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*ultra* @ SPA rules


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OK skippy what the fuck are you talkin bout ..following your other posts on other threads? I have never seen another post from your whack ass until this Spa thread .(I think the amyl nitrate poppers ur doin while your boyfriend violates ur ass is starting to affect your mind) and yes waiting for ur WEAK responses to this thread amuses me...

No, i dont live in NJ... born and bred in NYC and I thank God i dont live for that fashionista clique scene, I have been to all the spots you feel are above the rest of the common folk and there all the same bro. no vibe and all ATTITUDE(not the god kind) and like I told ya before colon cowboy ,SPA is ovah, has been for a yr and a half so Im glad u think ur on the cutting edge you friggin TOOL (gucci sunglasses ...u kill me Zlatang what is it 1999)

And as a WASP ...trust me i never would want to be called Euro anything ..nigga please I actully like to bathe unlike the Europeans

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Originally posted by zlatang

haha and then you say you are not reading my posts? get out of here!!!:D :D :D

once again Z-men THIS IS THE ONLY THREAD that i have read your inane comments on,thus my statement about your comments towards "bimbos" "guidos" and people from NJ. ANd if you just let this thread die a quicker death I wouldnt have to respond to your pathetic banter...so let it go bro

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Originally posted by bxbomb

(I think the amyl nitrate poppers ur doin while your boyfriend violates ur ass is starting to affect your mind) and yes waiting for ur WEAK responses to this thread amuses me...

No, i dont live in NJ... born and bred in NYC and I thank God i dont live for that fashionista clique scene, I have been to all the spots you feel are above the rest of the common folk and there all the same bro. no vibe and all ATTITUDE(not the god kind) and like I told ya before colon cowboy ,SPA is ovah, has been for a yr

and a half so Im glad u think ur on the cutting edge you friggin TOOL (gucci sunglasses ...u kill me Zlatang what is it 1999)

And as a WASP ...trust me i never would want to be called Euro anything ..nigga please I actully like to bathe unlike the Europeans

hmm i sense a lot of hatred towards europeans here! i wonder why...? + you are terribly homophobic - you keep making presumptions about my sexuality and my sexual role. insults like that usually betray WEAK persons who cannot solve their own problems regarding race/sexuality/(style) etc.

as for the gucci sunglasses which you keep bothering me with: i wrote a description of the people who go to SPA; that doesn't necessarily mean that i wear gucci! (us is at least 3 years late fashion-wise, so it's 1999 here!) trust me, i don't like their new grungy look at all!

and finally, how did you get into those fancy clubs? i bet that your boys from the hood/bouncers let you in.....

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Originally posted by bxbomb

once again Z-men THIS IS THE ONLY THREAD that i have read your inane comments on,thus my statement about your comments towards "bimbos" "guidos" and people from NJ. ANd if you just let this thread die a quicker death I wouldnt have to respond to your pathetic banter...so let it go bro

once again: you don't have to respond...and this thread is not going to disappear just because you want it! keep posting bit*h, and it will last forever!


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Originally posted by zlatang

not to let this *bomb* guy spoil our own fun here - how was your weekend? i went to roxy&earth and it was ok....before that an opening at MOMA - nice clothes and no champagne....how are you?:)


Must've been a :puke: party!!!

Well I'm tryin to finish my portfolio which is due this Thursday for Cooper Union. I hope I get in. Pray for me to get in !!!!! NOW!!! ;)

Sorry that I couldn't join u :( , but there is always next time. ;)

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Originally posted by bxbomb

..nigga please I actully like to bathe unlike the Europeans

Yea, you sound so CLEAN and CULTURED :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You've obviously haven't been out of Manhattan

I feel sorry for you :(

Wanna go to Europe with me this summer?

Oooops, you prob couldn't handle it; with all the dirty people and all.

Sorry I asked.

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Originally posted by boreese


Must've been a :puke: party!!!

Well I'm tryin to finish my portfolio which is due this Thursday for Cooper Union. I hope I get in. Pray for me to get in !!!!! NOW!!! ;)

Sorry that I couldn't join u :( , but there is always next time. ;)

well there was no champagne, but the shoes the ladies wore were *fabulous*. i thought that the audience was very interesting; the exhibition itself is great, especially the 3rd floor - you should see it after you finish the portfolio...good luck!!!


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Originally posted by zlatang

well there was no champagne, but the shoes the ladies wore were *fabulous*. i thought that the audience was very interesting; the exhibition itself is great, especially the 3rd floor - you should see it after you finish the portfolio...good luck!!!


Hmm, so ur sayin that as long as the shoes r HOT u'll have fun @ a party??? :confused:



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Originally posted by zlatang

- you keep making presumptions about my sexuality and my sexual role.

Zlatang--- PRESUMPTIONS...hahahahha thats pretty funny must be that european humor us Americans lack...

Boreese ..id love to go to Spain and England this summer u pickin up the tab? Ill bring the soap and shampoo for all:tongue:

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Originally posted by bxbomb

Zlatang--- PRESUMPTIONS...hahahahha thats pretty funny must be that european humor us Americans lack...

Boreese ..id love to go to Spain and England this summer u pickin up the tab? Ill bring the soap and shampoo for all:tongue:

hmm that was a very polite reply! it must be that you are being thaught some manners since you read these posts so frequently.

i am not here to criticise the americans, because i do spend considerable time here, and i think it would have been very impolite to do so!

however, to remark is not the same thing as to criticise, and, yes, i said that americans don't understand irony, but also i'm not the first to claim this....this country is based in belief, and irony would be a destabilising force to it....

as for PRESUMPTIONS - do i Know you? did we play b/ball in da hood?


so you can't tell whether i'm gay/bi/str8 etc.

as for going to europe, sure, bring more than just 3 soaps - you should actually distribute them to the poor people there who need a guy from US to show them how to take a bath/shower.

PS had it not been for the Spaniards, this continent would probably still be a white spot on the map of the world. without the brits, it wouldn't have been taimed and colonised. think about it *dude*!

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Originally posted by zlatang

so you can't tell whether i'm gay/bi/str8 etc.

THIS IS THE FUNNIEST THING WRITTEN IN CLUBPLANETS HISTORY....trust me Zlatang your sexual preference is quite evident with every keystroke....and not that I am antigay( trust me Im not ) ,so If you decide to rail on "Guidos"," bimbos" and AMericans...Ill make fun of your preference for MAN ASS.

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Originally posted by zlatang

hmm that was a very polite reply! it must be that you are being thaught some manners since you read these posts so frequently.

as for going to europe, sure, bring more than just 3 soaps - you should actually distribute them to the poor people there who need a guy from US to show them how to take a bath/shower.

PS had it not been for the Spaniards, this continent would probably still be a white spot on the map of the world. without the brits, it wouldn't have been taimed and colonised. think about it *dude*!

Yes Zlatang u are def. teaching me a lesson in manners:rolleyes:

And please for my uneducated American ass explain what u mean about the soap comment as well as The spaniards and Brits ...btw the Spaniards werent the first to discover America

PS z-- i just checked the FASHION board on Cp ..how come no words of wisdom??

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Originally posted by bxbomb

THIS IS THE FUNNIEST THING WRITTEN IN CLUBPLANETS HISTORY....trust me Zlatang your sexual preference is quite evident with every keystroke....and not that I am antigay( trust me Im not ) ,so If you decide to rail on "Guidos"," bimbos" and AMericans...Ill make fun of your preference for MAN ASS.

tsk tsk, that was quite silly! it really seems i gave you too much credit. don't you realise that the internet is THE ideal place to forge identities?

i may just as well be a 45 yo str8 businessman who enjoys teasing obnoxious people on this message board. you could be, for example, a latino housewife who gets turned on by bitchy comments. and there's NO WAY we can test whether these are true or not!


and please when did i make fun of the americans?:D :D

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Originally posted by bxbomb

Yes Zlatang u are def. teaching me a lesson in manners:rolleyes:

And please for my uneducated American ass explain what u mean about the soap comment as well as The spaniards and Brits ...btw the Spaniards werent the first to discover America

PS z-- i just checked the FASHION board on Cp ..how come no words of wisdom??

hey but you are getting nicer and nicer - that's called manners!!

haha, i never said americans were UNEDUCATED. you really like to ascribe to me these words of hatred, don't you? i'm a guest here, i repeat, and i act accordingly (that is with respect)!

however, if you consider yourself an uneducated american ass, i won't argue!


as for the discoveries: are you referring to the vikings? or to the fact that columbus was not a spaniard? the former is not a widely accepted fact, the latter is true, but he was still employed by Ferdinand and Isabela. (Gawd, do i need to teach american history here?)

fashion board: well, i abstained because i realised there isn't much to say on a board which discusses turtlenecks.....


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Ididnt understand what u meant by bringing 3 bars of soap?!#$...

Yes the norsemen founded america first not some dumbass hired-gun who accidently found america in search of trade routes so no u dont have to give me a history lesson...

I dont specifically think you are ANti-american but your tone in this whole thread has that typical condescending euro-attitude towards us Yanks...

And thanx for blowin up my spot and telling eveyone my true identity::::::::Rosalinda Garcia the turtleneck wearin mexican housewife...

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Originally posted by bxbomb

Ididnt understand what u meant by bringing 3 bars of soap?!#$...

Yes the norsemen founded america first not some dumbass hired-gun who accidently found america in search of trade routes so no u dont have to give me a history lesson...

I dont specifically think you are ANti-american but your tone in this whole thread has that typical condescending euro-attitude towards us Yanks...

And thanx for blowin up my spot and telling eveyone my true identity::::::::Rosalinda Garcia the turtleneck wearin mexican housewife...

columbus was not a gun man, you know that! he was a serious explorer. what the spaniards did later in the americas is another issue, but even that is debateable (there is evidence now that the so-called 'black legend' is a pure fabrication of the anglo-saxon historians)

and NO, i'm not a spaniard :tongue:

well there is a thing or two to be said about love&hate relationship between the new and the old continent! but this IS NOT a thread about politics. as a european, i find it difficult to understand the *american culture*. enough said!

haha, i think you're actually a very nice guy..oops, lady! well honey, put on your high-heels and join me @ spa ;)


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