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Now maybe we will smarten up!

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We need to get real security at these airports, and really concentrate on illegals in this country. Personally I hope it was some kind of mechanical problem, but I fear it wasn't. We really need to step up Security and this whole war against terrorism, we are seriously losing this war by trying to be too nice at the same time!!!! Just my opinion.

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Originally posted by Emmitt

exactly, the gov't should take over all airports like in other countries...these under qualified private security firms cannot do their jobs!!!

We should also have visably armed personel on all flights. Like Isreals airline does. You never hear about one of their planes going down or being hijacked.

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Heres the situation....

Last year at the superbowl, the govt decided to have cameras all over the stadium takin pictures of people, looking for criminals. When the general public got wind of this, all hell broke loose. People were screaming about their civil rights, invasion of privacy, etc etc. Now, almost a year later, the same people are complaining that security is tighter, that more isnt being done.

Any thoughts on that?

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What ever it was that brought that plane down will not be known for sometime. I don't think a terrorist wlked on board with a bomb. Wether it was in the luggage in the cargo hold, I sure as hell don't know. I will personal believe it was mechanical failure until told otherwise, just for my own piece of mind. And sin I do agree with you on one thing. Our government would not tell us it was an attack until they where 100% sure. They don't want to jump the gun and cause wide spread panic.

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Originally posted by cmb1975

Heres the situation....

Last year at the superbowl, the govt decided to have cameras all over the stadium takin pictures of people, looking for criminals. When the general public got wind of this, all hell broke loose. People were screaming about their civil rights, invasion of privacy, etc etc. Now, almost a year later, the same people are complaining that security is tighter, that more isnt being done.

Any thoughts on that?

My only thought on that is that we have lost our sense of security. We don't feel safe anymore. A lot of people have lost their faith in our government to protect us from outside harm. One year ago if you would have told me that terrorist where going to hijack planes and fly them into the WTC and pentagon I would probebly laugh in your face. We where living in a dream world of a false sense of security. Now we are awake and realize that in this day and age we can afford to let some civil liberties be infringed upon for our own safety. Pre 9/11 and post 9/11 have become two totally different worlds. I compare it to the moment the US dropped the bombs on Japan. Everything changed after that.

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There is a serious possiblity we may never know until we dont care anymore, just like TWA 800, I still have doubts that it was a mechanical failure. Tough to be in the FAA or governments position now, If they know the truth do they tell it or not, It would be great if they would just tell the truth once in a while, I'm sure the American Public would like that.

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I too would like to be kept up to date with what's going on, but think about it this way. If the government had said that we believe it's a terrorist attack (which in my opinion you really can't say one or the other right now) you would have mass hysteria right now. The entire airline industry would have shut down. NYC would be in lock down right now (I would be in some bar getting ripped because i would have no way of getting home). It would not be prudent to jump the gun like that. Keep saying you don't know until you are 100%.

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Originally posted by nabuc1

My only thought on that is that we have lost our sense of security. We don't feel safe anymore. A lot of people have lost their faith in our government to protect us from outside harm. One year ago if you would have told me that terrorist where going to hijack planes and fly them into the WTC and pentagon I would probebly laugh in your face. We where living in a dream world of a false sense of security. Now we are awake and realize that in this day and age we can afford to let some civil liberties be infringed upon for our own safety. Pre 9/11 and post 9/11 have become two totally different worlds. I compare it to the moment the US dropped the bombs on Japan. Everything changed after that.

Funny thing is, when I first heard a plane hit the WTC, my first thought was accident. Now, 2 months later, I hear a plane crashed, my first thought is terrorism. Perfect example of pre-9/11 and post 9/11

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We know think like the rest of the world. In Isreal when a car or truck back-fires they think car bomb. Our government did do a good job of shielding our senses from what was really happening unfortunatly they just could protect us. And a scary reality is that they still can't. What's to stop a few terrorist from walking onto a subway train with bombs in their backpacks or briefcases. Absolutely nothing!!! We, for the most part are safe from the large scale attacks. It's a horrific world we have awaken to and it is not going to get better.

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