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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Will the real podisgay please stand up!


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GPIB. I have to ask, what was your childhood like? Did Mommy not give you enough love? Did Daddy beat you too many times with a rubber hose? Did the stranger in the park have a present for you one fine evening?

One of two things, you are just a troll, or you have a serious inferiority complex. I don't blame you...the crowd here on CP are some of the most intelligent and sophisticated people I have ever met. Doctors, lawyers, artists, and engineers, if we were to put our minds together and devise something truly evil, you would be sooo out of luck. The reason why we haven't yet is because we do have lives, and deem you unworthy of such actions. To quote George W Bush "I'm not going to waste a 2 million dollar cruise missile to destroy a 10 dollar tent and hit some camel in the ass.."

If we wanted to, your life as you know it would be history. Shroomy's actions alone are a mere facet of what we can accomplish if our collective minds are focused. Remember 'Enemy of The State?' It'd go something like that, but you'd lose in the end.

Face it, you are a waste of flesh and bone. You really should just get it over with and die. I doubt anyone likes you in reality. You probably have not had sex (homo or hetero) for a good long time, if at all. Your parents love you, but it is slowly dying thin, as they are beginning to question keeping you in the first place and not opting out sometime in the first trimester. Your co-workers sneer behind your back, wondering who's dick you sucked or ass you fucked to keep your position. You probably go home, and even the rodents in your home take flight due to the mere offensiveness of your presence. All in all, you lead a pretty miserable life. To reiterate, just get it over with. I don't care what you do, hanging, autoerotic asphyxiation, cyanide, overdosing, or jumping in front of an NJ Transit vehicle, just do us all a favor, please.

As you can see I'm mildly irritated. I'm patient, but this is getting beyond the point of funny into annoyance.

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hey GPIB , why don't you show yourself down here in Miami so I can kick your ass? , please post your shit somewhere else.

If you are man enough, you will show up sometime. I am sure Pod would kick your ass too any minute.

And, you are the loser, not "looser" as you write it.

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