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Quoth's "SOBER" Rutgers Meetup review


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:drunk: :drunk: :drunk:

Soooooooooooooo.......? Well no doubt i had one extremely fun time being the crackhead i naturally am. I got to meet lots of different people and cant tell how glad i was to put names with faces. Everyone was in a great fuckin mood which made this meetup very successful. Some people (me) were in an even BETTERRRRRRRRRRRR mood then others hehe. But that was just a brief dose of what it is like to meet Quoth for all u people. Although i can be mad silly at times, i can also be very serious and am grateful to have met-up with u all last night and i thank u all for being there and for those who got this meetup started....teklord310 and totaleclipse....thanks.

But wait...im not done yet....i still have to do my list of people i met hehe...so here goes....

Spygirl2- yo im 100% sober now and i stillllllllll think u are one hellava cute individual and that goes to show that i really wasnt sayin that u were cute cause i was buzzed/drunk/whatever lol...so it was a pleasure and a half to meet u and yer foot that mysteriously found its way in my crotch underneath the table (dont worry folks it sounds worse than it actually was)

;) so no doubt thanx for that ultra-extreme hug u gave me and hopefully we can exchange Forklift adventure stories one day hehe.

Teklord310-hehe well father (well he does treat me like im his kid for fucks sake? lol) it was one successful and enjoyable night and thanks again for everything even the pre-gaming at yer place though i wish i showed up earlier to pound down them Heinekens but shit im sure u will be drinking them tonight thinking..ha ha ha im drinking that sorry son of a bitches beer. But no doubt this has got to be done again......and remember.......

"When i think of Quoth i think, Loud and Obnoxious" -Teklord310

JenEfur-well miss for shizza for my nizza :laugh: :laugh: it was great to see you once again and i hope u enjoyed yerself as much as i did and hope i didnt scare u or anyone away :laugh: I tell u, Quoth dont fuck around when its times to get drunk lol. i think u and yer boyfriend were watchin me finish up just bout every bottle of what teklord310 had on his counter lol. But hope to see u again.

Arcticshdw- haha ok for starters sorry i called u Chris and not Pete lol i was a lil tanked up and well...u looked like a chris. But secondly...bro, correct me if im wrong though i was a bit fucked up, but, WERE U WEARING MUTHAFUCKIN SANDALS LAST NIGHT IN OCTOBER???!!!!!!!!! But anyhow hehe..great to see u and make sure u take care of yer girl cause u got sumen special right there.

TotalEclipse- well well well, what can i say? excuse my bit of drunkeness but i wish we had talked more at the meetup, but u know how it is when u are having an ice cube fight in the middle of the restaurant when someone puts an ice cube down yer back? (:mad: spygirl2 hehe) But shit, I wasnt that messed up to remember that u have one Ultra pretty face that im sure belongs to one Ultra lucky man. So it was great to meet u and yer friend hope to see u again.

Court877- "Would ya like to go to Starbucks tonight? " hehe well no doubt it was great to meet you, u seemed like u had a lotta fun and i give u mad props for puttin up with my shit all night while sitting across from me hehe. I liked yer friends as well...the middletown girl was cool as hell and pleasure to her ummm i think her name was....christina?? hehe....But no doubt wish someone woulda told me ahead of time that they were bringing someone so pleasant as yer friend was from bayone...i think her name Lauren ;) U gotta give that girl mad props cause she definitely knows a man's scent. "is that Aqua Di Gio u are wearing" hehe veryyyyyyyyy ultra cute girl indeed.

Kvanzile9- hehe yo i must apologize bro u saw i was crazy as a motherfuck last night so when someone says QUOTH and i turn around i didnt member u at first but then i did from Exit. Anyhow, thanks a lot for being there good to see u again ill prolly see u at Exit once again sometime in the future.

Maximan- saw u for only a bit sorry we didnt talk more, but u looked u had a good time.. good to meet u.

Mik-e_smilez- Bro, pleasure to meet a felllow Techno and Autechre head...hope u had a good time u seemed to living it up with the fuckin fishbowls with spygirl no doubt hehe. But keep watchin the boards for a Tresor night at Limelight they're surely not to be missed.

Milamber3- haha yo thanks for puttin up with me and shit the whole night since u sat near me. and hey what do u know...not a single rutgers ticket on my car YAY!!!! lol but yo it was a pleasure meetin u yer a funny dude and nice to meet yer girl too so hoepfully we will chill again sometime.

Melley from EZ DREAMER-hey u..it was great to met u and yer friend who was eating for "free" yer one friggin cute ass girl and gave a damn good hug (hmm not quite as good as spygirl's but good enough) hehe hope to see u again. peace.

So thank u all and sorry for those i left out but i forgot yer names hehe...so we must do this again and also...i am beating Teklord310 to the punch by posting this before him so ....



P.S. whoever took pics..i wanna see them shits posted on the boards sooooooooon hehe.

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damn you beat me! Thanks for the clean but informative review SON! I'm stealing Quoth's shout outs as well since he has too much time on his hands and I have to get my shit together now. CP people kick ass, and I hope some of the non-CP friends that were there are gonna join after last night. L8rz!

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It was definately a good night indeed... and no quoth, you didn't scare me away. You are just a funny kid... the life of the party. Yes, I agree, this definately has to be done again and you will be the first to know. And next time... GET SOME SLEEP!!! hehe. It was nice meeting everyone and hopefully we will be able to all get together sometime and take a city trip!! See you all around!!

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Originally posted by quoth

Spygirl2- yo im 100% sober now and i stillllllllll think u are one hellava cute individual and that goes to show that i really wasnt sayin that u were cute cause i was buzzed/drunk/whatever lol...so it was a pleasure and a half to meet u and yer foot that mysteriously found its way in my crotch underneath the table (dont worry folks it sounds worse than it actually was)

;) so no doubt thanx for that ultra-extreme hug u gave me and hopefully we can exchange Forklift adventure stories one day hehe.

but u know how it is when u are having an ice cube fight in the middle of the restaurant when someone puts an ice cube down yer back? (:mad: spygirl2 hehe)

So thank u all and sorry for those i left out but i forgot yer names hehe...so we must do this again and also...i am beating Teklord310 to the punch by posting this before him so ....

P.S. whoever took pics..i wanna see them shits posted on the boards sooooooooon hehe.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I have no idea what you are talking about!!!!!!! It must have been someone else;)

You were just way too funny. Forklift, cranes, backhoes....ya know normal every day stuff:eek:

Thanks for a really fun night out.

Let's take a picture of the pepper poster!!!!! hahaha

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I have no idea what you are talking about!!!!!!! It must have been someone else;)

You were just way too funny. Forklift, cranes, backhoes....ya know normal every day stuff:eek:

Thanks for a really fun night out.

Let's take a picture of the pepper poster!!!!! hahaha

:laugh: :laugh: oh wow, i was so drunk i nearly forgot takin that pic with the chile pepper poster and yer very very very welcome hun for enjoying yer night i liked yer company just as well and by company i dont mean construction company i mean yer prescence :laugh::D

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Originally posted by quoth

Spygirl2- yo im 100% sober now and i stillllllllll think u are one hellava cute individual and that goes to show that i really wasnt sayin that u were cute cause i was buzzed/drunk/whatever lol...so it was a pleasure and a half to meet u and yer foot that mysteriously found its way in my crotch underneath the table (dont worry folks it sounds worse than it actually was)

;) so no doubt thanx for that ultra-extreme hug u gave me and hopefully we can exchange Forklift adventure stories one day hehe.

but u know how it is when u are having an ice cube fight in the middle of the restaurant when someone puts an ice cube down yer back? (:mad: spygirl2 hehe)

So thank u all and sorry for those i left out but i forgot yer names hehe...so we must do this again and also...i am beating Teklord310 to the punch by posting this before him so ....

P.S. whoever took pics..i wanna see them shits posted on the boards sooooooooon hehe.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I have no idea what you are talking about!!!!!!! It must have been someone else;)

You were just way too funny. Forklift, cranes, backhoes....ya know normal every day stuff:eek:

Thanks for a really fun night out.

Let's take a picture of the pepper poster!!!!! hahaha

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Originally posted by quoth


Court877- "Would ya like to go to Starbucks tonight? " hehe

is that Aqua Di Gio u are wearing" hehe veryyyyyyyyy ultra cute girl indeed.

I forgot about our Starbucks convo, haha, you're too funny

Yeah my girl Lauren does know her scents, shes always doin that and I'm like, what the hell how did u know that...she loves aqua though

Haha, the pepper picture :laugh:

It was a pleasure meeting everyone, we better do it again soon, and thanx to Teklord and totaleclipse for organizing it

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Sandals until it snows man...then I break out the wool socks to match...Always a pleasure to chill Quoth, just gotta watch the salad next time. Make sure it makes it in your mouth...that way you wont end up with all that white creamy sauce on your pants. Be good kid...have fun at work

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Originally posted by quoth

:laugh: :laugh: oh wow, i was so drunk i nearly forgot takin that pic with the chile pepper poster and yer very very very welcome hun for enjoying yer night i liked yer company just as well and by company i dont mean construction company i mean yer prescence :laugh::D

LOL.....Well, I'll take that as a compliement. You drive my forklift any day!!!!!:eek::laugh:

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Originally posted by quoth

:laugh: :laugh: oh wow, i was so drunk i nearly forgot takin that pic with the chile pepper poster and yer very very very welcome hun for enjoying yer night i liked yer company just as well and by company i dont mean construction company i mean yer prescence :laugh::D

i thought u said u were sober?!?!?!?! wtf?! :confused:
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Originally posted by arcticshdw

Sandals until it snows man...then I break out the wool socks to match...Always a pleasure to chill Quoth, just gotta watch the salad next time. Make sure it makes it in your mouth...that way you wont end up with all that white creamy sauce on your pants. Be good kid...have fun at work

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA I TOTALLLLLLLLY FORGOT BOUT THAT..yea for those of you who missed the meetup i was eating my salad and trying to see if i could hold a conversation with a piece of lettuce with ranch dressing hanging over my lip and it fell onto my crotch..but luckily i didnt spit it at Teklord's face lol. But also...i discovered a NEWWWWWWWWWW WAY TO EAT MOZZERELLA STICKS LAST NIGHT YUMMMM :laugh:

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Originally posted by linabina

i thought u said u were sober?!?!?!?! wtf?! :confused:

wow your realllllllly quick on pickin up sarcasm....if u read it again it says....quoth's quote sober rutgers meetup....the quote sober part cause i was drunk as hellllllll and was being sarcastic to the fact of NOTTTTTT being sober....jesus the ironic thing bout this reply is that im talkin to a fuckin bartender of all people hehe one who is familar with all forms of the word SOBER hehe ;)

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Originally posted by quoth

wow your realllllllly quick on pickin up sarcasm....if u read it again it says....quoth's quote sober rutgers meetup....the quote sober part cause i was drunk as hellllllll and was being sarcastic to the fact of NOTTTTTT being sober....jesus the ironic thing bout this reply is that im talkin to a fuckin bartender of all people hehe one who is familar with all forms of the word SOBER hehe ;)

grrrrrrr well ur the one who always tells me u dont need to do anything cuz ur "naturally fucked up" so u confused me a lil there kiddo
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Originally posted by quoth

:drunk: :drunk: :drunk:

TotalEclipse- well well well, what can i say? excuse my bit of drunkeness but i wish we had talked more at the meetup, but u know how it is when u are having an ice cube fight in the middle of the restaurant when someone puts an ice cube down yer back? (:mad: spygirl2 hehe) But shit, I wasnt that messed up to remember that u have one Ultra pretty face that im sure belongs to one Ultra lucky man. So it was great to meet u and yer friend hope to see u again.

Aww well thank you Quoth...it was nice meetin you too. The salad convo was pretty interesting and I didn't even know you were drunk. :) Was everyone there drunk? I had to miss the pre-gaming due to my test but it was still fun. Oh and no my face doesn't belong to an ultra lucky guy..still lookin for that one but havin fun in the mean time.

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Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex

Aww well thank you Quoth...it was nice meetin you too. The salad convo was pretty interesting and I didn't even know you were drunk. :) Was everyone there drunk? I had to miss the pre-gaming due to my test but it was still fun. Oh and no my face doesn't belong to an ultra lucky guy..still lookin for that one but havin fun in the mean time.

drunk or not i still am one wild kid hehe but nah not everyone was drunk and im sorry to hear that it dont belong to a lucky guy cause someone in this world is sure missin out? ;)

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

It was one of those things that you had to see..........:D

just like it was one of those things you had to see such as Spygirl's sweetness and cuteness and just as im prolly the coolest white boy she will ever know hehe well she is the extreme coolest black chic i have ever met. :D

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it was a pleasure meetin some of u peeps too....of course u quoth its all good....u were all krumped up and i really didnt expect u to remember me that well....its all good though!!! good meetin u tecklord, jennifer, xtotaleclipsex, and uhhh i didnt really meet everyone there but its all good!!! if u dont remember me i was the one in the middle of both tables, drinkin sum beers with a black armani shirt on!!!! i really didnt meet all of u cause it seemed u all knew everyone already and i just knew maximman and met quoth before but its all good, i still had fun!!! but yeah let me know when another meetup is!!! im down!!! laterz

xtotaleclipsex, yea somebody is definately missin out on pretty-lookin you!!! even though i really didnt talk to u i just knew your little cp screen name and face now....but its alright....maybe ill see ya another time cutie!!! bye all and good meetin you1!!:tongue:


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Originally posted by kvanzile9

xtotaleclipsex, yea somebody is definately missin out on pretty-lookin you!!! even though i really didnt talk to u i just knew your little cp screen name and face now....but its alright....maybe ill see ya another time cutie!!! bye all and good meetin you1!!:tongue:


Yeah we didn't get to really talk...I kind of stayed in my seat talking to those around me and I had to head out becuase I had plans after, but it was nice meetin u. Maybe next time we will get to talk more though.

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xtotaleclipsex, yea somebody is definately missin out on pretty-lookin you!!! even though i really didnt talk to u i just knew your little cp screen name and face now....but its alright....maybe ill see ya another time cutie!!! bye all and good meetin you1!!:tongue:


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Bro, dont waste yer time sweet talkin her cause word is out that is mad self-centered and wouldnt even talk you if she saw you another time such as myabe some college party or some shit. and also since no one else wants to say their true feelings i will speak for those who feel the same. :rolleyes: Its quite fucked up if u ask me when u A) show up late to a meetup you "supposedly" put together and B) ignore those around u as if they dont exist when u see them once again. Fucked up if u ask me but what ya gonna do?


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Originally posted by quoth


Bro, dont waste yer time sweet talkin her cause word is out that is mad self-centered and wouldnt even talk you if she saw you another time such as myabe some college party or some shit. and also since no one else wants to say their true feelings i will speak for those who feel the same. :rolleyes: Its quite fucked up if u ask me when u A) show up late to a meetup you "supposedly" put together and B) ignore those around u as if they dont exist when u see them once again. Fucked up if u ask me but what ya gonna do?

Holy shit are you kidding me! Quoth that is a lot of shit to be talking about someone you barely know! First off yes I showed up late to the meet-up ...ya want to know why because I had an exam on Busch campus which I stated before it even started.

Second I saw and said hi to Teklord, and Jen when I saw them, tried to talk to them but I had to follow my friend so I didn't lose her most of the night and I even posted that I was sorry I didn't get to stop and talk to them.

Self-centered is something I am far from and I'm sorry you feel that way about me. In case you didn't notice I am a little shy when it comes to people I don't know and it does take me a while to get very friendly...not everyone is as perfect as you.

So yes I apologize for not stopping and really talking to you guys I did not in any way think I was too good to talk to you. I thought you guys were all pretty cool at the meet-up and I hope we can all chill again.

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Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex

Holy shit are you kidding me! Quoth that is a lot of shit to be talking about someone you barely know! First off yes I showed up late to the meet-up ...ya want to know why because I had an exam on Busch campus which I stated before it even started.

Second I saw and said hi to Teklord, and Jen when I saw them, tried to talk to them but I had to follow my friend so I didn't lose her most of the night and I even posted that I was sorry I didn't get to stop and talk to them.

Self-centered is something I am far from and I'm sorry you feel that way about me. In case you didn't notice I am a little shy when it comes to people I don't know and it does take me a while to get very friendly...not everyone is as perfect as you.

So yes I apologize for not stopping and really talking to you guys I did not in any way think I was too good to talk to you. I thought you guys were all pretty cool at the meet-up and I hope we can all chill again.

I was just a little bummed out... I thought you were ignoring us and we were kind of upset that you were. But, next time, don't be afraid to come up and start a conversation... we dont bite... hehe.

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