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What do you guys think about people at clubs who are there just to hook up?


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Sensual, sexual it all the same thing everything leads up to the ultimate goal: HOOKING UP! :hump:

and even though guys are a bit more primal in this, all the skimpy outfits that some girls wear at clubs really make it difficult to resist, thats all the motivation we need.

Now if girls wore overalls to clubs, the hook-up rate would be less


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Originally posted by vicman

Sensual, sexual it all the same thing everything leads up to the ultimate goal: HOOKING UP! :hump:

and even though guys are a bit more primal in this, all the skimpy outfits that some girls wear at clubs really make it difficult to resist, thats all the motivation we need.

Now if girls wore overalls to clubs, the hook-up rate would be less


Yeah, all those hoochie mamas and guidos really tend to ruin the vibe (gross generalization, of course, but in most cases very true)!

I remember Twilo back in '99/early 2000...THAT was fuckin awesome! After that, though it was still one of the best clubs, it rapidly became too famous for its own good, with the result you had all the mainstream *lets go to Twilo coz its cool* people starting to infiltrate. It didn't kill the vibe (there were still too many hard-core people) but did dilute it quite a bit.

OK, I'm gonna stop whining now! :)

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Yeah, all those hoochie mamas and guidos really tend to ruin the vibe (gross generalization, of course, but in most cases very true)!

yuh, thats why I like to hang out in the second floor at Glow in the salsa & merengue room, pile on the hair grease and get meself some ghetto booty...woo-hoo!!!:grin2:

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I think it's fine to hook up at a club but on a more general level I think it's fine to do whatever the f**k you wanna do. I go to clubs for the music, I mean I'm not playing ping pong from NY to DC to come back to DC and hook up...(PVD or Tiesto ring a bell) but if I see a girl who is gorgeous and looks interested in me I'm not gonna put on blinders and put my foot in my mouth.

Of course there is a huge difference between meeting someone and getting their phone #'s and grinding on some helpless girl who really just wants to dance and listen to the music. But personally, when I walk by a couple that's making out in the middle of a crowd I don't think "ew get a room" or " oh these people must not be music fans" I don't even know these people...

yes it is kind of a scum bag move to go out with booty as a prime motivation to go somewhere but there's nothing wrong with hooking up if you feel like it

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Originally posted by djsizeup

I think it's fine to hook up at a club but on a more general level I think it's fine to do whatever the f**k you wanna do. I go to clubs for the music, I mean I'm not playing ping pong from NY to DC to come back to DC and hook up...(PVD or Tiesto ring a bell) but if I see a girl who is gorgeous and looks interested in me I'm not gonna put on blinders and put my foot in my mouth.

Of course there is a huge difference between meeting someone and getting their phone #'s and grinding on some helpless girl who really just wants to dance and listen to the music. But personally, when I walk by a couple that's making out in the middle of a crowd I don't think "ew get a room" or " oh these people must not be music fans" I don't even know these people...

yes it is kind of a scum bag move to go out with booty as a prime motivation to go somewhere but there's nothing wrong with hooking up if you feel like it

why dont you tell all about your little lady friend that came a'knockin at 6am...LOL:laugh:

ehhh...on second thought, maybe you shouldnt...;)

tell me whats up for glow this weekend bro.

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Originally posted by djsizeup

I think it's fine to hook up at a club but on a more general level I think it's fine to do whatever the f**k you wanna do. I go to clubs for the music, I mean I'm not playing ping pong from NY to DC to come back to DC and hook up...(PVD or Tiesto ring a bell) but if I see a girl who is gorgeous and looks interested in me I'm not gonna put on blinders and put my foot in my mouth.

Of course there is a huge difference between meeting someone and getting their phone #'s and grinding on some helpless girl who really just wants to dance and listen to the music. But personally, when I walk by a couple that's making out in the middle of a crowd I don't think "ew get a room" or " oh these people must not be music fans" I don't even know these people...

yes it is kind of a scum bag move to go out with booty as a prime motivation to go somewhere but there's nothing wrong with hooking up if you feel like it

Hmmm, that's quite an intelligent comment (of course, I have been drinking quite heavily so it may be the alcohol talking). I must say I have to agree with you. Unless someone's physically bothering you, hey, it's a free country. It's not some private club with an exclusive membership fee. It's a public place. I mean, if you really think about it, who are any of us to judge? Some people go to hook up. Some people go to get fucked up. Some people like the music. But in the end, it's no different than if I were to say 'I hate anyone that can't Nordic Trak smoothly on the dance floor. All those people should stay home cause they look like fools'. In the end, though, as long as nobody's getting in anyone's face, I guess it doesn't matter. Don't get me wrong, I find most forms of public display absolutely gross. But then again, some of the dance moves I've seen I find absolutely offensive and embarrassing as well.

Very profound, Sizeup. Or maybe it's just cause I'm drunk. But in any case, I'm going out to find me a hook up at a bar now. Wish me luck... :D:tongue: :tongue:

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Shady you said it well.... and of course you mention alcohol. I think one thing that causes people to get on each others' nerves at clubs ( some wanna hook up and get rowdy, some wanna chill and dance ) is the fact that some people are getting bombed, and some are doing bombs.... people who are rolling are in general gonna wanna do different things at clubs than people who are drunk and rowdy. I personally never hooked up with any girls at clubs when I used to roll but now that I don't do that anymore and just get trashed I find that now on occasion I'll hook up.

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Originally posted by djsizeup

Shady you said it well.... and of course you mention alcohol. I think one thing that causes people to get on each others' nerves at clubs ( some wanna hook up and get rowdy, some wanna chill and dance ) is the fact that some people are getting bombed, and some are doing bombs.... people who are rolling are in general gonna wanna do different things at clubs than people who are drunk and rowdy. I personally never hooked up with any girls at clubs when I used to roll but now that I don't do that anymore and just get trashed I find that now on occasion I'll hook up.

Well said djsizeup, reagrdless I still get slapped even if Im sober, drunk, on the roll or just passing by....yes: my mack is in the garbage. :D

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yeah raver a lot of people get horny on that stuff I don't know why it never happened with me....my only theory is that the pills actually took the place of girls....

vic why are you always so down on your game? Unless you have a weird body odor I didn't pick up when I met you you look like a guy who pimps it

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You can't possibly be mad because I turned you down last week? Don't worry it happens to the best of us, everyone gets rejected at least once, oh wait that was the second time I rejected you. Oh well you know what they say, third time is a charm!

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I know Vic I was all set for the meet-up on Sat. but I didn't get there until shortly after 2 so nobody was near the stairs. Hopefully this sat. I can get there earlier, or there can be a late meet up also for the tards like me that can't ever be on time.

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ok, last thing I'm going to say about this. promise. i know i sounded liked one of those gripey ex-raverkids always complaining about the "scene" changing n all. . .really though, I completely agree w/DJSizeup and the rest of you who've been saying "do whatever the fcuk you want to do" as long as it doesn't hurt or bother anyone else. but after all this talk about game, i'm curious to see how everyone here works it. . .:laugh:

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