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Okay... I need some help from my fellow cp heads. I have to write this paper for one of my classes, and I need to answer this question, but at the same time i need some ideas. If you could all answer the following question in your own opinion i would greatly appreciate it. Okay.. here it goes:

Why are we watching the news, reading the news, and keeping up with the news?

A great big thank you to all who reply...

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Because we as people are hopelessly engulfed in suspense. As citizens we know nothing about our enemy or what they are all about. This caught us by surprise with this so our knowledge is limited, couple that with the fact that we are at war and its obvious that we will be watching the news to gather all the information that we can.

Did that help a little?

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i was a comm/media major. so, personally, i would do a critical analysis of *how* the news gets us to watch. if you want to write about current events, you could research what the news did during the last war (gulf war) and make comparisons to what is happening today.

alternatively, u might take it on from a psychological angle. research the psychology of fear and use ppls fear of the unknown

to explain why we seek answers from the newsmongers.

what ur major? what class is it for? you can never go wrong by using the angle of ur major (for example, if you are a psych major, do this paper on psychological implications). this is my best advice for anyone in college-- by always doing papers from a similar angle (that of your chosen major) you will, over 4+ years, have many papers that can be reused and rewritten for many different classes.

e.g. when i wrote history papers, i always examined the role of the news media in events (bc i was a comm/media major). by my senior year, i had used one term paper (the history and message of 1930s bauhaus art) for four different classes!

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some people watch the news because they live vicariously through other people. they dont create news of their own so they find interest in the news of others. sad but true. mundane life has multiple effects.

some people watch the news because they want to remain educated as to what is going on in the world in which they live in. it is a genuine interest to know what's going on. now this could be linked to control. many of us if not all of us have mortality issues and that leads to control freaks. you want to control your environment - well how do you do that? in part, you know exactly what's going on in the world - stay educated.

some people watch the news so that they have something to talk about at work and at home - a social binding effect if you will.

i watch the news for all the reasons above and to give me a sense that i do know what's going on around me other than the 60 hours or so i put in at work

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Thanks guys!! You have all helped. This paper is just for my writing class... not for anything major specific or anything... I just need some ideas to elaborate on and since cp people tend to have alot of different views i thought it would be interesting to take this approach to find ideas. Thanks agian, and keep it coming!!

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As Dennis Leary said in his "No Cure for Cancer" act, "we watched President Kennedy get shot on TV and we've been too afraid to turn it off since then."

Basically, we want to know what's going on the moment its happened.... Everyone wants to be able to say "oh yeah, i was watching TV when all of a sudden blahblahblah happened." We all want to be able to say that we were witness to something live.

P.S: please repost your KanDy KID picture... i MiSSED out! did you get one of Yarian? I wanna see, I wanna see!

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Originally posted by maximman

As Dennis Leary said in his "No Cure for Cancer" act, "we watched President Kennedy get shot on TV and we've been too afraid to turn it off since then."

Basically, we want to know what's going on the moment its happened.... Everyone wants to be able to say "oh yeah, i was watching TV when all of a sudden blahblahblah happened." We all want to be able to say that we were witness to something live.

P.S: please repost your KanDy KID picture... i MiSSED out! did you get one of Yarian? I wanna see, I wanna see!

I definately have better pictures... the one that was up was waay too dark and you couldn't fully experience the brightness of our costumes... better pics will be up ASAP (between this and next week).

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