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I just want to say about the US position...


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Originally posted by sassa

What makes you despise them so much?I am not justifying their actions in the least,I would just like to know where you stand on this,since you have obviously stated what you think above.

What makes me despise them so much is that people they trained flew planes into buildings in NYC and Washington DC! It seems like it doesn't piss you of that they did....which is very sad.

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yes, these are tough times that we're in. But desperate time calls for desperate measures.

There is no surefire response to what happened on Sept. 11. Terrorists operate in the shadows of the corners of the world.

I personally don't like bombing, especially after what happened in Kosovo and Baghdad. But what other choice do we have? The Taliban are criminals. Not the whole of Afghanistan, but just those radical fundamentalists who espouse an old, radical form of Islam.

I do believe in conflict negotioation, but the Taliban are pure and simple hate-mongers. There really is no negotiating with people who harbor ideologies as far off as they do. I personally think we should send more special missions on the ground to root out al Qaeda and Osama, but i'm not sure if the american psyche can handle that.

In the meantime, we'll have to do something to show that we will not tolerate terrorists sects and those nations that harbor them. And if it means bombing key military locations, so be it. Lots of nations support out stance, which is another validation for it all.

I just hope this all ends before Ramadan in mid November.


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Originally posted by laraver

Sassa - If you have not figured it out the reason you are being attacked personally is that your position seems to be in support of people who wish to bring down the USofA.

You are here, presumably of Middle Eastern descent. You have the freedom to say what you want, how you want on this board.

If you were living in the world that the Islamic Fundmenalists wish to create you would need to worry about them finding out who you are and executing you because you disagree with them.

It has become obvious to the US and to the world that this seed of Islamic Fundamentalism has grown into a poisonous vine that has wrapped itself around the world and threatens the existence of stable nations everywhere. It cannot be permitted to spread. It is evil, without any qualififcation it is evil.

Innocent Afghans will die, innocent Americans have died, soldiers on both sides will die. That is profound and sad, not to be made light of.

The Afghans had a choice. Refuse to be a part of the problem, do not sponsor terrorists, do not let terrorists train in your country, do not let terrorists use your country as a base from which they plan and launch attacks. The Taliban are Afghanis. They had a choice to do what is good for the majority of people in the country. If that means turning over Osama and his pack of jackals, then so be it.

I am not attacking you personally, but you are wrong in your defense of these people. The attacks on 09/11 showed that we cannot tolerate the existence of such groups. Cannot tolerate their existence. That means that this brand of Islam, this Fundementalism espoused by the Taliban and their idealogical allies cannot be permitted to grow or spread further. It must be stamped out finally and utterly. It is to great a threat to the stability of the global community.

Are things in many countries in the Middle East difficult for many people, yes. But in places like sub-saharan Africa and India, and areas in South and Central America they are equally diificult. I don't see those peole starting major terror organizarions and killing thousands of innocent people.

The Fundamentalists have shown through their actions and words that the only language they understand in the discourse of world affairs is the language of force. As they have sown, now shall they reap. Other Muslims have shown us that the only way to deal with these people, the only time they will stop their activities to destroy civilized nation, is when the response to their provocations is so brutal, so final, so complete that it borders on genocide. That was the response at Hama.

Islamic Fundamentalists have created this situation, their muslin bretheren have shown us the only response that will stop these people. The answer is clear, the results unfortunate and sad.

I'm afraid the Hama Solution is the only effective answer to the provocation of Osama bin Laden, Al-Queda, and their idealogical allies.

I'm not Middle Eastern ethnically, I don't think I'm wrong, and I understand everyone's problem with me..especially igloo.He is an immature human being and I have POLITELY asked you several times to stop using personal attacks in your posts.But, seeing that you don't wish to do so,I have to conclusion that you can go fuck yourself,and I don't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks. I know what I think is right, even if it isn't for many of you. And one day the truth will be exposed. We shall see.

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OH MY GOD. I just was reading all the posts,and I can't even believe what I am reading...I thought I made it perfectly clear I am NOT advocating the fucking Taliban OR Osama Bin Laden...do people just have a problem with understanding what I am saying???I feel sorry for the poor people, not any form of government Afghanistan has nor the sadistic jerk Bin Laden. Why can't people fucking understand this? Read through everything before you speak. I am really sick of defending myself, especially since I don't think I need to. I would have liked this conversation to be on a more mature and professional manner, but I guess there are just people in here who can't handle that (hint, hint, you know who I'm talking about). Can we just end this, it's not going anywhere.

And it's time for me to head to my diplomacy class...so yeah, I think I have a valid base for my arguments...I fucking study this shit every single day!

God help this world!

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Originally posted by sassa

OH MY GOD. I just was reading all the posts,and I can't even believe what I am reading...I thought I made it perfectly clear I am NOT advocating the fucking Taliban OR Osama Bin Laden...do people just have a problem with understanding what I am saying???I feel sorry for the poor people, not any form of government Afghanistan has nor the sadistic jerk Bin Laden. Why can't people fucking understand this? Read through everything before you speak. I am really sick of defending myself, especially since I don't think I need to. I would have liked this conversation to be on a more mature and professional manner, but I guess there are just people in here who can't handle that (hint, hint, you know who I'm talking about). Can we just end this, it's not going anywhere.

And it's time for me to head to my diplomacy class...so yeah, I think I have a valid base for my arguments...I fucking study this shit every single day!

God help this world!

Take your diplomacy and shove it up your ass, along with your bullshit statement about "mature" discussions.

It is you who present a VERY immature view on the current situation. You don;t like my personal attacks- too bad- go fuck yourself....

Your statements and views are a personal attack on this country, and to the people who needlessly have lost their lives.

You have a right to your views- but don;t think you are correct because you take a diplomacy class you drivel of a person.

You are sick of defending yourself- listen carefully- there is no way you can possible defend yourself and your views.

The current situation is crystal clear, and simply no grey area. Many who have posted responses to you have made excellent points, and clearly articulated how off-base your views are.

I on the other hand have chosen a more direct approach- pointing out that you are a disgrace as a person, and come off as nothing more that a piece of shit "blame America first" jerkoff. I

Please dry up and blow away.

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IGLOO FUCK YOU. I have nothing more to say to you. You're obviously still a kid and if you weren't you'd be able to argue with me on this topic in a mature manner WITHOUT attacking me....who's the asshole here?Who's the ignorant one?It's not me.

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Igloo - gotta agree with Sassa, you're comments are direct personal attacks, only serving to undermine your points.

There is a lot of shit going down that the general population is not aware of...we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Patriotism is as objective as one's tastes in music - what one thinks as "patriotic" need not be so for another. Nobody (including pacifists) wants to consciously do harm to America...they just have different viewpoints on how the US should approach the situation.

The Taliban warp Islam to fit their needs - their fucked up interpretation of Islam is not a fault of the religion itself, or the fault of moderate Muslims. Thats like me blaming Christianity for the beliefs of the KKK or "Knights of Christianity"

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Originally posted by sassa

OH MY GOD. I just was reading all the posts,and I can't even believe what I am reading...I thought I made it perfectly clear I am NOT advocating the fucking Taliban OR Osama Bin Laden...do people just have a problem with understanding what I am saying???I feel sorry for the poor people, not any form of government Afghanistan has nor the sadistic jerk Bin Laden. Why can't people fucking understand this? Read through everything before you speak. I am really sick of defending myself, especially since I don't think I need to. I would have liked this conversation to be on a more mature and professional manner, but I guess there are just people in here who can't handle that (hint, hint, you know who I'm talking about). Can we just end this, it's not going anywhere.

And it's time for me to head to my diplomacy class...so yeah, I think I have a valid base for my arguments...I fucking study this shit every single day!

God help this world!

Just because you take a diplomacy class doesn't give you the right to impose what you learned in a lecture hall on others and expect them to take your views as theirs. We all feel for the people in Afghanistan in one way or another - it is a disgrace what they are enduring. HOWEVER, all I need to do is look out my window and be reminded why we are in the middle of this. You are in FUCKING CALIFORNIA!! When you live with National Guardsmen, and cops from all over the country patrolling your nieghborhood, and jet fighters in your skyies, THEN you might have a CLUE as to WHY we are at war. Until then - shut the fuck up!! Let me put it to you plainly - WE WERE ATTACKED IN OUR OWN COUNTRY BY PEOPLPE WHO HATE WHAT WE STAND FOR. The 6,000 people who have lost their lives because some maniacs across world don't like us DID NOTHING TO DESERVE THE DEATH RECEIVED AT THE HANDS OF TERRORISTS. These people were at their desks just going about their every day lives. The only thing they were guilty of was being at the wrong place at the wrong time. WE WERE NOT AT WAR, WE THOUGHT WE WERE IN PEACE TIME!! But in the eyes of Osama and his whack job followers, they were at war with us. Well guess what - NOW THEY ARE GONNA KNOW WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE AT WAR WITH THE USA!!

I am not saying that our foreign policies have been the best policies to adopts - HOWEVER, that doesn't give ANYONE the RIGHT to ATTACK US because they don't agree with us. We don't agree with the Taliban but we didn't attack them when they came into power. The are a puritanical regime who wants to send the world back to the 17th century - and when Mohammed walked the earth. You like going to college and being educated - well the women in afghanistan don't have that luxury anymore - they can't even leave the house without a male member escorting them let alone be educated. You like the clothes you wear, the car you drive, the food you eat, the stores you shop in, the TV you watch, the radio you listen to, and so on. Well it is ALL THOSE THINGS THAT WERE ATTACKED. Our way of life and our freedoms were attacked, and I for one don't want to live like the people in afghanistan. So I say to the men and women fighting for us - BOMB THE HELL OUT OF THEM UNTIL THEY GIVE UP!!! Keep bombing them until the taliban relinquish power, hand over bin laden and all his followers, and admit to all they have done. If it takes years - I don't care because WE DID NBOT DESERVE THIS. There are more than 12,000 children in NY who have lost a parent in this tragedy - are you gonna provide for them because it was the bread winner in all those families that is now DEAD at the hands of these maniacs.

Just one more thing - you are entitled the think what you want, but don't impose your views on us - we are all entitled to our own opinion. Unfortunately for you - yours is the minority and you will receive grief for voicing. This country has seen a resurgence in patriotism, and you my friend are NOT BEING VERY PATRIOTIC. If you don't like our policies, what we stand for, and how this country conducts itself, there are other places in this world for you to live, and I suggest you pack you shit AND GET THE FUCK OUT!! We don't need people like you in this country now!!

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Originally posted by sassa

Read through everything before you speak. I am really sick of defending myself, especially since I don't think I need to. I would have liked this conversation to be on a more mature and professional manner, but I guess there are just people in here who can't handle that (hint, hint, you know who I'm talking about). Can we just end this, it's not going anywhere.


honestly guy, your condescension has loomed over this thread from the start.. and the moment any statements were made that rendered you defenseless(lavraver, very well said i might add) *you* resorted to immature tactics.. "i know i'm right..." and tried to end the discussion..

if you are in fact adept in politics as you say, then a mature, intelligent conversation, as you claim to desire, is feasible amongst board members.. its quite simple, just ignore those not presenting themselves in this manner.. this conflict has affected so many people personally that emtionally charged responses should be expected, especially when presenting yourself in such a confrontational manner.. but even those, such as igloo who, from reading posts, i know is quite insightful yet not presentnig himself in that way at this time, will transcend their apparent immaturity and engage in intelligent discourse...

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Sassa, i understand what you are trying to say. You have to ignore igloo and others who attack you personally, because they do so not out of immaturity or hate, but of passion. I have the same passion as them. i want to see taliban fuckers burn. i also do not want the averge afghanis to suffer. what you have said about US forces is also incorrect. we are not bombing the civilian population. Sassa, make no mistake about it, this is a war, and yes, war is hell, but there is a time for diplomacy, and there is a time for war. you can call me a warmonger, racist, ignorant, etc., i know in my heart and in my mind, that we are doing the right thing. US is taking extreme measures to avoid civilian populations. taliban on the other hand, is moving its troops and equipment into the population centers, in order to increase casualties and arab sympathy. i dont understand why, people cant understand that we can not negotiate with terrorists. they are not people of reason and clear thought like you and i. as much as it seems barbaric and backward, the Hama situation was very effective for the stability of Syria. in our case, we are limiting the number of casualties as much as possible, and think about it, would you rather have a few afghan deaths from accidental stray bombs, than a million tortured souls, if taliban is not dismantled? do you still want to negotiate with the taliban, the same people who kill women and forbid all kinds of music? that seems unreasonable. ps - i posted this on a british leftist 'socialist' site, some responses are pretty sickening. -http://www.urban75.net/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=3&t=000833&p=


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I give up. I can understand most of the people that post in here are probably biased due to the media only presenting a certain view on things.Fine. I will not discuss this any longer and I hope this thread will close. I will discuss this with people who know what the fuck is up subtely...oh God, you poor people...


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ladybijan22....excellent statements!....

pkfloyd...I agree- perhaps my approach may seem immature that I have taken the personal attack route with sassa......BUT....I believe sassa's statemements were personal attacks and immature in itself, and quite frankly, I can't stomach them.

I have zero tolerance for those who try and pass themselves as patriots just because they have a controversial viewpoint- for the sake of being controversial, and not for healthy debate.

What makes this country great is our freedoms (like speech), and debate is healthy and necessary. But even freedoms can be abused, and lines can be crossed, and people still need to be responsible.

Sassa is guilty of being an irresponsible, shameless twat who is obviously not behind the very country that ironically provides her the freedom to express her twisted views. There is no in bewteen her. Either you are with the U.S. or you are not. There may never be a clearer picture in our history.

In addition, we all sympathize with those inncoent Afghani people who may be killed, but war is not nice. But necessary in this case. Some thing ARE worth fighting for, and right now I can't think of anything more justified.

But aside from our views on this situation, I found her statements to be emphatically disrespectful and dishonorable to the families of those who have died at the hands of these murderers. This is what I find most repulsive about her.

Are my response to her emotional, and are personal attacks perhaps immature- yes. But in this case, I do not apologize for it, nor do I back off of my opinion about her.

Sassa- leave the country

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Sassa - You did not respond to my question, but let me help you our here in terms of why so many people attacked you on a personal level, instead of your stated goal of engaging in intellectual discourse.

Sassa asked - "If the US government is claiming to "smoke out" the terrorists as our dear president had so eloquently put it,then why are they bombing civilians???"

The US government is not purposely targeting civilians. If civilians are being killed it because they are "collateral damage" The US is targeting the Taliban infrastructure and miltary assets. This includes SAM sights, radar, communications facilities, training facilities, fuel and ammunition supplies, troop concentrations and underground bunkers where they may be attempting to hide.

Sassa asked -"IS there anyone who can stop this?" Yes the TAliban. The Taliban can bring it to an end. The answer is simple: A)Hand over Osama bin Laden and any members of his Al Queda orgainzation currently in Afghanistan. B)Bring to an end the state sponsorship of terrorist organizations. C)Dismantle permanently terrorist training facilities. D)Restore basic human rights to the people of Afghanistan.

Sassa wrote -"Women are respected even more than men." Then why is it that they must never appear in public without being covered from head to toe? Why is that they cannot have basic education? Why is permitted for them to be publicly humiliated and executed in stadiums full of men for seeking basic human rights?

Again Sassa let me make it clear why what is happening in Afghanistan is necessary. The basic philosophy espoused by the Islamic Fundamentalists does not permit a world that is mulit-cultural, accepting of other ways of life. The US has a live and let live tenet underlying the basic framework of our society. Only now after repeated provocation have we acted. Only when it became clear that these people could not be dealt with in live and let live terms, only when they made the paradigm: us or them.

The stated goal of Islamic Fundamentalism is to destabilize the Western governments, bring about their downfall, and re-establish a caliphate in what is now the Arab world and if possible across the whole world. I don't think that you would want to live in that world, and I most definitely do not.

That being the case I and anyone else who wants to preserve the freedoms we now enjoy needs to support the destruction of Osama, AlQueda and Islamic Fundamentalism worldwide.

A phrase that applies here would be "All that is necessary for evil to thrive is for good men to do nothing."

We are doing something, the right thing, the only thing possible in response to multiple provocations over the last decade.

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Originally posted by sassa

I give up. I can understand most of the people that post in here are probably biased due to the media only presenting a certain view on things.Fine. I will not discuss this any longer and I hope this thread will close. I will discuss this with people who know what the fuck is up subtely...oh God, you poor people...


Now you are running with your tail tucked firmly between your legs - did they teach that in your diplomacy class also. You wanted a response that didn't include any personal attacks, and I gave you one. NOW you think I am biased due to media presentations. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?? Did you not read a word I said. Let me guess - you're from Berkley?? Do yourself a favor and keep your pro-taliban and pro-terrorist thoughts on your side of the country because over here on the east coast - we don't have time to try and educate you on what happened over here. Not only did all those people die, 100,00 people have lost their jobs since the attacks, the tri-beca section in the city is almost a ghost town, and business after business is losing money hand over fist. When you come up with another way to oust the taliban, bring bin laden and followers to justice, and stimulate the economy without using force, get back to us. Until then, KEEP YOUR FLAPPIN TO YOURSELF BECAUSE ALL YOU'VE SUCCEEDED IN DOING DEPICTING YOURSELF LIKE A COMPLETE MORON!

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hahahahaha............ FUCK GEORGE W BUSH!!! I wished he wouldn't never been elected to begin with. Every time we have a republican president SHIT HAPPENS.

I agree with the military BOMBING the taliban KILL EM ALL..they fucking treat womyn like shit >>well deserved... but, on the other hand. I feel for the innocent victims that will die due to all this!!!!

I just hope Israel is not behind all this.... to eliminate de arabs...

And have us fighting this WAR for them>>> ooops here we go again with my "conspiracy theories"

:worry: :worry: :worry:

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Originally posted by igloo

ladybijan22....excellent statements!....

pkfloyd...I agree- perhaps my approach may seem immature that I have taken the personal attack route with sassa......BUT....I believe sassa's statemements were personal attacks and immature in itself, and quite frankly, I can't stomach them.

I have zero tolerance for those who try and pass themselves as patriots just because they have a controversial viewpoint- for the sake of being controversial, and not for healthy debate.

What makes this country great is our freedoms (like speech), and debate is healthy and necessary. But even freedoms can be abused, and lines can be crossed, and people still need to be responsible.

Sassa is guilty of being an irresponsible, shameless twat who is obviously not behind the very country that ironically provides her the freedom to express her twisted views. There is no in bewteen her. Either you are with the U.S. or you are not. There may never be a clearer picture in our history.

In addition, we all sympathize with those inncoent Afghani people who may be killed, but war is not nice. But necessary in this case. Some thing ARE worth fighting for, and right now I can't think of anything more justified.

But aside from our views on this situation, I found her statements to be emphatically disrespectful and dishonorable to the families of those who have died at the hands of these murderers. This is what I find most repulsive about her.

Are my response to her emotional, and are personal attacks perhaps immature- yes. But in this case, I do not apologize for it, nor do I back off of my opinion about her.

Sassa- leave the country

exactly.. i, in no way find your statements, no matter their fundamental appearence, to be immature.. they are a normal reaction to the holier than thou attitude w/ which sassa approached this obviously controversial issue.. a lack of even basic support for his accusations cements, asyou noted, his attempts at elitist antagonism through anti-american sentiment..

i admit, that i myself, have been quite critical of certain bush administration policies and actions.. however at the same time, i have given credit where credit is due as well.. has the government made many mistakes in the past? yes.. are they now and will they continue in the future? most likely.. but at the same time, they have in fact done innumerable humanitarian acts both domestically and internationally..

to spread anti-american propaganda(and that is exactly what one is doing when falsely claiming we are purposely bombing innocent civilians) does not separate one from the bias supposedly infringed upon us by domestic media.. it simply trivializes the whole ordeal and makes it a game...

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Originally posted by igloo

ladybijan22....excellent statements!....

pkfloyd...I agree- perhaps my approach may seem immature that I have taken the personal attack route with sassa......BUT....I believe sassa's statemements were personal attacks and immature in itself, and quite frankly, I can't stomach them.

I have zero tolerance for those who try and pass themselves as patriots just because they have a controversial viewpoint- for the sake of being controversial, and not for healthy debate.

What makes this country great is our freedoms (like speech), and debate is healthy and necessary. But even freedoms can be abused, and lines can be crossed, and people still need to be responsible.

Sassa is guilty of being an irresponsible, shameless twat who is obviously not behind the very country that ironically provides her the freedom to express her twisted views. There is no in bewteen her. Either you are with the U.S. or you are not. There may never be a clearer picture in our history.

In addition, we all sympathize with those inncoent Afghani people who may be killed, but war is not nice. But necessary in this case. Some thing ARE worth fighting for, and right now I can't think of anything more justified.

But aside from our views on this situation, I found her statements to be emphatically disrespectful and dishonorable to the families of those who have died at the hands of these murderers. This is what I find most repulsive about her.

Are my response to her emotional, and are personal attacks perhaps immature- yes. But in this case, I do not apologize for it, nor do I back off of my opinion about her.

Sassa- leave the country

exactly.. i, in no way find your statements, no matter their fundamental appearence, to be immature.. they are a normal reaction to the holier than thou attitude w/ which sassa approached this obviously controversial issue.. a lack of even basic support for his accusations cements, asyou noted, his attempts at elitist antagonism through anti-american sentiment..

i admit, that i myself, have been quite critical of certain bush administration policies and actions.. however at the same time, i have given credit where credit is due as well.. has the government made many mistakes in the past? yes.. are they now and will they continue in the future? most likely.. but at the same time, they have in fact done innumerable humanitarian acts both domestically and internationally..

to spread anti-american propaganda(and that is exactly what one is doing when falsely claiming we are purposely bombing innocent civilians) does not separate one from the bias supposedly infringed upon us by domestic media.. it simply trivializes the whole ordeal and makes it a game...

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Sasse is just another Left Wing idiot...if people like your were allowed to run this country we'd all be dead or bowing to allah. The government is only concerned with protecting the lives of the American people...I say we've been to nice, PC, and compassionate...Bombing saves US soldiers lives...and the government is going about it the right way...Thank God the Bush Admin is in office...Go move to Berserkly, CA Sasse

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Originally posted by sassa

I give up. I can understand most of the people that post in here are probably biased due to the media only presenting a certain view on things.Fine. I will not discuss this any longer and I hope this thread will close. I will discuss this with people who know what the fuck is up subtely...oh God, you poor people...


Media brainwashing us?? How about your professor brainwashing YOU??

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i think it's pretty sad that we can't have a normal discussion on this board about political issues without cursing and tutti quanti...

i mean it's not because you guys don't agree that you have to just shut it off completely...

that's why you have discussions, to exchange ideas and point of views...

if we all thought the same, there would be no point for discussing...and things would be pretty dull...


i just think it's sad...

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Originally posted by frenchbread

i think it's pretty sad that we can't have a normal discussion on this board about political issues without cursing and tutti quanti...

i mean it's not because you guys don't agree that you have to just shut it off completely...

that's why you have discussions, to exchange ideas and point of views...

if we all thought the same, there would be no point for discussing...and things would be pretty dull...


i just think it's sad...

Thanks for the input, but this went beyond the realm of healthy discussion right from the get-go when sassa launched a wave of bullshit

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