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Off Topic: BarVybe's wacky wacky sunday

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pete, this is some seriously humorous sh!t.

especially the part where you're seeing an alien

in the mirror and looking over his shoulder for petey.

i had just a couple mornings like that.

and a really bad one where my nose was roughed up and beet red.

that's quite a story.

it basically involves four white russians,

-- then i don't remember how many black russians

-- and even more CLEAR russians.

and a friend of mine.

and some red pepper flakes mysteriously landing in my ear.

and a fire extinguisher being used.

and some burnt junk mail.

(my friend too was quite wasted,

and thought it would be amusing to burn

some junk mail downstairs; until of course

the fire alarm went off)

hearing the fire alarm, another friend woke up

and saw how badly off i was and occupied his

time keeping my head up off the floor while i was

face down in it, and repeatedly failing,

whilst the paramedics were on their way.

hence the rugburned nose.

paramedics came; i flat-out refused to be hospitalized.

they asked me my name,

and i pointed at my three friends and

named each after one of my initials

"she's k, he's p, and he's g"

woke up in a curtain torn off one off the windows.

(it was a makeshift blanket)

wandered downstairs.

saw a large volume of what used to be in my gut.

checked out the bathroom.

apparently i'd punched out the screen

and yuked into the alleyway between buildings

while my friends were trying to give me a cold

shower according to the advice of the 'meds.

went back upstairs.

got a phone call from another friend who'd

heard the fire alarm and told me to make some

phone calls to find out what had happened so

he could give me a proper guilt trip for all the

trouble i'd caused, and to tell me that i'd

be paying to recharge the extinguisher.

at this point i realized i'd lost my glasses.

called my only friend who was sober that night

to sort it all out.

i did what?

what happened?

i drank how much?

oh, that's why my nose is red.


oh, you have my glasses.

yeah probably better that you kept

them instead of me breaking them.

and so it went...

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heheheheheee you guys are nuts.

Dont you have anything better to do than ponder our merging Identities???

dont worry kids we'll only be siamese for a while and then we'll be back to our independant tricks.

although there always the chance for collaboration.

we are partners in crime after all....

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Originally posted by mugwump

Waiiit a minute..

How do we know it';s not really Shannon

who's been taken over by Pete's brain..

MIND MELTING into a "Barvmenace" creature...


Is that what SBJ and you do?

Or is SBJ just part of the multiple personality disorder you have - hahahahaha!!!!!!!

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I have just Vybed into the Bar part of our personality (meaning this is Pete again).

GRrrrrrrrr......i want my own log in back!!!!!!!! but, i DO like

:mad: BAR MENACE :mad:

Mugzzzzz - that was me spanking u for the door prizes, and i may show before heading out out tomorrow.

Hacker: you, my friend, are seriously deranged!!!!!!!

and insofar as merging identities go, i have begun to have the urge to pee sitting down......

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

I get up, put on my Yankees Jerzey and stumble to the corner to wait for my buddies to run by. I realize that i am still drunk and trippin' on something really juicy.

camper! damn! i bet you were smelling really good at this point!!!!:tongue:

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Originally posted by lavendermenace


yeah, i had the campers on, but smelly? me? come on now kid!!!

Oh, BTW - happy b-day Shuga!!! (tomorrow, right?)

i wasn't talking about your shoes, i was talking about your person!!! all that partying all night long, you must have smelled like a veritable flower bed!

sorry, you know i have to give you a hard time!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by BAR MENACE

Hacker: you, my friend, are seriously deranged!!!!!!!

like i said, i've only had a couple of mornings like that.

that one being the absolute worst.

my drinking too a turn for the better that day.

and it was new years' eve-eve so the next eve (->1999)

i didn't touch a drop -- talk about your instant

new years' resolutions.

happy to report that i'm such a lightweight now.

3 drinks and i'm mentally lubricated.

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