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Happy Birthday....


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Originally posted by MadamMillie

to the resident crackhead SHADY!!!! :D

Aww, thanks. I think. ;)

In honor of my b-day, I took a much needed day of from work. Hey! No laughing. I work hard sometimes, I swear. Funny, though, because when I told my boss I was gonna take the day off, his only reply was "What're you, smokin' crack?" Honest to God true story. I'm just wonderin' how he found out... :D

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Originally posted by ryno

Shady, you and I have the same birthday! Happy birthday! birthday.gif

BTW, how old are you today? I'm 24, which feels old as hell, but probably isn't.

Lemme know how good your birthday pipe...uh...I mean, cake is! :D

24, huh. Old as hell, huh? I'm 27 today, and I feel as young as all those raver chicks at Buzz. At least, that's what I'll tell the cops :D (Ooh, bad Shady, bad!). Actually, it just occurred to me, that I'll probably be a full 10 years older than some of the people at Buzz :(

Happy b-day back at ya, Ryno!

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Originally posted by Kuro

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! You're fucking old!

Wha..??!! Whats wrong with being 27?! I'm 27, old as hell yes, but young where it matters the most:D

Well, I guess I should brace myself then for tonight, but even though I havent met the individual in question whose b-day is today, Shady, congratulations!


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Originally posted by vicman

Wha..??!! Whats wrong with being 27?! I'm 27, old as hell yes, but young where it matters the most:D

Well, I guess I should brace myself then for tonight, but even though I havent met the individual in question whose b-day is today, Shady, congratulations!


Hahahahahaha. You're fucking old, too. Actually, I'll be 26 in 12 days.

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Originally posted by Kuro

Hahahahahaha. You're fucking old, too. Actually, I'll be 26 in 12 days.

Yea, if you see a guy @ Buzz wearing a pink track suit, w/ blue-blockers sun glasses, and holding a cane thats me...oh, time for my medication....and then my nap and insulin shot....and blood preassure measurement.......!!!!!!I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up!!!!!!........:D :D :D :D :D

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and the more medical bills.....

and credit card bills......

and car bills....

and utility bills....

and worse of all CLUB BILLS...

getting drunk and using your friends credit card to get more liquored up bills....

road trip to see your favorite DJ spin bills.....

covers on the road trips to see you favorite DJ spin a crappy set bills.....

covers on the road trips to go see your favorite DJ spin a crappy set and realizing when your on the line that you forgot your ID in you kitchen back home and now you have to use your friends credit card to shell out twice the cover so the bouncer will let you into the club bills....

:D :D :D :D

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Originally posted by MadamMillie

think of it this way: the older you get, the more records and fun toys like beamers and technics you can afford to buy :)

The older you get, the more Corporate America assumes you're not a crackhead and the more they're willing to pay you gobs of money to sit around and surf the internet. Oh, and the more they'll send you to exotic places all around the world (can anyone say AUSTRALIA for 10 days!!!!!)

Boy, do I have them fooled! :D :D :D

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Originally posted by vicman

and the more medical bills.....

and credit card bills......

and car bills....

and utility bills....

and worse of all CLUB BILLS...

getting drunk and using your friends credit card to get more liquored up bills....

road trip to see your favorite DJ spin bills.....

covers on the road trips to see you favorite DJ spin a crappy set bills.....

covers on the road trips to go see your favorite DJ spin a crappy set and realizing when your on the line that you forgot your ID in you kitchen back home and now you have to use your friends credit card to shell out twice the cover so the bouncer will let you into the club bills....

:D :D :D :D

And the more expensive your drugs get. :(

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Originally posted by malanee

Happy B-day Shady! And you shouldn't feel old, it's 6 months until the big 3-0 for me! Holy shit, would someone hand me my walker please???? And where did I leave those damn pills....


I think the pills may be with the Walker, but only a few of you will get that joke :D

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Originally posted by malanee

Happy B-day Shady! And you shouldn't feel old, it's 6 months until the big 3-0 for me! Holy shit, would someone hand me my walker please???? And where did I leave those damn pills....


So, who's the veteran of the CP DC's board?


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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

So does that make you 'crotchety' too?

Hehe. I said 'crotch'. Hehe. Hehe.

-Sigh-. I'll be 50 yrs old and still find potty humor funny. :D

HAHAHAHHAHA that was just right out of Beavis and Butthead (the most excellent cartoon show ever, btw... well one of them). Happy birthday to BOTH of you!!! *muahz* Hey when do we get to give birthday whacks? :tongue:

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