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GBH= Godawful Boring House

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I have had truly great nights at Centro-fly, and some severly mediocre ones, and upon reflection I found a common denominator to the evenings I found myself yawning- they were al fridays when I had either been swept along to CF, or thought the DJ sounded promising. Everytime I Have attended GBH, I have been shocked by the absolutly blandness of the music. So GBH- neither great nor british. Discuss.

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hells yeah! a cutie who heats me up dancing (which was definitely the best part of GBH this friday)

so, i'm agreeing - music was wack. in fact, if i hadn't had such a great time with all the people from the meetup / Aztec's b-day, and found Sai on the floor, i woulda bolted right out.

NO MORE GBH for me!

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Originally posted by saigray

I have had truly great nights at Centro-fly, and some severly mediocre ones, and upon reflection I found a common denominator to the evenings I found myself yawning- they were al fridays when I had either been swept along to CF, or thought the DJ sounded promising. Everytime I Have attended GBH, I have been shocked by the absolutly blandness of the music. So GBH- neither great nor british. Discuss.

Aww you were there?!?

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Well I'm gonna step in here and play the Devil's advocate for a second..


But GBH organize more than just House nights..

They've thrown together parties for such great talents like:

Adam Freeland

Terry Casey


Timo Mass

Deep Dish

and coming up:


Plus Penstar (who I have yet to meet after months of frustrating misshaps)

Is really cool..

as are all the other GBH crew..

Alejandro and Eddie are the bomb!

Go easy on these guys..

They've come along way from the OHM parties!


(Though glam aint my thing..but to each his/her own)

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I forgot to put the disclaimer that I still had a great time there on friday thanks to the fabulous company. This group is enough to make anyplace great...if only we could make it more british (Jammy: I am with u all the way on the Anglophile tip).

Siceone, thanks for makin me blush...refresh my memory-what's your name/when did we meet...a lot of the evening has been lost.

Crystalmethod - its been ages, but it would have been cool to finally meet you..next time I guess.

AnD an addition to the complaining ( I'm whiny today) when I pay 10+ for a redbull and vodka, it is reprehensable to replace the redbull with cheap ass,immitation "energy drink", that tastes like flat cream soda!!!

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Originally posted by newsense

y'all are crazy! GBH throws hottest parties in town ...

If you don't like GBH , Then you don't like HOUSE music ...

so go to SF or exit2 with the rest of the sheep ...

I like GBH because they are more than just HOUSE!

And they are more than just CENTRO..

Shoulda checked out Freeland at SHINE!

about as far from house as it gets...


And this MUGWUMP will stick by your side and deffend you guys!

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Originally posted by newsense

y'all are crazy! GBH throws hottest parties in town ...

If you don't like GBH , Then you don't like HOUSE music ...

so go to SF or exit2 with the rest of the sheep ...

Yeah, says you.

I don't go to SF and I don't go to Exit.

Just because it's GBH doesn't mean it's good house music.

And I'd suggest you go take a look at the people who goes to GBH. No one who goes there has the right to call ANYONE else "sheep"

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Originally posted by saigray

AnD an addition to the complaining ( I'm whiny today) when I pay 10+ for a redbull and vodka, it is reprehensable to replace the redbull with cheap ass,immitation "energy drink", that tastes like flat cream soda!!!

that shit drives me up a wall. if it were the real deal i wouldn't be as likely to bitch about it being $10, or if it at least tasted similar it wouldn't be so bad. but for it to taste like shit, be a rip off and not provide any energy just isn't right.

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This is a pefect example why people should start going places for the DJ and the MUSIC..

rather than follow a FLOCK!

If a million people go to a party that has DJs that:

A) I know nothing about

B) aren't my scene (as far as music goes)

then simply:


If you instead hear of a DJ that you have loved for a while..

spinning shit that you KNOW you like or..


(yea..sometimes it's worth asking about a certain "party" or "DJ")

Then I think it's worth going..

Perfect example..


Not always Hip Hop-not always House..

yet they host parties many different venues ranging from artists likE:

Gilles Petterson to Basement Jaxx to LTJ BUKEM to Bebel Gilberto...

So does that mean that if you show up at ANY GIANT STEP NIGHT


answer: nope!

But if you don't care about what you go to and focus only on "THE SHEEP" mentality

then you wind up playing Russian Roulet!

*and wind up having an OFF NIGHT!




And well worth researching..

know the roots of a aprty and you might

want to skip the PACKED joint for

a CHEAPER better night with a DJ (or genre) that makes you go nuts!

GBH host many different nights!

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Originally posted by mugwump

This is a pefect example why people should start going places for the DJ and the MUSIC..

rather than follow a FLOCK!

GBH host many different nights!

Well said, and in general I agree with you- and I will take back my blanket statement against GBH, cause I had a great time at Timo, and plan to at the Chem Bros,- however, it is one thing to have a flock mentality and a whole different ball game to weigh the options, the potential enjoyment of the company, their commitment to said venue, and decide that u r willing to take the risk of bad music rather than go off alone. So while I was ragging on the music (and I brought it up since it seemed to be a consensus) , I still had a great time.

Come on mugz, u know I ain't no lemming :bounce:

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Originally posted by saigray

Well said, and in general I agree with you- and I will take back my blanket statement against GBH, cause I had a great time at Timo, and plan to at the Chem Bros,- however, it is one thing to have a flock mentality and a whole different ball game to weigh the options, the potential enjoyment of the company, their commitment to said venue, and decide that u r willing to take the risk of bad music rather than go off alone. So while I was ragging on the music (and I brought it up since it seemed to be a consensus) , I still had a great time.

Come on mugz, u know I ain't no lemming :bounce:

Saigray saigray..

sweety..this aint a personal attack..

I'm sorry if I sounded like I was slapping your wrist..

It's more of a GENERAL comment on how I feel the NY nightlife scene has become.

But I know there are those times when the "crowd" or "company"

dictates the LOCATION to be at that night..

I am stubborn but I too have wound up at places I didn't relate to just

to be with a certain group..

(OR a special someone who's company I might enjoy very much at the time)

So pardon my harsh reply..

You have great taste so I judge YOU not..

(Though I am a snob I can spot an ORIGINAL from miles away.

And you are Def that!)

It's aimed for the HEARD..

(which you just happen to be swept up by..)

It happens...


oh (burp) excuse me..


*Mugz chews on a clump of grass)

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