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Drug Myths

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I need a joke.......:)

Few of my favorites are:

Pcp is made out of formaldehyde

Herion & Coke is in E

........Some more

acid stays in your spine forever

K separates ur brain in half if u do a lot of it

IF you crack someones back the acid will be released and they will start trippin again..

the [insert color name here] pills have speed in them

your legally insane once you take acid x# of times

acid stays in your spine forever

Shrooms cuase your brain to hemorage and the high comes from your brain cells dying becuase of lack of blood

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Originally posted by raverdoll

i have a friend that his brother is institutionalized because he took too much acid and thinks he's an orange :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I heard the same one, but a different variation . .

(Picture a kandykid trying to tell you this story)

. .Man . .you'll never believe this . . this friend of my brothers roomate up in college had the WORST experience with Acid man . . he had a sheet that he was gonna sell to some guy in (enter city or town name here) and the cops got wind of the deal . . so they show up and the dude . . . no dude, I'll pass soon just let me finish, jeez dude . . so they show up . . no dude I don't have anything to stir the bowl with, DUDE let me finish . . So they show up and the kid starts to run, but he's carrying a water bottle right next to the sheet in his JNCO's and it accidently opens and spills all over the sheet . . the kid loses the cops, but they find him about an hour later in (enter another name of a city or town here) standing perfectly still. . the cops go to take him in but as soon as they put their hands on him he starts screaming . . . "Dude, if you tip me over I'll die!!!" . .the cops ask him what's wrong and he just keeps screaming "Dude, if you tip me over I'll die!" . . They keep asking him whats wrong, cause like they know he's on something cause cops can . .DUDE! I am trying to get to the end of the story. . no DUDE, it's your turn to pack . .so anyway, the cops again ask him what's wrong. . and the dude says "If I tip over all my insides will spill out and I'll die . ." The cops reasure him that if he were to tip over, he won't die . . .and the dude comes back with "Can't you see I'm a glass of ORANGE JUICE!!!". . . That's some fugged up shit dude, isn't it dude? . . Dude just thinking about it makes me want a xanny bar . .whoa.

. .LOL :laugh:

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Here's a true one...first person experience...You can't join the military until a year after your last psychedelic trip. Like a dumb-ass, when I went to sign up for the navy, I told them everything. The recruiter pulls out this huge book yadda yadda yadda...come back in a year. Pretty ignorant, huh?

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