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att: Mimi


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Originally posted by meng

Unfortunately none of the moderators have been able to help me with my problem with the PM's. Although my inbox is totally cleared up, I still get an "inbox full" message evertime I get a PM....just like now with you......so I'm screwed until someone helps me out.....in the meantime, just email me at:


Kewl, will do hun...

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mimid, you also might want to email jenny craig, she might be able to help you out with your fat rolls, i'm not to sure about your busted-ass face. i guess somethings you just have to deal with....sorry 'boutcha bad luck/looks!!!

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Originally posted by dgat

mimid, you also might want to email jenny craig, she might be able to help you out with your fat rolls, i'm not to sure about your busted-ass face. i guess somethings you just have to deal with....sorry 'boutcha bad luck/looks!!!

If youre nice to girls.......they will be nice back.

*FYI- last time I checked Mimi was a top-shelf honey.......

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I think this thread said Attn: mimid..... Not attention dgat. Now that we're on the subject, would you happen to have Jenny Craigs #, sounds like a good idea, I should give her a call, i've been wanting to loose weight. I'd really appreciate it dgat.... Once again, thanx.

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Originally posted by joeygk

If youre nice to girls.......they will be nice back.

*FYI- last time I checked Mimi was a top-shelf honey.......

Thanx Joe, you're a top-shelf honey yourself...... :D BTW, you going to pappa right?

DGAT, if you go to Stereo this Wed., please bring me the # for Jenny Craig.

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Originally posted by mimid

I think this thread said Attn: mimid..... Not attention dgat. Now that we're on the subject, would you happen to have Jenny Craigs #, sounds like a good idea, I should give her a call, i've been wanting to loose weight. I'd really appreciate it dgat.... Once again, thanx.

Yeah dgat, thanks dude. I appreaciate you looking out for my sister like that :)

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Originally posted by dgat

mimid, you also might want to email jenny craig, she might be able to help you out with your fat rolls, i'm not to sure about your busted-ass face. i guess somethings you just have to deal with....sorry 'boutcha bad luck/looks!!!

There you go again DGAT, knocking off girls ... what the fuck is wrong with you prick? are you so sexually deprived that you have to bring women down because your a fucking nerd and no girl would even lay a fucking finger on you? sad but true little man ( and I mean it in ALL sense of the word, little man =D ) ... I bet you wouldn't even dare to come up to us at a club, not even to introduce yourself. It would be a good thing actually, I fear turning into stone asshole. "Never Bin Laiden" should be your new screen name for the board or better yet, just plain "fucking idiot" ... How dare you come on here and insult my girl when you dont even know her or seen her? better yet, insult a woman? goes to show the kind of class you have, absolutely none. You wouldnt even know what to do with a girl of her caliber, actually, you wouldnt know what to do with a girl period. "Um? what am I supposed to do with this?" is what you said the last time you even came remotely close to taking off your shirt cocksucker. So, do us both a favor, for the board and for the world ... FUCK OFF ASSHOLE ......

DGAT, should you feel the need to further insult women, please feel free to PM me with a desired meetup place, and we'll take care of it there ....

Joey, good looking out ...

Mina, check your PM's ;)

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Dgat is actually Beyondo Fag.You can tell by the lack of balls and the childish behavior he displays.You and your female persona Dgat are both dick sucking,Cum swallowing assholes.How much redicule can you take before calling someone out for a face to face you pussy.Sorry ladies for the language.Just trying to get this asshole out of his hiding place.

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Listen up dorks!!! First off mimid is a fat, ugly & odds are, a bitch. how do i know this, well her fat ass is pictured on the board!!!

Sorry i don't spend my time checking out the website waiting for people to respond to posts. i'll get to it when i get to it, nobody is hiding, unlike you geeks i have a life and don't recheck the board every 15 minutes!!

Pod you are an absolute nobody, and you will always amount to nothing more than a pile of shit. as for you tearing me an asshole, puhlleeeasseee. And another thing i never claimed i'd be wasting my time destroying you!! and no i won't go to jail, a term club geeks should be familiar with... i'm in the biz!!

Digital if mimid is your girl than, you've got issues yourself. if you can't get a better piece of ass than that you might as well be gay.

You dorks can chirp all you want about me i don't give a fuck, as long as i'm in your head, and make your pathetic existence worse, the more i love it.

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Originally posted by dgat

Listen up dorks!!! First off mimid is a fat, ugly & odds are, a bitch. how do i know this, well her fat ass is pictured on the board!!!

Sorry i don't spend my time checking out the website waiting for people to respond to posts. i'll get to it when i get to it, nobody is hiding, unlike you geeks i have a life and don't recheck the board every 15 minutes!!

Pod you are an absolute nobody, and you will always amount to nothing more than a pile of shit. as for you tearing me an asshole, puhlleeeasseee. And another thing i never claimed i'd be wasting my time destroying you!! and no i won't go to jail, a term club geeks should be familiar with... i'm in the biz!!

Digital if mimid is your girl than, you've got issues yourself. if you can't get a better piece of ass than that you might as well be gay.

You dorks can chirp all you want about me i don't give a fuck, as long as i'm in your head, and make your pathetic existence worse, the more i love it.

Does this mean your not going to the next CP meetup?

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Never amount to nothing, huh? I'm enjoying my life, that's all anyone can ask for.

In the biz huh? Well, state who you work for then. I'll start:

I work by day for CDC Design.

By night I do freelance photography, and am a contributor to cooljunkie.

Just to show you I don't have to hide behind a nickname...

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