat that you danced at limelight, I love it there. Over the school year last year it was eh but I went back for a week and went on two fridays..actually one friday one sat, and it was maaaad good. better than any club I've been to ina long time..


yeah...nation does have concerts too...i just saw 311 there on friday night and i stuck around for buzz afterwards...

i wouldn't be surprised if bouncing souls played there, nice small place like that is good for punk and hardcore shows...

AFI is going to be there in a little while, should be a crazy ass show...anyways, the answer is yes, they do have punk and other shows...


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You can check the Washington City Paper for line-ups at Nation. Thursdays they have their "Goth" night and there have had punk rock bands there before.....my ex-roomie was way into that shit...apparently they tell me people from Jersey are a bit odd... :D :D

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