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When do you think that you will ever stop clubbing?

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I don't think I'll ever stop going out to clubs even after I'm married with kids. I'll just change the clubs I go to. I could never see myself in SF when I'm in my thirties with kids. I'll feel like such a loser. I'll never stop going out and dancing. I love it to much. I always need action. I could never be one of those people that just sit in there house and stare at the TV.

These will be my famous words:

"Come on kids you're sleeping at Grandma's house tonight, it's time for me and your daddy to go out dancing." :D

The party never stops...you only live once. :spin2:

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Well said :)

I'm honestly not sure about what i'll do. I'm not reallly deep in it now. I love music and i think i always will. Maybe i'll go to clubs less, or change the scene just a little, but i figure by that age i'll be producing and composing tracks. In that case i'm giong to HAVE to go to the big clubs to gauge the crowd's reaction! :)

The Party can neither be created nor destroyed. It simply changes form and never leaves you.

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I may slow down, but i don't think i'll outright STOP .

I agree w/ neena... i prob won't head to the big clubs much anymore when i've got a family , but will probably shift my focus to smaller venue's like lounges and centro's...

oh yea, hehe,, and i hope my wife will want to boogey on down until we can't boogey no more!

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Originally posted by neena16

I could never see myself in SF when I'm in my thirties with kids. I'll feel like such a loser

why not??what if you love the dj??..i remember old folks, i mean they looked like sixty, dancin on the bar at twilo..i thought that was the coolest thing and i thought to myself when i'm 45 my son i'll be 18..it'd be real cool to still be partyin..my moms is 50 and she still goes to clubs every now n then

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Originally posted by vision

why not??what if you love the dj??..i remember old folks, i mean they looked like sixty, dancin on the bar at twilo..i thought that was the coolest thing and i thought to myself when i'm 45 my son i'll be 18..it'd be real cool to still be partyin..my moms is 50 and she still goes to clubs every now n then

I wouldn't knock anyone for going to SF in there thirties because I know a few peope that still do it. It just wouldn't be my scene when I'm older. I would want to go somewhere and be surrounded by people closer to my age not people in there twenties all cracked out. Now I think SF is a great club...the energy, the hard beats of JP, the freaky people expressing themselves...the whistling...just all the craziness. It's cool now cause I can relate to it but when I get older and have kids I will see partying in a different light. That's just me....:D

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Originally posted by neena16

I wouldn't knock anyone for going to SF in there thirties because I know a few peope that still do it. It just wouldn't be my scene when I'm older. I would want to go somewhere and be surrounded by people closer to my age not people in there twenties all cracked out. Now I think SF is a great club...the energy, the hard beats of JP, the freaky people expressing themselves...the whistling...just all the craziness. It's cool now cause I can relate to it but when I get older and have kids I will see partying in a different light. That's just me....:D

I agree sweetheart.l

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i think i will stop clubbing IF!!!!!!!! im 70 and go to Limelight and STILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL see that old tap dancing cowboy-boot- wearing-old-man there stumbling (dancing) in a daze like he always does on like friday or sat nights :rolleyes::laugh:

...that my friend, is when u know yer just wayyyyyyyyy too old to be clubbin

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Originally posted by djfabioc

When you get older? I'M ALREADY OLD

When you can afford anymore? I ALREADY CANT AFFORD IT

When your mother lock you in room? UNLIKELY



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Hey, maybe being in your 30's and older and hitting SF on a FRIDAY night wouldn't be the best idea.

Being that age and at SF on a SATURDAY night is actually normal.

If you are a lil kid and dropping in clubs every weekend, then for you it might seem that the club scene gets boring and you gonna stop partying soon or like 20's.

Although, for me, im 23 and i dont see myself stopping till im in my 40's!! Of course different places for diff time periods.


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i remember at twilo there was this older black guy in cowboy boots and a cowboy hat...hadda be in his forties but i don't remember seein him do any river dancing...we used to call him slim pickens..ah the memories...that all we old people have

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Lately I've noticed that most of my friends are more into small clubs and lounges rather than big crowded clubs. I myself am moving more towards that trend. Soem of my friends who are younger than me and already saying they are too old for clubbing, and they aren't even 25 yet. Oh well, you are as old as you think you are.

I know though sometimes I need a break from clubbing for a while, but then I get the urge and I'm back at it.

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And have no plans in the near future to stop. I have been clubbing for 12 yrs, through many types and styles of music, from the late 80's industrial, early nineties belgian sqelchy stuff, to the mid nineties tribal and late nineties trance and now prog and to whatever next yr brings. Thats what I love about it, it is always changing and morphing. Going to places like Ibiza, you see 35-50 and beyond at the clubs. There was this mad guy at Godkitchen at Amnesia who must have been late 50's early sixties and he was stylin' And the people in the scene are really the nicest of any scene I have looked into. Cause it is about the music, not the fashion or attitude. Now let's see if I write this when I am 40 :)

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this is interesting that that subject came up, because just the other day, i was goin through my old vinyl and cds and i found a cd from 1991 (Quadrophonia.. from back in the James Brown is Dead era) and my Techno Sonic volume 1!!!

and i thought, wow i've been listening to dance music for over 10 years.. then i found a tape from hot 97 when cliviles and cole were on at midnights on saturday. and it was from 1990 it said.. i was like WHOA! it was so awesome.. and i said

SHIT, i've been listening to this Dance Music consistently for over 10 years.. oh man.. and i can't get tired of it. i love all music but dance music is always where my heart has been.

... so i guess what i'm sayin is that i won't ever get tired of the scene

i have been goin to clubs since i was 16 (my sisters friend was dating a DJ at limelight, a good friend of mind Frank Torres, and he would get me in and i could sit at the booth.. so i got to see the club scene, and i still remember him throwing down Thousand by moby, and it turning the crowd into a frenzy!!!..

i want to opne day, be able to take my kid(s) the first time they're able to get into a club, to one. and let them experience what has been something i grew up with and has been such a driving force in my life..

dance music has been my way of life. and it has never changed..

i'm sure many of you feel this way.

so cheers to all of you whom won't give up on the scene, or just know that they won't grow tired of it

i'm 23 and i'm still livin it large at the clubscene


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I'm 27 and the urge is still there to let loose where the majority of my friends are already tired by the time my night has just begun. You know what htough. If you are more into the music rather than the "scene" you'll probably stick around longer. For me, the music has always burned in my veins since the mid 80's with old skool techno. I don't care if i'm the only one jumping up and down in the "chill out" area, i go ballistic for good music. But doesn't look nearly as bad since i look half my age. :)

It all has to end sometime. It probably will when i just don't have the energy anymore or when bigger responsibilities call - *gulp*. But you know what? If the music is in your veins - it'll ALWAYS be there. The urge just to get up and DANCE BABY!

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It's hard for me to say because I just started going to clubs but I know that it will definately not be any time in the near future. I can see myself going for many years to come. God, I get such a rush...I'm never ever so happy as when I'm dancing to good music...I dont think that feeling will ever change

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Originally posted by court877

It's hard for me to say because I just started going to clubs but I know that it will definately not be any time in the near future. I can see myself going for many years to come. God, I get such a rush...I'm never ever so happy as when I'm dancing to good music...I dont think that feeling will ever change

well said

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