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I was just checking out the NYC board and stubbled across the dumbest post. Why is it that people from the city (being that most of them migrated their from other areas) criticize New Jersey. I mean you have people from fucking Queens and Brooklyn even Long Island saying shit about Jersey. i have been to all areas and the outer boroughes and LI are nothing to be raving about. Then you get these so called Manhattanites who moved here after college from like fucking Lickacowsass, Iowa saying shit how Jersey is soo cheesey and they think it's lame. Please these where probably the same kids who went cow tipping and sheeping fucking for fun in High School. I am sorry i'm rantinh here. I just needed to rant about something this morning (too much pent up energy or something) and I thought that this was the perfect subject to do so. Please feel free to elaborate or just to throw in your .02 cents.

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What up emmitt?

Here is the post. there is like 4 pages of replies and a few Jersey peeps fired back. I'm just ranting and reving because I have nothing better to do.


Old Skool

Registered: Sep 2001

Location: Forrest Hills

Posts: 432

Gender: Playa

New Jersey Absolutely Sucks!!!!!

I hate that state.

I now have to live in Edison for a week while I wait to move into my new place in Manhattan. I absolutely cannot stand the area. Every body wlalks, talks, dresses, looks, smells, and acts exactly the same. The commute I have to make into the city makes me want to play Russian Roulette until I lose. I just can't stand Jersey.

........Its too bad considering I have always had a thing for Jersey girls.

I can't wait to move in this weekend.

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I know what you're saying.

The kid next door to my shore house, was like all snobby cause he lived in Manhattan. He would always rip on Jersey. Come to find out he was from CT!!!!! Now talk about a waste of a state, thats one I can think off!!! I so called him out on it and he didn't know what to say!!!! I honestly like living here I would rather live here than in Montana!!!!!! People are retarded!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

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People are fake as hell that's the problem. I know a ton of people from the city (I work here) who come from all over the fucking country. They live here for awhile all of sudden they start knocking Jersey. I'm always like "you where raised in fucking Indiana (or some other Mid-west state that incoureges inbreeding) how can you possibly make fun of Jersey." Like I said I just felt like ranting this morning (it's probably the fucking shitty commute I had into the city). Let's not even start on the outer borroughes either (Oh god Staten Island) or LI (have you ever met someone from Ronkankomo(sp?)). These faux New Yorkers have a sense of arrogence about them (God knows why) just because they over pay for a one room studio apartment (you could sleep, shit and cook dinner without having to move) or live in Astoria. Have you ever seen Astoria, it looks like some Cold War era Eastern European town (the buildings not the people) It's drab and boring. I have to stop before I start going overboard.

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I was just in ASTORIA this weekend!!!! THats so funny!!! I don't think it was anything to write home about. It looks like North Bergen oe Union City to me!!!!!! And theres way to much traffic, the roads are confusing!!! It took me and hour just to figure out how to get back on the DAMN TRIBORO!!!!!!!:mad:

And then I sat in traffic there!!!!

And those SI's, are the funniest, I see them in hunka and I call it Hairdresser night!!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

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Guest saleen351

Jersey is the richest state in the union. My town is full of Nyers that left there for a better life. Hands down S.I has the best looking women on earth but Jersey is where you can have a family and a back yard. Fuck ny. Forget astoria, memeber back a few years ago when the yanks were loosing, walking to a game was like playing with death!!!!!!

Nabuc your sooooooooooo right about ppl moving to the city from other states. I think they watch sex in the city tooo much.

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Originally posted by rocketfuel76

I was just in ASTORIA this weekend!!!! THats so funny!!! I don't think it was anything to write home about. It looks like North Bergen oe Union City to me!!!!!! And theres way to much traffic, the roads are confusing!!! It took me and hour just to figure out how to get back on the DAMN TRIBORO!!!!!!!:mad:

And then I sat in traffic there!!!!

And those SI's, are the funniest, I see them in hunka and I call it Hairdresser night!!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

The laundry list on the inhabitants of the burroughes and LI could be wrapped around the equator three fold. They do have some gall just because the night life is better. I perfer to live here in Jersey than the NY. I like the fact that I have trees outside my house and a backyard.

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc

What the fuck is going on in here.....The yanks are down 2-0, ROCKETFUEL was in Astoria this weekend, and now SALEEN is giving NABUC a friggin compliment and agreeing with him?

I am in a terrible nightmare...."AUNTIE EM AUNTIE EM, THERE"S NO PLACE LIKE HOME, THERE"S NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!!!!!!!!!"

JBR what up? I think I jinxed our boys by proclaiming a sweep. How was your weekend?

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Originally posted by eviljav666


i need some more bussiness..

It's getting to costly to go out. I need more mellow weekends to save up some cash. Besides I'm starting to feel old now. I do one night of boozing and I'm on the IR for days.

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Originally posted by eviljav666


i need some more bussiness..

Hey Jav..Friday at Vinyl was definitely a good time!!! I slept pretty much all day on Saturday. You missed Factory though..what a crazy time..went at 7 and left at 3:30pm..thank god no work today!! I am on break for the next month after this weekend!

Emmitt..nice seeing you at Vinyl..how funny was it with those guys trying to dance with Lisa..I was cracking up!

Spygirl...great seeing you at Factory..what time did you leave??


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Originally posted by clubangel

Hey Jav..Friday at Vinyl was definitely a good time!!! I slept pretty much all day on Saturday. You missed Factory though..what a crazy time..went at 7 and left at 3:30pm..thank god no work today!! I am on break for the next month after this weekend!

Emmitt..nice seeing you at Vinyl..how funny was it with those guys trying to dance with Lisa..I was cracking up!

Spygirl...great seeing you at Factory..what time did you leave??


What the Deal babe...

Yeah friday was cool..my bad that iam a mute when iam out..

most of the time i dont have much to say...

Saturday i made it to SF got in with no probs jeans and all..

Emmit was kick off the line though i got there at about 7:00

to bad i didnt see you there..it would have been nice hanging with you guys..

i left close 1:00 it was super packed when i got there you could move..it reminded my of SF years ago when it was Jammed back all morning!!

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I can't believe I didn't see ya...it was packed though ..at one point there were so many people pushing and shoving each other I thought a brawl or something that was gonna break out..I had a good time though! Not going back until Thanksgiving Eve..should be an awesome time that night!

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Originally posted by clubangel

Hey Jav..Friday at Vinyl was definitely a good time!!! I slept pretty much all day on Saturday. You missed Factory though..what a crazy time..went at 7 and left at 3:30pm..thank god no work today!! I am on break for the next month after this weekend!

Emmitt..nice seeing you at Vinyl..how funny was it with those guys trying to dance with Lisa..I was cracking up!

Spygirl...great seeing you at Factory..what time did you leave??


that shit was funny....couldn't stop laughing....that girl attracts squids...hahaha good seeing ya too clubangel

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Originally posted by Emmitt

that shit was funny....couldn't stop laughing....that girl attracts squids...hahaha good seeing ya too clubangel

Ace you should of came with me and Richi after vinly we got there at like 7:00 they let us right in..and you saw the way i walked into Vinly at 5:00..

i cant believe it was so dead there..that realy sucked..

yesterday i was zombie stoned all day..i didnt sleep when i got home i mixed!! when out got more stupid then i already iam..and came home around 10:30p then went to bed..

did you listen to that cd i forgot to ask you..its been over a week!!

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