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Laura Bush is...


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agreed. anyone that wants to see how horrible the taliban are towards women can go to fawa.org and see for themselves.

this just SCREAMS boardroom meetings, political strategists and just general b.s.

note that she never one said that she had actually BEEN to afganistan. congrats, she can read a newspaper. what's next - jenna bush going on the radio saying "the college girls in afganistan have no access to fake ids"?

i believe that the us is correct in its goal of overthrowing the taliban - they are, after all, a bunch of oppressive animals. make no mistake about it - i also believe that if 1/100th of what's on fawa.org is true the treatment of women in afganistan is deplorable. but i also believe that the amerikan government is trying to play this bullshit propoganda war both at home and within the arab community and i'm just not buying it.

get real - the last time a government had so much influence on, say, the film industry was in cini-citta in italy UNDER THE FASCISTS! what the hell do they think this is? triumph of the will? will leni reifenshtal direct an epic involving george w. descending from the heavens in a rocket ship now? how stupid do they think american citizens really are?


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Originally posted by dialectics

agreed. anyone that wants to see how horrible the taliban are towards women can go to fawa.org and see for themselves.

this just SCREAMS boardroom meetings, political strategists and just general b.s.

note that she never one said that she had actually BEEN to afganistan. congrats, she can read a newspaper. what's next - jenna bush going on the radio saying "the college girls in afganistan have no access to fake ids"?

i believe that the us is correct in its goal of overthrowing the taliban - they are, after all, a bunch of oppressive animals. make no mistake about it - i also believe that if 1/100th of what's on fawa.org is true the treatment of women in afganistan is deplorable. but i also believe that the amerikan government is trying to play this bullshit propoganda war both at home and within the arab community and i'm just not buying it.

get real - the last time a government had so much influence on, say, the film industry was in cini-citta in italy UNDER THE FASCISTS! what the hell do they think this is? triumph of the will? will leni reifenshtal direct an epic involving george w. descending from the heavens in a rocket ship now? how stupid do they think american citizens really are?


Is it fawa.org or rawa.org? I thought it was RAWA.

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Well DUH....it's the First Lady for gods sake.....it comes with the territory. She's not lying....sure we have been beaten over the head with this info but she's just doing her job.....and she's right. A lot of people aren't glued to the TV allday and aware of these things.:blank:

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I'm soooo glad to see that someone else picked up on this one.

Each day in Africa, an outrageous number of young girls and INFANTS are raped and sodomized b/c of an imbedded cultural myth that having sex with a virgin will cure HIV. Are we planning to launch a feminist crusade in these nations as well? Or do we reserve our humanitarian concern for those nations that are strategically helpful? Or oil-rich?

It's infuriating to suggest that this "War on Terrorism" (an oxymoron, btw) is somehow motivated by a concern for women's rights. It's insulting, and the worst sort of propaganda.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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If you're so unpatriotic as to be constantly berating the country you live in, its leaders, and its policies..........you're better off moving out altogether.

Go join bin Laden or something, see if you like it.

Sorry, but this US bashing is uncalled for being that 5000 innocents of us were summarily massacred just a few weeks ago.

Sometimes you gotta appreciate the ground you walk on 'cause that's all you got.

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Forget the problem with Africa as anywhere else in the world. We can't put our interests in every part of the world that needs it. And of course its motivated by needs of our own with regard to oil...etc........any other country would act the same. As a matter of fact....I don't see ANY other nations acting up to pursue their interest in countries of need....unless they have valuable interest that reside there......but the US should be critized for not acting in every way, shape and form to those who have been ignored.....I don't think so! :rolleyes:

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i really dont give a goddamn what laura bush has to say anyway..she wasnt the one elected to the presidency....Did anyone ask Joe Torre's wife what went wrong in the world series this year...NOOO...you know why ....cuz no one gives a shit what she thinks!!

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Originally posted by musicbeat

If you're so unpatriotic as to be constantly berating the country you live in, its leaders, and its policies..........you're better off moving out altogether.

Go join bin Laden or something, see if you like it.

Sorry, but this US bashing is uncalled for being that 5000 innocents of us were summarily massacred just a few weeks ago.

Sometimes you gotta appreciate the ground you walk on 'cause that's all you got.

laura bush isnt a leader nor does she make policy....she is just a babbling idiot:tongue:

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yes it is rawa.org - sorry that was a typo :(

thanks nils for making my position clear.

btw: i have no problem with a country's leadership acting in its own best interest - it is a perfectly rational, albeit selfish modus operandi.

the problem is when you do it in the name of humanitarian goodwill - that is utterly disgusting.

there are no words to describe my outrage that the sept 11 attacks happened, nor the sadness i feel for the innocent victims and their families.

but blood begets blood, and we as the world superpower should take the initiative to end the cycle of bloodshed and not succumb to our thirst for revenge.

take a look at the meteor shower last night - now imagine those were cruise missiles. then imagine that as they were being dropped on your city, you were being told it was for your own good.

if the united states wants to use its wealth, power and technology to protect the worlds innocents, then it should do so in ALL cases of genocide and oppression, and not just the ones with vested corporate interests. if we're out to "nuke a couple of camel-fuckers" then just say so. don't behind this mask of liberating the world from oppression. i wonder how much humanitarian aid will land on uzbekistan.....

musicbeat: this may be all we've got but it doesn't have to stay that way...


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Look,roboFUCK, I am not from Afghanistan, and even if I was I'd be fucking proud of it. If you don't like what I have to say, then just turn the other cheek. I'm not talking to you.I'm talking to people who matter in here and who can reply back to this without resorting to cheap insults.

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WTF is the problrem? Laura Bush is in a figurehead position as 1st Lady, just like every other 1st lady before her ,so they give her a topic to speak out on and it is one that no one should have a problem with ..even Sassa ,sorry she didnt make this speeech to fit into your time line of what is relevant or current at the time...TOOL

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. . . I do think most of the people replying here are confusing dissatisfaction pertaining to the current administration with unpatriotic hatred of our country . . . .

I myself can say that I was a bit irked when I saw the PSA that Laura Bush spoke in . . but not for the content, for the slickness. . . People like me are dissolutioned with the fact that these people who are preaching solidarity and prosperity for Afghani women are the same ones who sneer at people not in their socio-economic strata . . How much preaching did you do for the poor in Texas darlin? . . . I didn't think so . . .

. . It's like: It's ok if you're an opressed foreigner, but if you're an oppressed national, then we don't give a fuck . . .

. . But then again, I could be wrong . . .

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