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Ecstasy Use Called 'Epidemic' Among Teens

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Monday October 22 10:27 AM ET

Ecstasy Use Called 'Epidemic' Among Teens

By Melissa Schorr

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters Health) - Teenagers are beginning to use the club drug Ecstasy on a more widespread and regular basis, an addiction specialist reported Saturday at the American Academy of Pediatrics' annual meeting.

``The use of Ecstasy is an epidemic now with teenagers,'' said Dr. Peter D. Rogers, an associate professor of pediatrics at the Ohio State University College of Medicine and Public Health. ``I've never seen a drug take off like this. It's like cocaine in the 1980s.''

In fact, Rogers said, the current popularity of Ecstasy could be ``the No. 1 public health problem in the United States.''

Ecstasy, or MDMA, is a popular club drug that acts like both a stimulant and a hallucinogen. The drug, taken in pill form, produces a 4- to 6-hour high.

Researchers recently reported that Ecstasy, along with steroids, were the only two drugs increasing in use by teenagers, Rogers said. For example, 11% of high school seniors reported using the drug sometime in the past month, while a year ago, only 6% did.

Rogers reported on some disturbing new trends in the use of Ecstasy. Some teens who are developing a tolerance are beginning to take it more often and in settings other than dance clubs, Rogers said. Other are first taking Prozac, a drug that modulates the mood-altering brain chemical serotonin, before taking Ecstasy to enhance the drug's release of serotonin.

``The scary thing is it's got this reputation of being safe,'' Rogers said. ``It's not.''

Immediate side effects include jaw clenching, nausea, tremors, and in extreme cases, potentially fatal elevations in body temperature. Research suggests heavy users of the drug may suffer long-term problems, such as impaired memory and liver damage.

Rogers also noted that there have been several deaths associated with teens who caused damage to the brain by drinking too much water preparing for use of the drug. Many teens drink large amounts of water to counteract the raised body temperature induced by the drug.

The drug clears the system within 12 to 16 hours and two thirds of drug-detection methods will fail to pick it up unless specifically directed to screen for it, according to Rogers.

However, most pediatricians fail to screen their patients for Ecstasy use due to lack of time or training, he said.


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Little do they know that (around here at least) the popularity has declined because of wack shit. For the past 9 years that I was doing it, the demand and use was off the hook. NOW they catch on and its a epidemic. Its only epidemic in proportions because they just realized what was goin on. Like LSD and its popularity..if they only had a fricken clue that their ivy league perfect angels of boys and girls are really closet coke head tweaking pill dropping 10 strip taking crack heads. Denial is a powefull thing....aint it

:blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank: :blank:

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Originally posted by djscotphreak

Monday October 22 10:27 AM ET

Ecstasy Use Called 'Epidemic' Among Teens

By Melissa Schorr

Ecstasy, or MDMA, is a popular club drug that acts like both a stimulant and a hallucinogen. The drug, taken in pill form, produces a 4- to 6-hour high.

I wish!!!

The drug clears the system within 12 to 16 hours and two thirds of drug-detection methods will fail to pick it up unless specifically directed to screen for it, according to Rogers.

Good :D :D :D

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yeah and taking prozac before you pop a pill actually lessens the effects of the pill. but from what i understand taking prozac 6 hours after you pop lessens the effects of neurotxivity or something. I dunno go to dancesafe and read the slide show. its very informative.

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Rogers also noted that there have been several deaths associated with teens who caused damage to the brain by drinking too much water preparing for use of the drug.



Dr. : uhhh mrs. Jones your son seems to have died from drinking to much water, preparing to do drugs...

LMAO.. who dies from drinking to much water? wtf you drown??

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Originally posted by dgmodel

Rogers also noted that there have been several deaths associated with teens who caused damage to the brain by drinking too much water preparing for use of the drug.



Dr. : uhhh mrs. Jones your son seems to have died from drinking to much water, preparing to do drugs...

LMAO.. who dies from drinking to much water? wtf you drown??

*LOL! Seriously, what was this kid a horse drinking cold water too fast after a hot day in the sun. What's next: "teenager overdoses on Vitamin C!"

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The human body (as with other animals) maintains an equilibrium of electrolytes including salt in the bloodstream as part of its normal operation. Sweating causes the body to lose salt, but the primary cause of hyponatremia in Ecstasy users is drinking enormous amounts of water, which dilutes the salt in the body to a dangerous level. Unfortunately as the electrolytes get out of balance, body systems start to fail and (because of the blood brain barrier), the sufferer starts to exhibit signs of crisis such as diarrhea, over salivation, stupor, vomiting, muscle tremors, confusion, frequent urination, and other general symptoms of illness, and their brain begins to swell. This swelling is called a 'brain edema' or 'cerebral edema' and can (and does) lead to brain damage, paralysis, and death.

According to C. Haller, MD from the California Poison Control Center in San Francisco, hyponatremia (although actually rare among users) is one of the most common causes of ecstasy deaths or serious injuries. In England, perhaps the most notorious death associated with Ecstasy in the mid 90's was Leah Betts. Sadly, Leah died after taking Ecstasy for her birthday with friends and then drinking enough water to cause her death.

The dangers of drinking water obsessively while high are real. If you're drinking a lot of water, in any context, mixing in some salty snacks or drinking sport drinks will keep your salt and electrolyte levels healthier and can prevent hyponatremia. People on E very often do not want to eat anything, so salty snacks tend to be a ineffective option. While some people find these sugary/salty drinks are unappealing, others find that they quench the thirst better than water...and they can definitely help prevent both hyperthermia and hyponatremia.

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Originally posted by djscotphreak

The human body (as with other animals) maintains an equilibrium of electrolytes including salt in the bloodstream as part of its normal operation. Sweating causes the body to lose salt, but the primary cause of hyponatremia in Ecstasy users is drinking enormous amounts of water, which dilutes the salt in the body to a dangerous level. Unfortunately as the electrolytes get out of balance, body systems start to fail and (because of the blood brain barrier), the sufferer starts to exhibit signs of crisis such as diarrhea, over salivation, stupor, vomiting, muscle tremors, confusion, frequent urination, and other general symptoms of illness, and their brain begins to swell. This swelling is called a 'brain edema' or 'cerebral edema' and can (and does) lead to brain damage, paralysis, and death.

According to C. Haller, MD from the California Poison Control Center in San Francisco, hyponatremia (although actually rare among users) is one of the most common causes of ecstasy deaths or serious injuries. In England, perhaps the most notorious death associated with Ecstasy in the mid 90's was Leah Betts. Sadly, Leah died aafter taking Ecstasy for her birthday with friends and then drinking enough water to cause her death.

The dangers of drinking water obsessively while high are real. If you're drinking a lot of water, in any context, mixing in some salty snacks or drinking sport drinks will keep your salt and electrolyte levels healthier and can prevent hyponatremia. People on E very often do not want to eat anything, so salty snacks tend to be a ineffective option. While some people find these sugary/salty drinks are unappealing, others find that they quench the thirst better than water...and they can definitely help prevent both hyperthermia and hyponatremia.

I feel like a dick...

In any event drink gatorades or any of those sport drinks theyre are heavily saturated with salt...

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It is really annoying because you are not supposed to drink too much water due to hyponatremia, but then again you have to drink some water too avoid dehydration and overheating. Usually, 1 pint of water is suitable per hour(or 12-16 ounces - not sure) to help sustain all your bodily functions in a normal level. Also, make sure to relax every once in a while....even though E can impair your emotions - I find it relatively easy to control yourself and make intelligent decisions.

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I thought I remembered hearing that drinking to much h20 can also shut down your kidneys? true\false? Either way thats to bad that kids die doing any drugs much less ones as fairly harmless (yah right) as E is\are\were. I've done my share of E over the years...i am just lucky that none of my friends ever died...that would be to much to bear.

:( :( :( :( :( :(

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