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This leftist, P.C. crap has to stop.....

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Originally posted by sassa

What is it with you people....if someone has a different view on things than you, do you set out to make them look like monsters? What the fuck is this?I would be worried to see how you people act in real life. I don't think I'd want to know.

Stop trying to hide behind the "different" point of view defense...

Your statements regarding the US is nothing but anti-American venom, and an insult to the 6000 innocent Amercians who have died- something you seem to have forgotten you fucking low-life hyprocrite

LEAVE THE COUNTRY since you hate it so much

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Originally posted by igloo

Stop trying to hide behind the "different" point of view defense...

Your statements regarding the US is nothing but anti-American venom, and an insult to the 6000 innocent Amercians who have died- something you seem to have forgotten you fucking low-life hyprocrite

LEAVE THE COUNTRY since you hate it so much

Don't tell me what to do. An insult? How about the several thousands that have died under American and Israeli fire? What about their memory?And how am I a "fucking low-life hyppocrite?" You're just trying to degrade my statements by calling me all these names, have you thoughts about why I haven't retaliated as much?Maybe it's because I know I am right and I pity you because you watch the local news and think that's the truth. Grow up, you poor child. You need to open up your eyes and see the world for how it really is.

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The fact is, when Bush STOLE the election it sent a clear message to people that you can't even trust the very basis of our 'democracy' and sent consumer confidence spiralling.

Who the fuck voted for this douche? Didn't anyone remember the shitty job his father did and the RECESSION and WAR in the middle east he got us into? We had 8 great years with Clinton and then we get 4 more years of Bush bullshit. Stop blaming Clinton. Take a look around. Oh, yeah, Bush has really made this country a whole lot better...

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Originally posted by roadrunner

The fact is, when Bush STOLE the election it sent a clear message to people that you can't even trust the very basis of our 'democracy' and sent consumer confidence spiralling.

Who the fuck voted for this douche? Didn't anyone remember the shitty job his father did and the RECESSION and WAR in the middle east he got us into? We had 8 great years with Clinton and then we get 4 more years of Bush bullshit. Stop blaming Clinton. Take a look around. Oh, yeah, Bush has really made this country a whole lot better...

Bro you just proved my point...We had a recession during the Bush years...correct. If you new how shit works you would realize that the Bush Sr. years were the product of the Reagan years...likewise for the Clinton years everything was good cause we just won a war, and the technology bubble just starting inflating the economy...Now we are left with the shit Clinton has left us with..as well as those dot-comers. Each President inherits the economy and problems his predesssor shaped for him...Learn about shit before you comment on it!...Actually you should probably stick to IM-ing and downloading Mp3's!!!

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Originally posted by bdinke01

Actually you should probably stick to IM-ing and downloading Mp3's!!!

Who the fauck ARE YOU? I never IM anyone.

Seriously, get your head out of your ass. We had 8 GREAT years. Who threatened us? No one. And then what happened? The whole world recognized that we had a bullshit leader that we didn't really elect. No one respects Bush. He was handed the crown. He's a puppet. An international joke. His daughters are drunks and he was a blow-head. He makes America look weak and stupid. It's a fucking embarassment.

Do you really think it's a coincidence that none of this shit happened while Clinton was President? Leaders around the world respected him. Everyone knew that if anyone started anything, he'd take a break from the B.J.'s of America Tour and straighten shit out. If you don't know by now: the world hates the Bushes. They're nothing but a rich, stupid, profiteering dynasty. I hope to Christ you're on their payroll, otherwise you're a fuckin' moron.

Why are American gas prices 1/3 of what they are in Europe? Because we constantly threaten them with violence! That's also why they hate us!!!!

Are you seriously sitting there just ignoring the evidence that the rich are just getting richer at the expense of everyone else? Wake the fuck up.

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Originally posted by roadrunner

Who the fauck ARE YOU? I never IM anyone.

Seriously, get your head out of your ass. We had 8 GREAT years. Who threatened us? No one. And then what happened? The whole world recognized that we had a bullshit leader that we didn't really elect. No one respects Bush. He was handed the crown. He's a puppet. An international joke. His daughters are drunks and he was a blow-head. He makes America look weak and stupid. It's a fucking embarassment.

Do you really think it's a coincidence that none of this shit happened while Clinton was President? Leaders around the world respected him. Everyone knew that if anyone started anything, he'd take a break from the B.J.'s of America Tour and straighten shit out. If you don't know by now: the world hates the Bushes. They're nothing but a rich, stupid, profiteering dynasty. I hope to Christ you're on their payroll, otherwise you're a fuckin' moron.

Why are American gas prices 1/3 of what they are in Europe? Because we constantly threaten them with violence! That's also why they hate us!!!!

Are you seriously sitting there just ignoring the evidence that the rich are just getting richer at the expense of everyone else? Wake the fuck up.

You go! I totally agree with your statements and it's great to see that not everyone in this board is a complete ignorant moron.

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listen I'm done with you people...you're misinformed, arrogant, and ignorant to the actual state of affairs...You base all your knowledge on CNN and it is sad b/c half of America is like you...You want some info on your boy Clinton, go check out the late Barbara Olsen's new book "The Final Days" (She's the one who died in the attacks)...only if you are seriously interested in this shit and are not just flapping your mouth cause you're under the delusion that you know what's going on...From your statements you honestly don't have a clue.

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Originally posted by bdinke01

First of all guy...I'm not the little pussy clubkid, or rich mommies boy, or stuck-up typical coffee-shop new yorker...

nope, your just someone who makes sterotypes of others to prove your point, not to effective.

Are pussy clubkids, kids who have more money, or kids who hang out in coffee shops any less or more anything than you are?

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bdinke......... I suggest you go live in a third world country for a few years and tell me what you think when you come back. I'll be waiting for ya to post at CP aaaight. You're living a bubble kiddo and it's time to open a can of whuup ass on your ass.... so you can wake up already.

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Originally posted by sassa

Don't tell me what to do. An insult? How about the several thousands that have died under American and Israeli fire? What about their memory?And how am I a "fucking low-life hyppocrite?" You're just trying to degrade my statements by calling me all these names, have you thoughts about why I haven't retaliated as much?Maybe it's because I know I am right and I pity you because you watch the local news and think that's the truth. Grow up, you poor child. You need to open up your eyes and see the world for how it really is.

I was just wondering what makes you think you right? Oh yeah, because you take a diplomacy class.

I do not use insults to degrade your statements- I am using insults because that is what you deserve...your mere existence is one giant insult...

"How about the several thousands that have died under American...." This statement by you just about wraps up what a true piece of shit you are....

Again, I ask.....why are you in this country?...


Nice try too with your "local news" comment.....you are such a fucking idiot it is amazing.......what your really need to do is get off your elitist throne and sip on some reality kool-aid- you ARE NOT as smart as you think...

you are just another schmuck

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Originally posted by go411


I thought you can do betta than that...... "YOU REALLY DISAPPOINT ME" and I thought you were a MATURE ADULT..

you just made an ass out of yourself.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I am simply bored with you...

ps. It figures you didn't understand the backstreet boys comments

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Usually I am all up for this kind of shit- trying to bring some knowledge and reason to these discussions, but last night I had to sit in a car with my Grandpa- and listen to how black, poor people are stealing his money, how America is the most benvolent nation in the workd, and how bleeding heart liberals like me are destroying the fabric of the nation. And I had to face two realities by the end of the trip

1) people likemy Grandpa and bdinke and igloo can be faced with all the knowledge, all the facts, all the unfortunate realities that so heartily dispute the angry simplistic vision of the world that they have embraced, and they will not see- they can not see, they can not give up their stranglehold on their own supremacy and assuredness in the us vs. them mentality, wher the us is always right.

2) Once this reality is constructed and lived in, it becomes true- they make it true for themselves...If, in order to be American, one must blindly agree with everything the US has ever done, than enemies of the state arise in all places that aren't bastions of status-quo, hence the midwestern fear of NY, and racists fear of different ethnicities, And the statements made in the context of politics are reflected in their relationships with ppl as well...

can u imagine the lonliness created if u demand of your loved ones-> "If you don't think everything I've ever done in my life is perfect, well then why don't you just leave" as they have suggested the "unpatriotic" do in America.

Basically, I'd feel bad for you both, if I thought u even had the heart to realize how fucked up and sad your reality is.

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Originally posted by saigray

1) people likemy Grandpa and bdinke and igloo can be faced with all the knowledge, all the facts, all the unfortunate realities that so heartily dispute the angry simplistic vision of the world that they have embraced, and they will not see- they can not see, they can not give up their stranglehold on their own supremacy and assuredness in the us vs. them mentality, wher the us is always right.

Nice try with your distortion of statements made, as well as the underlying spirit of the statements made (at least mine).

I am so bored with fucking jerkoffs like you who believe they are so much smarter than all, especially those who they view as being "blinded" by being "American".

What a fucking asshole you are. "Simplistic" view of the world- where you do you come off with this high ol'mighty attitude. Because you think you can see things "Americans" can't?- what a joke....because you are one who believes that the US is always wrong makes you smarter than those who believe otherwise

And my statements to Sassa about leaving the country that you tried comparing to a "loved one" approach- are you kidding me...

Sassa hates America, Americans, thinks Americans are dumb, and blames America for the world ills- if that is the case- why is she here? Leave.

I will state for the 101st time, especially those who delusionally believe they are in a higher intelligence class than others- questioning your govt is not "unpatriotic", and is something that make this country great....but fuck you to those who take the blame America route for 9/11...there is NO justification for that

Saigray- thanks for your rambling diatribe of psychoanalysis bullshit...it was a weak attempt at trying to demonstrate you are smarter that you are....you simply exposed yourself as a weak-ass moron who obviously is insecure as a person and needs to fill themselves with a false sense of self-worth with unintelligible pats on the back ....that is the "simplistic" fact!

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the earth is a satellite orbiting a star, of which there are 100 trillion trillion other stars exactly like it.

how the hell can you believe in such trite concepts as country, race and nationality?

everyone who doesn't understand the significance of that statement has something to sell or someone they need to push over to because they are standing in the way of something they want, or put their beliefs on such a high pedestal that they seek others to agree with them in order to validate their position. either that or just plain ignorant.

democracy only works because here we have the freedom to question our government. in afganistan if you question the government you are executed - this happened publicly last night. america only works because there are dissenters. america works becaue we are ALLOWED and ENCOURAGED to question the government. you don't like the way the government is run? run for office and change things. this is democracy at its purest form.

i question the government not because i hate this country - but because it has been my home for 23 years.

unfortunately i am of the belief that pure democracy doesn't exist in the united states. this is a rich man's war and a poor man's fight - same as it has been since the civil war. who stands to benefit from this war?

1) defense contractors with deep pockets who are not very happy to see their budgets slashed

2) american oil companies - now that we can no longer rely on the middle east we can drill holes in american reserves of natural beauty.

3) the media and yellow journalists who entertain instead of provide information - they feed off sensationalism and would love nothing more then to have a new OJ Simpson to report about

4) the bush family dynasty. how the hell else would anyone put support behind that ignoramus unless they felt their life was at stake? last dictator i know who did that was stalin.

therefore i question the government of the united states. i question its motives. i believe that bush, cheny and rumsfeld to not have the citizens of the united state's best interests in mind. i am not saying that i am right, or that i know everything. only that i question. in an intellectual debate i listen to your side and you listen to mine - don't bring this down to the schoolyard by trying to insult people. if you disagree with my opinions prove them wrong. unless your loyalty is so deep that you have no idea why you're following the herd, you must have answers to my questions. please provide THEM instead of news bytes from hannity and colmes or more fascist rhetoric in the name of democracy.

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Telling me to shut up and leave the country is not going to solve shit, Igloo. I will continue to post in here and I will say whatever the fuck I want and there's not a thing you can do about it. So, get used to it, asshole. Keep spewing your shit, you're only bringing yourself down and showing these people on the board what an immature, stupid, ignorant fucking dumbass you are. I hope one day you realize the error of your mistakes. Very soon.

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Originally posted by sassa

Telling me to shut up and leave the country is not going to solve shit, Igloo. I will continue to post in here and I will say whatever the fuck I want and there's not a thing you can do about it. So, get used to it, asshole. Keep spewing your shit, you're only bringing yourself down and showing these people on the board what an immature, stupid, ignorant fucking dumbass you are. I hope one day you realize the error of your mistakes. Very soon.

And as long as I am here I will ride your ass for the fucking asshole that you are.

Lobbing personal insults immature- absolutely..

But I will gladly be called immature if it means lobbing insults your way you fucking piece of shit......

I could care less if you or anyone view me as immature because I lob insults your way....your ORIGINAL statements and defense of them were immature, ignorant, idiotic and simply inhuman..

You and your pals who agree with your statements can try and hide behind "I'm being a patriot because I am critical of the US govt at every turn" but it will not work with me...

I read your statements and see them for what they are...

You are a true piece of shit- plainn and simple

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hahahaha! Instead of being annoyed, I honestly had to laugh at this post....goddamn, it must be terrifying to be so ignorant...thank God I am not. Igloo, God willing, one day you will realize you were wrong, and perhaps it will be too late to do anything then..hopefully you will wake up before then. God bless you.

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