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Would you continute to trust your girl if...


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She had lied about guys she had dated in the past. Although she referred to them as just "friends"? I know the past is the past but if you take someone on their word and then find hard evidence (floppy disk with saved emails) which contradicts what they have said. Do you continue to trust them and take them at their word? Should I let this throw a kink in what has been a really good relationship for the last three months.

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definitely question why she felt she hadda lie about it... cuz if she lied about that then who knows what else she is capable of lying about u know?? dont let that ruin the relationship unless YOU truly feel like u cant trust her. regardless of what any of us think....lying is so stupid... esp about the past so, def find out what thats all about....

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same shit happened to me though: my now bf had asked me if anything had happened b/w me and this guy he knows and i said NO. it was quick, horrible sex that i dont wish to even remember. plus i only knew my bf for a WEEK at that point and didnt feel it was his business.

he found out the truth from the guy, and he asked me again about 2 weeks later....at that point i really was into him and couldnt lie again. i hate the fact that i lied to someone i now love, but oh well......im not disclosing shit that isnt his business if it has nothing to do with it and it was complete bullshit

so the point of my long-ass post is........ask her again and see if she lies to your face again. hopefully she wont

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