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How to tan?


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I used to. But my boy lost a $4000 a week modeling contract with an agency because he got really tan in the winter(from salon). He lost so much work because it looked so fake. That kinda made me stop, plus, in the long run your skin gets leathery if your're not careful. To each is own though, and I love tan girls:D

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by tastyt

Goddamn you people know a lot about tanning! I dunno... I just sit in the sun for 15 minutes to bronze, half an hour to brown...

Silly white folks.


what do you mean "silly white folks"? you're half white!!

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Hey, I got another question.

What brand of tanning lotion should I use? Since I am just starting out, I probably don't need one with the "tingle" stuff yet. How much do you guys pay for how many ounces of tanning lotion?

Also, this site shows some pretty cool tanning beds that you can buy for at home use.


This one looks cool, only $3,899 :tongue:!


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Originally posted by manmeat

Where do you go Misk?

I'm looking for a new place to go....and how much do you pay?

where do u live?? i can help more if i know what u r around!!i've been to hollywood tans once because it was convenient((and like i said i have "tan anorexia")) and needed to tan! it was ok...decent color,nothing special.u can find hollywood's all over..and they had all the california tan lotions! HOWEVER hollywood is expensive!! CalTan is fairly expensive too but well worth it....MANY beds and great lotion....my favorite bed~silver bullet((like$21 w/lotion))...MUST TRY THIS BED! LOL but..my FAVORITE salon is a small place by where i live...awesome color everytime...best lotion...great beds((personal radio/cdplayer/ac/etc..))..very cheap in price not in quality...great owners...etc etc... OK NOW THAT I LOOK LIKE A TANNING PSYCHO i will stop! LoL but feel free to ask any more questions! :cool:

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ok...COOL..here is ur lotion info....


~espresso~i swear by it!! ((but wait till u r dark!))

bali henna is really good

and i don't remember who makes this...but...

*black ice* is great!

after tan~~>HELIODERM is probably the best

but..body drench is really good too! as long as u moisturize it is fine!

ugh..now i wanna go tanning...see what u r doing to me!

o yea and for a beginner...ToASTED HONEY ((i think)) by california tan step 1 is really good.....

i am a loser!!!

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Okay I called http://www.etanning.com/ and they recomended this Creme Brulee brulee.gif

tanning lotion for $21 http://extreme-tanning.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=E&Product_Code=CB&Category_Code=CDA and I also got this Helioderm moisturizing lotion for $9. helioderm1.gifhttp://extreme-tanning.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=E&Product_Code=H4&Category_Code=ZAAA

Now, I went back for tan and used the Creme Brulee and it worked a lot better then tanning with no lotion. I got more tan then red.

I don't know about the moisturizing lotion though. Are you supposed to put it on before showering off the tanning lotion??

I took a shower to wash off the tanning lotion cause it feels gross. I don't know, the Helioderm has a little smell to it though. Does everyone moisturize? Does Body Drench ETBodyDrenchMoisturizer.gif smell better?? http://extreme-tanning.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=E&Product_Code=ML&Category_Code=ZAAA

Are you supposed to wash the tanning lotion off before putting the moisturizing lotion on?????

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