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GLOW this weekend


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actually in a round-about way it does, you see vixen likes hopping so I figured I would get a kangaroo that could hump, sorry mean hop with her! But actually I meant to tell shady to get me a wallaby, much better then a roo, it's like a mini roo

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"I only know that I know nothing" was it Aristotle who said that?

Ok, anyway,

1am under the stairway to the VIP section. Ill probbably be there with another 10-12 people maybe a bit more if some of them bring anybody else and well probbaly be gettin g there around 12.

hmmm..i'll determine what i'll wear and post it up, 'cuz basically I probably look like any other average guy in there.

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Originally posted by vicman

"I only know that I know nothing" was it Aristotle who said that?

Ok, anyway,

1am under the stairway to the VIP section. Ill probbably be there with another 10-12 people maybe a bit more if some of them bring anybody else and well probbaly be gettin g there around 12.

hmmm..i'll determine what i'll wear and post it up, 'cuz basically I probably look like any other average guy in there.

hey look for me, ill be with aly...i'll haev black shirt, glasses, and spikes all over my fucking head...not those shitty wannabe spike head people, i mean the ally out good spikey hair...aight bro, see u sat.

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

I'm down.

Egg- I most definitely did write you back about the list! I put you and your 5 buddies on it!

Was the guy with the orange sticks (the stringer) one of yours? He was incredible

yeah, that was my boy joe . . .

he was fawkin rockin, did you see at the end of the night when they all broke their sticks . . .

well, they'll all be down again for pvd and i'll introduce you to the crew . . .

wait, i haven't even met you yet . . . :laugh:

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Vixenfoxxy doesn't work at Glow. She dances there sometimes (she sucks at it) and keeps posting here and giving out wrong information. I emailed Glow and they told me that 1) she doesn't work there 2)Sneakers and jeans are allowed 3) the only things not allowed are workboots (like Timberlands) and sweats.. everything else goes..

So please vixen CHECK YOUR INFO before posting here and making me dress up to go there when there is no need.. If you all have any questions, I am told that the only official word is either on their infoline, 202.271.1171 or by emailing them at info@clubglow.com

Everything else is people's opinion and cannot be taken as official...

I think I make some people happy by sharing this info, since many of us do not want to wear dress shoes to dance our asses of..

Peace everybody..

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Oh look everyone, here's Trance00 to save the day :rolleyes:

Let me clear up his misconceptions.

1) Correct, I do dance at Glow sometimes, but my dancing is far more often through the club itself than through panorama. You may hold your opinion as to how I dance but honestly your opinion doesn't mean two shits to me because when I go back to New York I have many promoters that appreciate what I do and request for me to dance at world-famous clubs on a regular basis.

2) Sneakers, etc. are allowed, perhaps I didn't make it clear that I was *suggesting* that people avoid those things largely because it's a general rule at clubs (regardless where they are, and there are some exceptions to this general rule) that if things start getting filled up and they must pick off the line, those people dressed in sneakers and a raggety t-shirts won't be the ones going in. So excuse me for trying to ensure that everyone gets in okay, I just like to make sure of things like that, I feel really bad when my people get turned away.

3) I actually do work for panorama. There's been a disagreement therein for a while between two persons in the higher management, especially because for a time my promotions were, I will admit, rather disgraceful. I go to Georgetown, I have a lot at stake as far as my future is concerned, and if I have a choice between high numbers at Glow and high grades on my transcript, I'm sorry but I have to choose what is better for my future and I'd rather shoot myself in the head than be relegated to promoting for the rest of my life.

So, maybe, Trance00, you should be a little more careful in what you say. You do not know me, my situation, or the politics of my employment, and I'd appreciate your staying out of it. I will tell you straight up that I'm just as angry at myself for my low numbers as Antonis is, but I really had no choice. Thanks for wasting my time, and be sure to come say hello on saturday, I'd be more than willing to give you a little more of a clue into things, certainly that would be the mature thing for you to do, rather than having hissy fits on the board.


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Yeah. Newbies are encourage to attend. We will be taking attendance though :D

In true CP fashion an ***OFICIAL*** meetup thread will be started...umm..I guess I'll start it and everybody who is going can just post that they are going, but I think the deal is 1am under the stairs to the VIP area.

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Originally posted by trance00

Vixenfoxxy doesn't work at Glow. She dances there sometimes (she sucks at it) and keeps posting here and giving out wrong information. I emailed Glow and they told me that 1) she doesn't work there 2)Sneakers and jeans are allowed 3) the only things not allowed are workboots (like Timberlands) and sweats.. everything else goes..

So please vixen CHECK YOUR INFO before posting here and making me dress up to go there when there is no need.. If you all have any questions, I am told that the only official word is either on their infoline, 202.271.1171 or by emailing them at info@clubglow.com

Everything else is people's opinion and cannot be taken as official...

I think I make some people happy by sharing this info, since many of us do not want to wear dress shoes to dance our asses of..

Peace everybody..

Sux at dancing??? really ... I happen to be her promotional director in manhattan and we're actually quite found of her dancing which is why I request her to come up and dance even though she lives in DC ... any of u DC heads want to see vixen at her best come the he grand opening of red thursdays @ Hush one of NYC's premiere venues on nov 15th. Furthermore, she has danced at some of the most notorious nightclubs in city such as Limelight, Sound Factory & Roxy and is ALWAYS a crowd pleaser ... face it, the girl has the moves and she looks mad good in those booty shorts.

So Trance00 ... dont be crazy, u know this is about the time when ur elvis impersonating boyfriend with his greesy hair and hairy back stopped by ur run down trailer started fuckin u in the ass but has to stop cause he couldnt take the smell of ur roast beef, camel toe, rotten, crust, yeast infected twat ... so u jerked him off to make him finish cause he beats ur scrubby kids when he doesnt get his nookie ... and in the end he had the balls to cum in your eye and shout "VIXEN"

Anyway ... now that ive said my peice I'll just add that vixen is a wonderful promoter and dancer who really cares about the scene and the party so if she posts something u can bank on the info.

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Dude, for real, you need to slow your roll and stop bo-janglin'. Aly dances like it's her job (no pun intended) she loves what she does and she's good at it, I don't think I'm the only one here that thinks that either.

Oh yah, be sure to meet up with us under the VIP stairs @ 1....we'll all be waiting for you...:chainsaw::D

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Whassup yoll,

I been away from CP/Inet, watching lots of Soprano and Farscape reruns and playing with *nix stuff. Anyways, thanks for the hookup Aly, you tha bomb. We'll be there. Jimmy gimme a call tomorra if you wanna chill. Hey Aly, email or PM me your email address so I can send you those pics. ;)

trance2000 - stop bein a dumb bitch, find something productive to do. Go brush your teeth...call your mom...wipe your ass...douche...

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Originally posted by crownroyal

trance2000 - stop bein a dumb bitch, find something productive to do. Go brush your teeth...call your mom...wipe your ass...douche...

Holy shit! That is so funny, trance00 you might as well retire you name, and go undisclosed on another one...you killed it with that repsonse...did someone stick a fork in him, cause I think he's done...:laugh:

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hell-o my people! been away for a while but now, I'm back!@ and definitely up to take over Glow on Saturday with you guys. i hear the meet is at 1 under the VIP stairs? - count me in. i'll look for you guys, will be wearing black framed glasses, black shirt, the pants, i don't know yet... but that's ok. hope to meet all of you, finally - vixen, eggmok, JIMI...

peace out.

"intoxicating blood, like wine... as we entwine our arms and close our eyes (forget) then realize that we embrace naught but the air..."


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Originally posted by shifterlx

hell-o my people! been away for a while but now, I'm back!@ and definitely up to take over Glow on Saturday with you guys. i hear the meet is at 1 under the VIP stairs? - count me in. i'll look for you guys, will be wearing black framed glasses, black shirt, the pants, i don't know yet... but that's ok. hope to meet all of you, finally - Vixxen, eggmok, JIMI...

peace out.

"intoxicating blood, like wine... as we entwine our arms and close our eyes (forget) then realize that we embrace naught but the air..."


hey dude, what's going on? look for us yah, i'll have spikes all over my head...green fading glasses and either black longsleeve or black shortsleeve shirt...can't wait to meet up...I THINK THIS IS THE BIGGEST DC MEET UP SO FAR, IM SO HAPPY ITS LIKE A BIG CP ORGY! ohh i love everyone:D












R.I.P. - to my three boys that were @ superglow 3 but couldn't make it here on the 20th...jeff, smith & adrian, tsk tsk tsk...

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trance you're a bitch. you probably shouldn't bash people on the message boards cuz it doesn't make anyone happy. i've only met aly once and 1) she can dance 2) she is a real nice girl. my suggestion is cut your losses w/this name and start over w/a new name and identity.

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