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Quoth's "SOBER" Rutgers Meetup review


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God damm guys, I'm a guy how used to live in NY few years ago, and how will be coming back in a few months. I cant wait to be down there, and start kicking it witht you guys, ........

so, Just wait for me ...............I'll be there in a few months, and belive me you wont forget me.....


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Originally posted by jennEfer

I was just a little bummed out... I thought you were ignoring us and we were kind of upset that you were. But, next time, don't be afraid to come up and start a conversation... we dont bite... hehe.

I am really really sorry I came off like that. I did feel a little uncomfortable, not that you guys aren't extremely nice and friendly but that is just me. And since I didn't know very many people there ...I didn't want to lose my friend...not forgetting the fact she was pretty wasted and I am her mom when it comes to looking after her.

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Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex

I am really really sorry I came off like that. I did feel a little uncomfortable, not that you guys aren't extremely nice and friendly but that is just me. And since I didn't know very many people there ...I didn't want to lose my friend...not forgetting the fact she was pretty wasted and I am her mom when it comes to looking after her.

Its all good. It took me a few seconds to register when you walked up... i was like.. wait a second... i know this girl and said hi. The I was like whoah, what a small world. Anyway I hope that you friend got home safe, and i'm glad you were both able to make it to themeetup. That party was a little too crowded so Jenn and I bounced back and forth between 2 parties distriuting candy to all. hehe, that was a fun night. See ya

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don't worry about it, it's cool. some people jump to make their own assumptions. there's tons of people on this board who wouldn't lift a finger to make any attempt to meet up, so you don't need to apoligize at all.

unlike what he said, quoth was only speaking for himself. his explanation of this whole situation must have been blurred because of the huge amount of alchohol he drank thursday.

In fact, this can still all be explained cause he still might be DRUNK now.

"quoth's quote sober rutgers meetup....the quote sober part cause i was drunk as hellllllll and was being sarcastic to the fact of NOTTTTTT being sober.... "

oh shit, he was ~drunk as hell~. damn, he still is drunk!

It takes a while for 2 WHOLE heinekens (no, he didn't spill any walking around teklords apartment) to wear off when he gets excited, ya know? don't hold it against him. i'll apolgize for him, he still might not be able to.... that drunk. sorry

ALpHsTeR (--> Mattia 3 guy at the meetup)

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Jenn you are a blonde, no doubt... real or not that is another question.... you forgot to log out of my computer.. so anyway i'll say it again:

Its all good. It took me a few seconds to register when you walked up... i was like.. wait a second... i know this girl and said hi. The I was like whoah, what a small world after I realised it was you (xtotaleclipsex). Anyway I hope that you friend got home safe, and i'm glad you were both able to make it to themeetup. That party was a little too crowded so Jenn and I bounced back and forth between 2 parties distriuting candy to all. hehe, that was a fun night. See ya --Yarin

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damn my bad was just sayin that im sorry i didnt meet someone thats all.....and sweet talk a little...hehe....but anyways yea im a little shy girl too because most of the people had their own little cliques and i didnt want to interrrupt anybody but its all good....next time theres a meetup i will get a chance to talk to everybody!!!! but it was fun once again and i had a good time so let me know when the next one is!!!???

sorry one more question who goes to rutgers actually from this board that went....i wasnt sure if everyone who went to the meetup actually went to rutgers or not......cause i think i had some of u in my classes before cause u looked familiar like jenn, and xtotaleclipsex (sorry dont know your name:) )....but its all good...ok talk to u all later!!! bye:tongue: :eek::tongue::eek:

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Originally posted by kvanzile9

damn my bad was just sayin that im sorry i didnt meet someone thats all.....and sweet talk a little...hehe....but anyways yea im a little shy girl too because most of the people had their own little cliques and i didnt want to interrrupt anybody but its all good....next time theres a meetup i will get a chance to talk to everybody!!!! but it was fun once again and i had a good time so let me know when the next one is!!!???

sorry one more question who goes to rutgers actually from this board that went....i wasnt sure if everyone who went to the meetup actually went to rutgers or not......cause i think i had some of u in my classes before cause u looked familiar like jenn, and xtotaleclipsex (sorry dont know your name:) )....but its all good...ok talk to u all later!!! bye:tongue: :eek::tongue::eek:

So wait you are a "shy girl" ? Hehe I hope you mean boy! Yes I go to Rutgers...freshman on Busch Campus. Alphster and I are neighbors. I don't think I've seen you in my classes but ya never know...its hard to tell with some of them having about 200 people.

And Alphster thanks...and I don't know why we haven't seen each other before since we are so close. I'm sure we'll run into each other at least in the dining hall or you know where I live.

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well to say the least...some things i said were definitely looked down upon..and yea yea yea i know whatever i say now can not change what i said earlier...But the truth is, is that..that was me just blowin off steam by something that bothered me and i guess not many people can deal with my VERY straight forward approach. My intentions were not to cause drama, but to bring about something that i felt was wrong and needed to be talked about if we are all to be in this clubplanet clique of friends..then there shouldnt be no secret as to how someone feel..though..being the person i am...i come on VERY strong at times and definitely apologize for that, not that it will change things but at least i have peace of mind. I mean, these are messgaeboards...they are artifical...but to a point. And it seems that i have crossed that threshold of what is artifical and what is real..by makin someone upset by an opinon of mine. People talk shit on here on here all the time..like Alphster for instance talkin shit bout me and a whole 2 heinekens?? well see i dont bother really givin u an explanantion being that u were on yer cell phone 99% of the whole meetup and didnt even see everything else i drank up on the counter. But its ok bro, i can understand if u dont like me, but at least be a man and tell me so. Look, i am not here to make enemies, but if people cant express their own opinons without ridicule then its gonna be pretty hard to friends. I think there is definitelyyyyy a fine line between the computer and real life. The computer definitely holds back on lack of emotional human tone, which is why many manypeople are misunderstood daily on this board. For some of us, this board is our only means of communication with one another...for instance..i would call totaleclipse if i had her number and explain to her what i was tryin to get out...and im very sure that once it was said and done...things woulda been chill. But i have to resort to signing on, opening internet explorer, going to clubplanet..posting a fuckin message, then waiting for a response. Its pretty fuckin boring i tell ya hehe. But my point is..is that..for myself...and those few of u who truly know me from the boards other than just the Stuff Yer Face meetup, know that i am a VERY different person in person than i am on the boards. The boards are merely a personality that people get very anal retentive over when they read something they dont like...but thats life. Like of all this mini-drama i wouldnt be a cold dickhead scumbag if i had seen totaleclipse or alphster or teklord in person. Why? cause in person it is more personable and on here..its very twisted and confusing. The main thing here was to get someone's attention and i sure got her attention but i also got riducle from certain individuals as well. But its ok, cause i see that those who want to be my friend yet riducle me cause of something i say...are not really worthy of my friendship, cause if they were, they would respect my opinon. And even after all this drama that i consider done and said with, i hope we can all put this past us...even the 2 heineken comment :laugh: as well. Cause seriously, its only a small group of us who have same similar interests so i dont want anyone being the bad apple to spoil the bunch and that includes me as well cause we need to stick together. So totaleclipse, i hope u read this or delete this, cause im just letting u know that i didnt mean to come on so strongly to u with the things i said, but there's nothing i can do now about it. I can only ask that u not sweat it. And instead of PM-ing u, i wanted to you to see as well as whoever else, a different side of me. Peace, -Quoth

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heh that's cool that you didn't get too pissed off about me talking shit. I was just trying to move some pressure off of people and onto others since some were feelin it more than others. true, i guess i forgot about the 99% cell phone part, so what the fuck do i know ;) i guess i felt like being a little obnoxious and had to put in my worthless 2 cents.

anyway quoth, no hard feelings man. i agree with some of the shit you say like about the artificial type of communication thats on the board - like stuff will be said differently here than in person, and it doesn't really mean much until you meet and know the person in real life. i guess it's why i hardly ever post here. it's all better in person.

anyway, everyone's all happy now. good. again, no hard feelings quoth.


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See Quoth it was not the fact that you brought up the party and how people felt about what happened...it was just the manner in which you said it. You jumped to your own conclusion without really looking at the facts. I had posted something about the party to Tek and Jen apologizing because I didn't get to talk to them very much way before you even posted this. I layed it out way before you did.

To bring it to my attention of how they felt is completely understandable...but when you judge me and insult me personally saying I am pretty much a self-centered bitch...that is where I draw the line.

But ya know what...who cares... I'm over it and I hope everyone else is too. Just don't make assumptions about me until you actually know me ok! I'm usually a pretty nice person until you get on my bad side..that's when I can be a major bitch. I thought you were a pretty cool kid, weird..very wierd hehe, but cool.

So I hope to see ur wierd ass at the next meet-up...

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