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Erogonous Zones.


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Everyone knows about the basics, or at least ;) i hope you do:

Tip of nose

Nape of neck

Between the shoulder blades

Small of back

Outer upper vulva

Bikini area

Hallows b'twn achilles and ankle

top of feet


there's one I don't quite get? The frenulum:

a) how do you "stimulate" it, I imagine it's outside through the skin...

B) is it even one... who the hell made that list... i need more reliable sources. THAT'S WHERE ::YOU:: COME IN {no pun intended}

Do you have any odd ones, or explanation of the frenulum?


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Originally posted by nitro449

How about between the thighs....I go nuts kissing and licking the thighs

the list was by no means, thorough, in fact, women are such diverse creatures, of course, there is no one manual to cover all the bases. You need to get to know your woman and touch every inch of her body [she's comfortable with, and maybe even not -- but in the right way] at least, twice. Find out what drives her wild, specifically.

It's great that you love to do it, but if she's not into it.. she'll begin filing her nails and wonder what the hell you're doing.

I'm the same way about the, above mentioned, small of the back. There's one spot that used to just break out my x-girl's entire body into goosbumps, whether it was, licked, stroked, jizzed, sucked, stroked, poked, or tickled it was like instant orgasm, no waiting.

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Guest xfactor834

If I'm not mistaken, the frenulum is the spot between a girl's pussy and her asshole.

For a guy, it'd be the spot between his balls and his asshole.

Some people call it a 'choad'.

lol...sounds funny :laugh:

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Originally posted by xfactor834

If I'm not mistaken, the frenulum is the spot between a girl's pussy and her asshole.

For a guy, it'd be the spot between his balls and his asshole.

Some people call it a 'choad'.

lol...sounds funny :laugh:

Actually, I believe the frenulum on the guy is the underside of the dick where the foreskin attaches (or is supposed to attach) to the head. As for girls, I don't really know.

People also have a frenulum under their tongue. It's the tissue that attaches your tongue to the floor of your mouth.

I do know what you're talking about when you talk about "choad". My girl licks mine every time she goes down on me. It feels great!:D

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by xfactor834

If I'm not mistaken, the frenulum is the spot between a girl's pussy and her asshole.

For a guy, it'd be the spot between his balls and his asshole.

Some people call it a 'choad'.

lol...sounds funny :laugh:

I think its the perenium. Not 100 % on the spelling though or the taint.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

i think the most erogoneous zone for women, is my wallet...

btw. that reminded me of a quick joke...

How are women and Condoms alike???

They both spend more time in your wallet then on your dick...


Derf Derf...

*so many men...so few who can afford me!!*:laugh: j/k

but the bikini are does it for me!! yep yep...bikini line!!!

and as for the frenulum or whatever...i've heard it called a chode before too...actually we used to call this kid in high school chode!! now that i think about it ...i don't know why we called him that! LOL

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Originally posted by upjumpdaboogie


<anatomy> A band of tissue which attaches the bottom of the tongue to the floor of the mouth.


<anatomy> The region between the thighs, in the female between the vulva and the anus, in males, between the scrotum and the anus.

i am glad u posted that because someone also told me a 'chode' was that thing under your tongue..frenulum i guess!! and the i heard the perineum was a 'chode'...hehe..i'll sleep better now!!

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