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Very Important Please Read

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I have recently been studying energy fields around all living things, and the fact that even our thought patterns can alter another persons actions or thoughts as well, this comes to the conclusion that when two forms of energy come together in conflict, the result can be one of two things...

You can walk away feeling better, stronger, more confident, or you can feel weaker, lesser, not as worthy, and this can be all be explained through our energy...

Since time began every single struggle from the last bagle at Dunkin Donuts, to World Wars has come down to One wanting power over another's energy, for reasons being that we will feel better about ourselves by obsorbing or stealing someone's energy.....

As corny as it may sound, I just finished watching to movie "Pay it Forward," basically a movie about when someone does you a favor, instead of paying them back you do a favor for three different people,

And I cam to the conclusion that this idea is not so far fetched, if every person that recieved a favor from someone, if they were to return to the favor to three different people, then the level of enegy that already surrounds us would be that much greater. We would douse ourselves in our own energy, and no longer need to struggle for energy......

People now are struggling for everyone else's energy instead of concentration on their own,

Just an idea I thought I might let some of you grasp...


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first of all, i just have to say that i thought pay it forward was a piece of preachy crap.

but, if you think about it, karma is the same thing as "paying it forward." they didn't invent anything new there. even the assholes do good things for people in passing, for what goes around naturally comes around in the great scheme of things.

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Originally posted by scottyskribz57

I'm actually reading it right now, I'm in the middle of it, every time I pick it up I can't put it down :)......


i suspected this to be case; people speaking of energy fields and auras at one point or another have come across or read 'the celestine prophecy'.

perhaps this is why when you have a good night with a good dj and a good crowd, and we speak of 'vibes', this is what it's all about...the extension of all postive energy fields/auras from everyone in the room extending beyond their own body, to mesh with the person next to them, and the next, so that in the aggregate, we create one big aura...like a giant bubble of hazy, translucent radiating glow, holding us all captive and enrapturing us with one one giant and universally shared aura. (and that, folks, has got to be the longest run-on sentence)

either that or people are just popping too many pills. :laugh:

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Originally posted by loch

i suspected this to be case; people speaking of energy fields and auras at one point or another have come across or read 'the celestine prophecy'.

perhaps this is why when you have a good night with a good dj and a good crowd, and we speak of 'vibes', this is what it's all about...the extension of all postive energy fields/auras from everyone in the room extending beyond their own body, to mesh with the person next to them, and the next, so that in the aggregate, we create one big aura...like a giant bubble of hazy, translucent radiating glow, holding us all captive and enrapturing us with one one giant and universally shared aura. (and that, folks, has got to be the longest run-on sentence)

either that or people are just popping too many pills. :laugh:

Not necessarily... There's actually some argument that this is all magnetism... (one of these days I'll actually dig it up...sigh...)

One fact that the general population doesn't know about sharks is that it hunts, at least partially, through the detection of electromagnetic waves. In fact, all complex organisms seems to have this ability as well as the capacity to emit electromagnetic waves, including humans.

The most prevalent interpretation of human emission is perhaps what certain martial art practitioners refer to as "chi". Which in chinese literally means force or energy.

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xp, are you disagreeing with me or agreeing with me? (or neither, and just chiming in with your 1/2 penny?) ;)

cuz it looks even though no one knows the source or purpose of these 'energy fields/aura/chi/electromagnetic emissions/whathaveyou', there seems to be a consensus that such 'emissions' (NOT to be confused with emissions from your rectum) exist.

on second thought, it could all be hogwash. ::shrug::

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Originally posted by loch

xp, are you disagreeing with me or agreeing with me? (or neither, and just chiming in with your 1/2 penny?) ;)

cuz it looks even though no one knows the source or purpose of these 'energy fields/aura/chi/electromagnetic emissions/whathaveyou', there seems to be a consensus that such 'emissions' (NOT to be confused with emissions from your rectum) exist.

on second thought, it could all be hogwash. ::shrug::

just throwing in my 2 cents :D

but yes...the emissions from my rectum are undeniable as are the electromagnetic waves :laughs:

I have to dig up more info on this stuff one of these days.....maybe in my rectum....j/k

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