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What do you guys think about people at clubs who are there just to hook up?


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Wha..? Whats wrong with pick-up places? I personally like to go to Sesto Senso, The Spot and go up to the second floor at Glow and try my luck hooking up with random girls and showing my primal behavior :monkey: in the process...get back in touch with my animal instincts :biggrin:

Nawwww....I hate 'em...girls are always trying to pick me up at those places, never leave me alone. I mean I'm jus' there for the music and stuff but they never leave me alone.

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Seriously though, I suck :mad: at picking up girls at bars and those types of joints, so I tend to avoid them ..sniff, sniff....

So I leave the :hump: to others...but in part it is human nature, physiologically speaking the primal :monkey: behavior of mankind is to procreate, hence being a social animal, mankind congregates in social ambiences looking for a prospective mate,

Just as male cheetahs fight for the right of mating with the eligible female, so to, in this case a club setting, most male patrons begin the mating ritual by wearing tight shirts, showing off their feathered plumage and thier oversized crest in futile attmepts, in most cases, to attract the available female.

Mating ritual? Yes.

Is it pretty? No.

But it is human behavior at its finest hour.


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Originally posted by vicman

Seriously though, I suck :mad: at picking up girls at bars and those types of joints, so I tend to avoid them ..sniff, sniff....

So I leave the :hump: to others...but in part it is human nature, physiologically speaking the primal :monkey: behavior of mankind is to procreate, hence being a social animal, mankind congregates in social ambiences looking for a prospective mate,

Just as male cheetahs fight for the right of mating with the eligible female, so to, in this case a club setting, most male patrons begin the mating ritual by wearing tight shirts, showing off their feathered plumage and thier oversized crest in futile attmepts, in most cases, to attract the available female.

Mating ritual? Yes.

Is it pretty? No.

But it is human behavior at its finest hour.


Vicman isn't it the other way around?? "most male patrons begin the mating ritual by wearing tight shirts, showing off their feathered plumage and thier oversized crest in futile attmepts, in most cases, to attract the available female."

Anyways I do not go to places to hook-up, but I do know some people that do and yes I have done it before, maybe once. ;) It also depends on the mood, the place, the person, also add drinks and whatEver else the kids at these places are on and that stuff is bound to happen. It is not always the guys fault though or their idea, is it vixen? :eek:

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BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHA awwwww jeez Vic, that was harsh. You shouldn't make fun of PGiddy's habits like that :laugh:

OK for real though, hook-up scenes suck ass. I think I mentioned to Vicman on Sunday that there's nothing worse than some dude trying to freak a girl... on the house or trance floor. Clue to the cool guys out there - WTF are you doing?! I mean, does this look like a snoop dogg video to you? House and trance aren't meant for grinding, and certainly if you're gonna attempt, at least *ask* me first, don't just grab up on me and think I'm not gonna glare at you and run away :mad:

Unfortunately a lot of people *do* go out thinking they're gonna get some ass off the first thing they dance with, and that kind of leaves the rest of us to fend them off.

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unless you want me to mention some of your habits?? Lets see where should I start.....ohh nevermind I couldn't. But has anyone ever had sex in a club, i.e vip, dj booth, I know I haven't but I was just seeing if anyone has, just out of curiousity? :rolleyes: cough cough

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I hate guys who go to clubs with hooking up as their prime motive. What happens is that they just stand around (or in the case of girls, do the hoochie dance in their little packs); and this completely kills the vibe.

Now, if you're dancing (or sitting in the chill room), happen to strike up a nice conversation with someone cool, and things lead to things, THEN I think its OK - I've been guilty of that before :D :D!

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Originally posted by pgiddy

Very well said, couldn't agree more. But if you are on the dancefloor and decide to do something then please get off the floor and go somewhere else. I hate that when you have idiots right there.:blown:

I'd generally agree with you, but I saw a couple of lovely young ladies dancing close and kissing to some breaks in the front room early this past Saturday morning at Buzz. Strangely I didn't have a problem with that. I wonder why not. Hmmm, I wonder what could have made that different in my eyes...

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he, he...ahhh yes, I remember when Anthony Pappa was at Buzz with John Creamer....my oh, my: around 3 or 4 right in front of the booth, dang!! I saw a serious make-out session between 2 girls

:eek: , guess us guys are not the only ones looking to go and hook up with the female gender.:D :D

Were any of you guys there that night? Anyone happen to see that? 20 bucks well spent :D

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Originally posted by malanee

I was discussing this with a friend last night.

Me, personally, I hate meat market scenes - but I realize that even at a decent club, many of the people are looking to hook up. And as my friend said "It's human nature."

What do you guys think?

that's why I miss parties. . . .no one was there to hook up. ... everyone was just friendly and respectful. . . if people were kissing and touching, it was a sensual thing, not sexual. . . now that the "scene's" moved to clubs and parties have gone mainstream, you've got elements of vanity, competition, creepy guys, and hoochie mamas reinforcing societal standards. . . ughhh, give me old school Jubilations or Summer of Love over Buzz Nation anyday. . .

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Originally posted by scratchapella

that's why I miss parties. . . .no one was there to hook up. ... everyone was just friendly and respectful. . . if people were kissing and touching, it was a sensual thing, not sexual. . . now that the "scene's" moved to clubs and parties have gone mainstream, you've got elements of vanity, competition, creepy guys, and hoochie mamas reinforcing societal standards. . . ughhh, give me old school Jubilations or Summer of Love over Buzz Nation anyday. . .

But what does it matter if it was "sensual" or "sexual" - if the main purpose is to dance and listen to music, then neither sensual acts nor sexual acts belong there. Howeer, if you're there to dance, listen to music AND have fun then I think both are OK? In other words, I think sensuality and sexuality fall in same category as it applies to raves and clubs.

But its true that now its more mainstream, you DO have a lot more "thugs" and unfriendly people who kill the vibe!

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i disagree w/you Raver_mania.

You all know that parties were meant to be an comprehensive sensory experience (yes, so drugs are included), beautiful music, sounds, sights, smells, tastes, and that "warm happy" feeling. entire crews devoted to creating the ultimate visual experience sprung up along w/the music. . . i used to know some names, but they escape me rightn now. .. Sensual WAS different from sexual.

and I'm not saying that it was a whole new world order or some sorta counterculture (maybe countersubculture, but not out to change the rest of the world). and it wasn't hedonism either. . .

so i guess what i trying to recall, was that it actually was more than just the music. . .do I make any sense?

raise your hand if you know what i'm talking about. . .

anyways, everyone goes to parties/clubs for different purposes now, music, drugs, meat, fun, whatever, but it was nice when everyone came with a unifieded purpose/ideal in mind. . .

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Originally posted by raver_mania

I hate guys who go to clubs with hooking up as their prime motive. What happens is that they just stand around (or in the case of girls, do the hoochie dance in their little packs); and this completely kills the vibe.

Now, if you're dancing (or sitting in the chill room), happen to strike up a nice conversation with someone cool, and things lead to things, THEN I think its OK - I've been guilty of that before :D :D!

Well said RaverMania! Of course, I would NEVER hook up in a club! Well, okay, maybe once or twice! :laugh:

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Actually Scratch, I don't think we're disagreeing too much here...I agree that the whole "experience" can (not necessarily "should") be more than just about the music and dancing, ie, visuals, sounds, sights, smells, and yes even drugs...sensual in that sense IS different from sexual. However, I was just saying that sensual in the form of kissing and touching is not necessarily different from making out (kissing and necking), and in that sense is one and the same (sexually oriented) - and I think everyone has the right to incorporate this into their "experience". BUT taking this as far as having sex in the club is going too far, and becomes obscene.

My problem lies with the people who JUST go clubs to hook up (defined in my books as meeting people for the sole purpose of having sex), and couldn't give a damn if they're listening to Danny Howells or some DJ spinning Dr Dre. These people mess up the vibe.

Nowadays the focus seems to have moved from the party itself to the actual music and name DJs (unless my understanding of old skool parties if completely off).

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