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Everything posted by zlatang

  1. you are so right about that..but nyc is so close from philly so it's not a prob. also for this guy who likes philly so much -- please come and visit and be thrown out of a club at 2 am....
  2. whoops it seems you and i won't agree totally...however we can agree on iliana language, and one can tell what she/it (if she is she? -- no gender rubric filled there) is by the way she "writes"
  3. i couldn't agree more!!!! is there anything MORE MAINSTREAM in the usa than hip-hop? it's disgusting -- and rap was all about being Against the mainstream. it is a pure travesty now (never liked rap, it's as trashy as JLo and Puffy put together and squared by their lame lyrics.... :vomit: )
  4. that was quite generous...but what about getting kicked out of clubs in philly @ insane hours like 2am? ppl go out then in normal cities...and also what about the "afterhours" that end at 3.30? one pays an admittion that can go up to 20$ (higher than in roxy!!!!) to stay only for 1 hr???? that is insane for me. nyc is cheaper (not in the bad way) and better ... + it doesn't have the bad attitude philly and boston share. just my opinion...sure many will disagree
  5. :D ok i wanted to give it a try but you're absolutely right... (it was one of those greedy moments)
  6. also try the afterhours at discotheque at 6 am on sun....
  7. 1st -- the prob is that what you took wasn't e but something else...and we all know about this -- read the post on this thread which gives you a detailed info on what you may have taken. i haven't done a decent e in 2-3 years because they are so hard to get....
  8. can guys apply as well????
  9. sticky forever we vote... if only there was some real good mdma-based stuff....
  10. what do you think??? i think it's quite obvious....LOL
  11. gawd... we knew that, we're not impressed
  12. i went once and i was so-so. not as glam as it was before -- they play hip-hop too much...ughhh
  13. that was so 1999-2000...sad! for me it's kouros
  14. yes i like the altered brain better thank you
  15. well you can also put it in your medicine box...worked for me recently with the white queen....
  16. :D why do you need the GUIDO in the name of the website? put in www.njfarmers.com www.greaseheads.com www.meatheads.com
  17. i am so scared now.... go back to your basement in nj and play.....
  18. not embarassed at all -- why would i be?
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