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why the hell did u vote for BLOOMBERG??

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Originally posted by monical

Just looking at this guys gives the uneasiest feeling!!

He ran the most vicious attacking campain in the history of this city. This guy didn't talk about what he was going to do instead how bad, ferrer and bloomberg were. Mark Green is the biggest joke and the fact that he lost such a tremendous lead, just shows what a loser he is. Thank god he is not our mayor.

I don't think Bloomberg is the best either but he is definitely the lesser of 2 evils. I believe in most of the republican platforms regarding the economy, and believe that is the most important issue with people right now, especially in these tough times. Fine, People can put bloomberg down for being a billionair, but you know what, he is a genius, he started of a company with 8 employees and turned it into one of the most needed companies by every financial firm in the world.

I trust bloomberg to help this city out of the recession and am thanking god today that mark green is NOT our mayor.


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As a die hard republican, I have a number of things to say on this topic, some of which were mentioned in earlier posts, some which were not...

First of all, whoever brought up the topic of clubs being shut down b/c of Rudy needs to pull their head out of their ass, and wipe the crap out of their eyes. TWILO got shut down b/c they didn't renew their cabaret license from when it was Sound Factory. Plain and simple! The multiple deaths there and negative publicity sure as hell didn't help. And if that was your kid that was dying and throw into a closet, you'd have felt the same way.

Next, is the campaigning topic...Green DUG his own grave there! Saying that he could have performed as well, if not better than Giuliani is just plain STUPID! The 9/11 attacks caused so much pain for everyone, and Rudy became a figure that the city could look to for reassurance. To say that he could be that person, hits a personal edge with every voter, and makes them turn the other cheek. If I was a democrat, I would have been embarassed to have a candidate with such assinine ads.

Now, it was also brought up that Bloomberg solicited Ferrer's voters, which is GENIUS!!!!! He won, didn't he? Thats exactly why he went after that group. Simply because they were undecided and were, in the end, the deciding factor. Not to be redundant, but GENIUS!

I actually didn't end up voting, b/c I just moved into the city, and i'm still registered in an entirely different district. Had I voted, it obviously would have gone to Bloomberg, simply because the man knows economics better than Green. He can get the city's economy back to where it needs to be. Green would have raised taxes, and made people who are already being RAPED bi-weekly have even less discretionary income which would plummet the city further into a recession.

Any questions?

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