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Bmore - scoop on Redwood Trust?


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anybody been to Redwood Trust in Baltimore? If so, what's the scoop. I've heard bits and pieces. In particular, what's the crowd/music? I live in Baltimore, so I'm afraid I already have an idea about the crowd. ;-) So, how about the beats? I'm thinking of checking it out tonight, but don't wanna go in blind.

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a friend of mine is one of the owners and well i have yet to go out there but., im told it looks great inside excellent sound system phazon as ya all know.. i forgot who he said the DJ's were. but its open till 4am. on fri sat.. and a PLUSH vip room lol

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I've been there the past 2 weekends in a row and I love it. It is nothing like any of the bars/clubs here in Baltimore. It is very classy, the music and sound system is awesome, and the lights and decor are nice as well. The crowd is classy, but not snobby and no one is dressed like a slob. The drinks aren't too expensive and as long as you get there between 10:00 - 10:30 (I know that's early), you won't have to wait in the ridiculously long line that starts to form around 11:00. I def. reccomend it it's a nice change of crowd and scenery and the sound system is phat. I think the DJ is from the Spot and I've heard of plans to book big name Dj's in the future. If you get a chance to check it out - ENJOY!

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I had a chance to check it out last weekend and here's a quick review. I was impressed and would certainly be back. ANd, the cover was only $10, which is a bargain by NYC standards.

First, the space is very cool. Plenty of side rooms to chill out in and escape some of the madness. lots of comfy seating to relax on. They obviously put a ton of thought into the design and it shows. There's a downstrairs lounge, that has a separate DJ playing quiter chillout music. nice escape from the main floor. The staff was cool and friendly.

The sound system is indeed Phazon. For most of the night, they were operating at half steam, but towards the end, you could hear 'em crank it up and it was CLEAN. But, it's very loud. I know it's not the coolest look, but ear plugs would help save your hearing, even if it is that distortion free phazon sound.

The crowd. . .this is obviously subjective and these are just generalizations. It's an 'upscale' goodlooking crowd, but still kind of cheezy (IMHO, but we are talking about Baltimore). It's certainly 'dress to impress'. Not much in the way of 'clubwear/sneakers' and the crowd looked older than other spots I've been to. avg 25-35? Lots of the women looked like hoochies and 1/2 the guys looked like they were jacked up on 'roids - they were just huge. But, people were generally cool and I didn't witness any 'roid rages or fights, so that's a plus. Ok, that sounds a bit harsh, but it wasn't that bad. Everybody was perfectly reasonable.

This place will be a big deal on the east coast, and is a huge score for baltimore/dc adult clubbing life. Go Baltimore!

I plan on going back for more.

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Some friends wanted to check it out next Saturday so I may be there depending on what goes on at Deep Dish the night before and whether I need to just crash.

I figured it'd be that kind of dress to impress crowd that made me not want to ever go to clubs in the first place, but I want to check out the sound system in a non-Twilo setting and get a feel for the place so I'll know what to expect if they do start getting some DJs around that I really want to hear. I guess I better go by some nice clothes, nice shoes, and some steroids.

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I was there this past friday night. I have to say that I was quite impressed...though I was drunk as a skunk by the end of the night...I asked my girlfriend how we got home the next morning 'cuz I had no clue...anyways. The sound was nice, crisp and clear and the crowd was decent too...shawn q or leni k (whichever was on the decks that night) was dropping a lot of the crowd pleasers, aka iio and numerous others and apparently some brittney spears remix, wtf??? my girlfriend told me about the brittney track 'cuz the last half hour of the night doesn't exist in my brain...

i can't speak about drink prices 'cuz there was no money left in my wallet the next day and i'm not sure how much i took out with me...there was one weird thing though, they stopped serving drinks towards the end of the night and only had shots, which meant my night went down the tubes...especially after the glass full of blackhaus...

anyways, i'd give the place a thumbs up, especially if they get some talent to spin in there...


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Just discovered their cool door policy. Once you're in, you can leave and comeback. You just have to wait in line (if there is one) and pass through security again to get back in. That makes life much easier and probably cuts down on 'abuses' that may happen in the club.

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