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flying the friendly skies

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I've flown on 6 round trips. Nothing was different the first few times except some National Guard standing 20 feet from the security check points. Flights were empty.

Recently, they've been frisking random people and going thru some people's carry on's at the gate.

Flights are getting more crowded.

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i flew out of La Guardia on the weekend of 10/13 and it was DEAD everywhere. No major lines, no delays, nothing. I was very surprised at the lack of security. No one even went through our luggage by hand. In fact, I wanted them to check it thoroughly. The only noticeable difference was that they had 2 armed national guardsmen at the security gates. A few more security hand detectors. A few random searches.. all in all b.s. I encountered more security checks from the airport in Columbus, OH. What a joke. Be careful, and most of all drink a few on the way there. It'll help to calm ya down. :)

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I just flew this past weekend to Norfolk Virginia rountrip (came back on Sunday), my first time since 9/11.

I flew out of JFK at the Delta Terminal. I went 2 hours early and it was still crazy. Delta terminal (this isn't new, always has been like this) has it damn security check at the entrace of the terminal before you even check in or get to the ticket counter. So I think cuz of the holiday season (I flew on friday evening) it was crowded, took like 20 minutes on line outside the terminal just to get in. Besides that they were just a little more secure, using the wand detector thing on me very slowly, and there were national guards with machine guns standing buy. Besides that it was the same. Just slower.

Also random security checks when you are at the gate and you give your ticket to board.

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