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aol and mailing lists


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So I just installed that 1000 hours free aol so I could try out these mailing lists going around, but I gottah say, either I don't know what I'm doing, or AOL 6.0 sucks. Let me know if these are common problems, or if its just me.

1st- when I download, it basically freezes the entire aol program. Im's are slowed to almost a halt, and everything is delayed.

2nd- I can only download one song at a time.

3rd-Download speeds are ridiculously slow

4th- When I upload, my entire computer is locked until the upload is finished.

Let me know if these are normal, or how to fix them b/c this is my first time ever using aol.


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ur computer might be a slow one too..

1st ?...thats normal when ur DLing something and everything else gets slower, cuz the DL is bein consentrated on...

2nd?...yea u can only DL 1 song at a time, unless ur using AG or Morpheus or sumthin obviously..

3rd?...it basically has to do with how Fast/slow ur computer is...that is normal, when im DLing something, i tend not to really do anything other than listen to music...cuz if ur doin a bunch of shit everything is goin to be slower...

4th?...thats normal, cant do anything while uploading, it sux!, but i never do any uploading..

Hope this helped u alittle bit...plus AOL 7.0 is already out, its aight, nothing special...

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Originally posted by halodbent

ur computer might be a slow one too..

1st ?...thats normal when ur DLing something and everything else gets slower, cuz the DL is bein consentrated on...

Hope this helped u alittle bit...plus AOL 7.0 is already out, its aight, nothing special...

for this one, I dont mean my entire computer is slow. Just the aol program. I can work regular speed on any other applications, but If I try to chat within AOL while I am downloading, all the IM windows and everything is semi frozen. It forces me to block everyone on my list.

Does AOL 7 correct any of this?

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Originally posted by sadelb

Yo Pangelid drop me an im and ill walk u through how to downlaod multipe files etc.. and a way to help ur computer from freezing.


Sadelb, thanx bro. I will try and hit you up next week cause this week I am finally going home from school in VA, and I dont have AOL at home.

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Originally posted by pangelid

for this one, I dont mean my entire computer is slow. Just the aol program. I can work regular speed on any other applications, but If I try to chat within AOL while I am downloading, all the IM windows and everything is semi frozen. It forces me to block everyone on my list.

Does AOL 7 correct any of this?

Ok, I've been representing (at times) on this board that I'm a geek, and I AM, BUT . . . and don't laugh, I've also been using AOL since 92', so i've got some insight into the evolution of the program. .

Originally, AOL didn't want you doing anything while you were either uploading or downloading so that the program could consentrate on handling the data. . It used to be that you COULDN"T receive or send IMs while up/downloading, but now you can indeed talk while doing these things. . there is a catch however. . If you are on a dialup connection, even 56k, the pipe (a geek term for your internet connection) just isn't large enough to handle the data transfer and the talk at the same time . . so you've got to choose. . you can still talk, but while downloading, youre trying to force even more data through a small pipe, which leads to a backup and slowdown in connection . . AOL is also a resource hog and VERY invasive to the system you're running it on (when you start the program, it does a system check to see if the dial up adapters are configured properly, if they aren't it will OVERWRITE to it's settings. . . This has been remedied in Win2000, but it STILL can fuck up any other installed network adapters in the system. . ). Being a resource hog, the program requires ALOT of the system's time to run properly, especially with intra-app activites (such as downloading and loading content) if your computer isn't incredibly fast (all for AOL . .LOL) and your pipe is too small, you're looking at major slowdown . . the best thing really to do is but your buddy list on total block and minimize the program and let it do it's downloading. . cause then it's running as a background process in the system and is NOT being interfered with by YOU the user. .

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my computer is slow as shit too, i have 7.0, what i do is when i open the mail and instead of clicking "download now" i click on "download later" and do that for about 5 songs, then do to download manager and click download and they will all download. and 7.0 allows u to upload and still function

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